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Personal Narrative: My First Track Team

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As I approach the starting line, all I can hear is the voice in the back of my head telling me “Push harder!” and “Keep up with the rest of the group!” As the gun sounds, I begin to run. As my run became a sprint, I felt my heart pounding and my lungs beginning to tighten. All I heard was the crowd of people starting to cheer as I began to take off. No matter how hard I pushed myself, I realized there was no way I could make my legs move as fast as I wanted them to.
Once I crossed the finish, I found myself yet again disappointed. The next day at practice, my coach read off everyone’s times and I felt my heart sink. In that moment I had realized my times were not in line with my other teammates which frustrated me. Even though I got a fairly …show more content…
I experienced a lot of failure and frustration that year, but those challenges also taught me a lot about perseverance and strength. At the beginning of the season, I was just hoping to keep up with the heat. I was not focused on my time. But as the track season went on, the pressure and high expectations grew every day. It was also the most amount of pressure I have ever put on myself.
With an individual sport such as track, it is easy to compare yourself to others and become intimidated. I recall always feeling like my races were the end all be all to my track career. To me, success meant making it to the finals. Success also meant coming in the top three and breaking my PR. I constantly compared myself to competitors who were twice my size. Back in eighth grade, my coach put me into an event I had never ran before. As we were lining up about to start the race, I realized the girl I was running against had run this event all season. Not only was she completely experienced in running the 300m, but she also was much taller than me. In my mind, a taller person has much more of an advantage in comparison to a shorter person. I was completely intimidated. It took a lot for me to understand that comparing myself to someone who was twice my size is completely unrealistic. I spent most of the indoor season trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, why I was losing most of my races. It was not until the …show more content…
I was no longer enjoying track. Instead, I was constantly having negative self talk. On top of the negative self talk, I was always trying to prove myself of my high expectations. Eventually I just told myself that pushing myself this much is not going to benefit me in anyway. For the rest of that season I began to take credit for what I could do and focus on things I could control. I learned to give myself a break and also continued to work hard. I actually found myself improving in my races just from a small change in my attitude. Track was an experience where I did not realize the impact it had on my life until now. As I look back as a high school senior, I now realize running track in middle school has had such a huge impact on my

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