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Executive Performance Pillar: Performance Systems

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9) Spiritual security,
10) Successful children, and
11) Being content.
A system of performance that an organization puts in place needs to be cognizant of these determinants of personal success. SELF-TEST
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5, 1 being least true and 5 being most true on the point shared below in relation to your position at the moment. Executive Performance Pillar: Performance Systems and its Corresponding Proof Points Score
PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS • Performance management system (clear performance indicators and targets; involvement and evaluation of both parties – staff and supervisors) • Track, monitor and evaluate performance at regular intervals (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) • Have appropriate consequences for …show more content…
Being used to set and agree performance expectations
4. Recruitment process to specify desired behaviours and competences. Critical competences from the tool may be indicated in the role profile.
A Worked Example of an Application of EPT
Below I give an example of how the tool may be used in selecting the most critical areas of strengths and improvement. Figure 5.5 shows the scoring for relevance on a scale of 1 to 5.
Figure Description of Scoring Scales
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Relevance to the situation / role Totally irrelevant Mostly irrelevant Slightly irrelevant / relevant Mostly relevant Extremely relevant
Assessment of gap. Extent to which its missing Always present Mostly present Slightly present / missing Mostly missing Totally missing

Figure is an illustration of how the scale in Figure 5.5 is used to assess level of relevance and competence gaps for an imaginary executive in the 8 pillars of executive performance. The scores in column C help in prioritizing pillars to focus on during an executive coaching program.
Figure: EPT as a Tool to Guide Priority Setting for Performance Enhancement Action Executive Performance Pillar Relevance
(A) Assessment Gap(B) …show more content…
Scores used are ad hoc numbers for demonstration only
2. (A) shows how relevant the Pillar is to a goal / role / situation. Depending on what is involved in the coaching program.
3. (B) shows the size or extent of the gap. More priority is given to a bigger gap.
4. (C) shows the scoring which will serve as the basis for prioritising
5. (D) shows priorities are given from 1 to 8 in descending order of importance

Interpretation of the Scores:
The tool is designed to make use of coachees’ strengths and weaknesses. Scores at both ends (highest and lowest) are therefore important in a coachee’s journey towards enhanced performance as they leverage strengths and manage challenges. Figure 5.7 shows a suggested guide to interpretation of the scores.
Figure : Suggested Guide to Interpretation of the Scores
Score Interpretation
Less than 5 A critical strength to be used as a lever in driving performance
Between 9 and 5 An important strength may be used as a lever in driving performance
Between 10 and 15 Needs watching, it could go either way depending on circumstances
Between 16 and 20 Important gap, should be considered for inclusion in program
Above 20 Critical gap, has to be closely

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