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Methamphetamine Research Paper

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Methamphetamine is known for being extremely addictive. Known as “ice,” meth is a neurotoxin stimulant that produces a strong euphoria. Crystal methamphetamine is particularly known for being a condensed, dangerous version of the drug. Once someone becomes addicted, they must learn how to detox from ice. Detox can be challenging and dangerous, so it is important to only detox under medical supervision.

Withdrawal Symptoms From Meth

As someone learns how to detox from ice, they will most likely go through a range of withdrawal symptoms. This man-made stimulant has a powerful effect on the dopamine levels in the brain. When someone abuses this drug, it leads to a sense of euphoria and excitement.

Over time, the brain becomes used to having …show more content…
This drop in dopamine levels fuels different withdrawal symptoms. Many individuals experience physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

Among the many withdrawal symptoms, patients are likely to experience anhedonia. This term means that the user basically loses their ability to feel satisfaction or pleasure when they stop using. While this withdrawal symptom can be challenging, it will often be alleviated after continued abstinence. Other withdrawal symptoms include:

- Mild …show more content…
Inpatient detox is generally the best option to help manage cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms. During withdrawal, many patients experience an intense desire to use again to stop their withdrawal symptoms. If they are in an inpatient treatment center, they are unable to access drugs until treatment is complete. This helps to boost recovery rates while ensuring the patient is as comfortable and safe as possible.

While each patient and detox center may be unique, there is generally a standard process that patients will go through. Initially, individuals will go through intake. They will be assigned an addiction specialist who documents the patient's history of drug abuse, co-occurring disorders, the amounts used and the types of drugs used. This information will be used to create the treatment plan.

Afterward, patients are introduced to the treatment facility. They will be given a room. Meanwhile, their belongings will be checked for any contraband. A physical examination will be done by a doctor as the patient's medical history is

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