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Personal Narrative: Black Farmers In The United States

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It was a cold winter day when my mother brought me along with her to go to the supermarket. My hands were cold like ice and I could barely move them, I just knew the supermarket would have this same feeling. As I walked through the aisles of the fruits and vegetables, a thought scattered across my mind like a mice running from their predator. I thought to myself how did farmers manage to take care of the produce and do they have any chemicals on them? My thought made me pace through the aisles, I kept wondering about the fruits and vegetables because they symbolize the memories of my mother and how she experienced life on the farm. My mother’s grandfather was a farmer of the farm they lived near. She told me memories of her being …show more content…
He knew that there were people who were less fortunate and could not afford to buy groceries so he made it possible for everyone to have produce. Produce was an important necessity to everyone who lived on the farm. My mother described her childhood on the farm as very unique and different from the urban areas. She believed that life on the farm has helped her to become an independent person. According to “Black Farmers in America” by the USDA it states “farming as a family-owned and independent business has been an important part of the social and economic development in the United States. But for black farmers it was more often than not a losing struggle.” (USDA). This shows that the black farmers who farmed in that era has experienced a lot to make ends meet. My great grandfather went through the discrimination of his skin color. Although my grandfather went through many challenges to fulfill his mission of farming, he overcame those obstacles and stood strong for what he believed …show more content…
His determination and perseverance motivates me because it shows that the challenges and obstacles are just bumps in the journey and will overcome this hard time. Knowing this information about my great grandfather makes me happy that I come from a background of ancestors that were fearless and willing to take risks to make anything happen. No matter the size of the risk it's all about how bad do you want something and how are you going to make it your mission to get

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