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Dropping My Writing Class

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In high school I really didn’t have that many writing assignments that were graded for quality. If I did I normally got a three out of five, writing isn’t my strong suit. I hate having to put my thoughts on paper or even talking about them. The comments I got back on my writing was either I needed more detail or explaining. I usually had grammar issues and misplaced commas. My feelings towards writing are horrible I hate having to write anything. In the future I want to be able to pick up a pencil and not have to struggle to make a paragraph like I am doing now. During my last semester here I had to drop my ENC1101 class because writing papers was about 80% of your grade and every paper I got back I failed. I am not the one to fail any type of class I had no choice to drop the class. The writing lab didn’t really help me either but there was one paper that I got a B on it was an argumentative style paper, the topic was different parenting styles and the outcomes on the children. This semester I need to work writing in general and everything to improve writing. …show more content…
I never really make a draft because I feel like it will take too much away from the final paper. After I am done with a paper I just turn it in. I am normally fed up at that point and do not want to look at the paper again. That is one of my biggest flaws is that I get to aggravated too easily when things aren’t easy for me. Recently I found a website that grades your papers I have been using that to check most of my papers. My English professor made us write our papers in class and place a stamp on them once she checked them over so there was no way for me to edit my paper after it was stamped. My grandma is the best writer I know but I don’t want to keep asking her for help because I am stubborn. I want to learn on my own I can’t keep going to her for

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