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Mt. Holiday Case Study

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On the south east edge of the East Arm Traverse Bay ("Mt. Holiday," n.d.) in Traverse City, Michigan lies a fifty-three year old non-profit ski resort ("Non-Profit Mission Statements," n.d.). According to the "About" section of the Mt. Holiday website, Mt. Holiday came into existence when a group of local businessmen received permission to construct a ski run on state owned land in 1949. With the help of donations, prison labor, and volunteers Mt. Holiday was created. When Warren and Sue Brosch purchased Mt. Holiday in 1985, they added a tube run, a terrain park, and two chairlifts. Sue Brosch placed Mt. Holiday up for sale after Warren Brosch's death in 1999. With concern that the mountain would be sold and developed on, a group of volunteers formed the nonprofit corporation Mt. Holiday Inc. and purchased the land. The group raised money in order to purchase the land, refurbish the amenities, and open the mountain to the public ("About-Mt. Holiday," n.d.). …show more content…
Holiday's mission is to provide for its patrons with outdoor recreation for all four seasons and build strong bodies and minds for all ages with continuing focus on disadvantaged youth in a safe, healthy, and clean environment ("About- Mt. Holiday," n.d). Going back to the beginning of the assignment, provided through the assignment instructions, according to the website provided, Mt. Holiday's mission is to "provide affordable, educational, and outdoor recreational activities in a safe, clean, and inviting environment for people of all ages through sound business and management practices" ("Non-Profit Mission Statements,"

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