Premium Essay

How Mathilde's Life Changed In The Necklace

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Words 294
Pages 2
It’s a lot of life crisis that happens like the event that occurred in The Necklace, and it happens because of the deleterious effects like lies, fears, and assumptions. People get left damaged for days, months, or even years, maybe just because of somebody else actions. It really damages a person when the other individual life goes on like nothing happened. In the Necklace, Mathilde life changed over ten years because of a lie and fear.

Mathilde went from poor to poorer trying to fix a problem ,but at the end she got screwed over, which brings me to the deleterious effects from Taniya and Tj life. To Taniya, Tj was so perfect and she couldn’t see him doing anything to break her heart. Taniya trusted Tj with her heart so much that when

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