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Bullying: The Epidemic Of Cyberbullying

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Picture this: you get home from school, a long, boring, treacherous day at school, all you want to do now is endorse yourself in the deep depths of social media. Earlier that morning, you posted “so tired this morning,” now you’ve found a comment. The comment reads: “Nobody cares! Kill yourself!” As exaggerated as this example may seem, there are hurting people in the world who feel the need to bully people on social media. This epidemic is known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been a problem for years, and it has been negatively affecting innocent people’s lives from the start.
Cyberbullying (as most people may know) is specifically known as: intentional and repeated harm inflicted on people through the use of computers, cellular telephones, and other electronic devices (Bram and Dickey). On social media and other electronic devices, anybody could fall victim to cyberbullying at any time; for the poor souls that do fall under this unfortunate category of victims are known for showing behaviors such as: depression, anxiety, or even committing suicide. According to a …show more content…
The answer to this question is simple; as the famous saying goes, “hurt people hurt people.” Incase you aren’t reading this quote correctly, I will elaborate. What this quote is saying is that people who are feeling emotionally disturbed or depressed sometimes feel the need to make other people feel the same way. And what better way to accomplish this malicious task then doing it under an anonymous title on social media? Of course this isn’t always the case. There are some people that feel the need to lower people’s self-esteem on the media for popularity, revenge, frustration, or (in some soul shattering situations) just for a laugh. Hopefully the last reason listed above isn’t a liable purpose for cyberbullying; however, those are some of the central

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