Premium Essay

Flawless Flaws

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The flawed and the flawless! Why couldn't God make the world flawless?
God made the world beautiful, but humans made it a living hell. Go out in the morning, at the crack of dawn and you will see birds chirping, the parent birds going out and fetching food for their offspring, Elephant taking care of its younger child, Tigers saving up food for the tigress and their offspring. Nature was meant to be beautiful but there was one flaw... humans. Human beings have emotions and emotions can be good or bad. Good emotions do no harm but bad ones do the harm.
If God created us with loving purposes in mind, if we share qualities that have their counterpart in God himself, if we are his personal representatives, put here to care for his creation why is the world in such a mess? To deny that something is wrong is simply to be …show more content…
The days of safe open spaces are gone, even doors are not enough but locks are required. Laws are not good enough but we need police as many are outlaws. The literacy rates are up dispelling ignorance. But the worst wars are fought by most literate nations.
The governments have failed to govern. We may well accept the fact that we are far from perfect, but it is an in-built tendency of human nature to blame others for our faults. We are masters at making excuses.
Pleasure and pain are two ends of duality, two sides of the same coin, but they should not be taken as separate. They are one. Pleasure in itself will hold no attraction for you if you are not in pain. Joy is a movement from pain to pleasure.
Most people regard God to be a flawless role model. If He said it was so, then it must be true. With all this leadership and wisdom to draw upon, there should be no reason society is in such disarray. The Word of God gives more guidelines on morality than any other issue, and yet the area of ethics prevails as the area of one of mankind's most glaring

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