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Individual Autonomy Summary

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Wedgewood that the word marriage carries a connotation of unity that allows a couple to easily inform those around them of their relationship. Therefore, by allowing marriage to be extended to same-sex couples, it provides them with the ability to clearly signal to the surrounding community how they want their relationship to be interpreted, as well as allowing their relationship to contain the intangible benefits that are found in marriage. Yenor presents a picture of individual autonomy, which he uses to advocate against same-sex marriage. Individual autonomy, as he classifies it, consists of a person being able to make every choice without the influence of others, societal norms, legal pressure, or countless other forms of influencing factors. This autonomy must even transcend the mandates that our bodies place on us, as we are unable to make choices on how tall we are or in how we are born. Per Yenor, this individual autonomy is unable to exist inside of marriage or family life because autonomous bonds must be allowed to be constantly restructured or changed which inhibits the deeply trusting bonds that need to be in a marriage or family for it to be strong. The factors of parenting, sex, procreation, and endurance of marriage are what bond marriage and family together …show more content…
However, from this point on, their views begin to differ. Wedgewood believes that marriage should be extended to same-sex couples, allowing their marriage the same social meaning that a heterosexual couple’s would have. Conversely, Yenor states that since the goal marriage is raising children in community, then the man-woman bond is indispensable and therefore same-sex marriage should not be allowed. Yenor continues to view marriage through the lens of child-rearing, while this viewpoint is never truly examined by

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