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Cuban Independence Movement Research Paper

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The Cuban independence movement was one that spans over 100 years with many false starts. We will be looking at what led up to Cuba’s independence from Spain at the end of the Spanish American War. One thing that you will notice is there was no single person or movement that led the charge to independence, but a mix of people from all walks of Cuban life. We will also see that Spain made some of the same mistakes that Great Brittan had had with the United States, helping to push the Cubans to want change.
Let us start with a little bit of history leading up to the major moves to independence. As early as 1790 the idea of independence was popular in Cuba, with the first attempt at revolution taking place in 1791, led by José Antonio Aponte. …show more content…
It had become one of the main sugar producers in the world and Spain bought and distributed it. Cuba also had major agricultural production with 80% of their produce being sold to the United States. By 1834, the island was governed by generals who established strict and often cruel measures. The next serious attempt took place in 1850, commanded by Narciso López, who had conspired against Spain in New York. He arrived in Cuba with 600 men. They managed to conquer Cárdenas, but they did not achieve popular support and had to abandon the island. A few more failed attempts occurred over the next few years, until executions of conspirators began in 1855 and all was calm for more than 10 years. In 1866, Cuban representatives travelled to Spain to meet in Madrid representatives of the Spanish Government, the sugar industry needed strong investments to modernize their plants. However, when conversations failed, the Spanish insisted on lowering the custom rights and refused to finance the modernization. This was the breaking point for many Cubans; it was time for revolution and …show more content…
The Captain of the ship Charles Sigsbee and Commander Ramón Blanco became friends, but on the night of February 15, 1898, the USS Maine exploded witnessed by Havana Port and half the city. Of a crew of 355, only 99 officers survived that were at a Spanish reception. The next day, the United States press, led by press magnates William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, printed headlines accusing Spain of attacking the USS Maine. Both nations carried on separate investigations with the United States claiming that the explosion was caused by external causes and Spain determining it was an internal explosion. The United States accused Spain of attacking their ship and demanded that they leave Cuba. The Spanish denied everything and refused their ultimatums. Spain's war declaration in case of invasion came soon after, but Cuba had already been blockaded by the United States starting the Spanish American

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