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Personal Narrative: My Track And Field Relay Team

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Throughout the course of life every person is faced with failure, and it is these incidences of failure that are crucial to the advancement of individuals. Last spring, my Track and Field Relay Team set the new state record in the 1600m Sprint Medley Relay, which is composed of an 800m, a 400m, and two 200m runners. After achieving this triumph my relay team set out together to perform an even greater goal of being named All-American at the New Balance Nationals meet. The feat would require extreme determination and team-work but as a unit we knew we could reach this goal. The four of us spent hours reviewing the national rankings to determine our competition and calculating times we would need to run to finish in the top six at the meet. With our target times in mind, we began the process of improving both our speed and handoffs to limit any shortfalls in what would need to be a flawless execution of a relay race. Hours of extra practice came to an end as we boarded our plane to North Carolina to compete for the dream. …show more content…
Yet, all this emotion took a rollercoaster like drop the morning prior to the race. The 800m runner of our relay team decided he would pursue this coveted statues alone and would be abandoning our relay. The emotion of the trip immediately plummeted as our dream had been smashed due to one individual’s selfish interests. The entire day leading up to the race was spent trying to comprehend the events that just unfolded and coaches trying to persuade the runner to return to the team. The emotional rollercoaster came to a stop after hours of coaches’ persuasion had finally convinced him to

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