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E-Cigarette Regulations

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E-cigarette Regulations
4,000 people - that’s how many under the age of 18 smoke their first cigarette every day in the United States (Radcliff 1). Due to this shockingly high number, it has been brought to people's minds whether or not e-cigarettes are a safer alternative to the deadly tobacco cigarette. This statistic means that over 4,000 teens and young adults expose themselves to toxic chemicals and possibly form a smoking habit. To prevent this, the e-cigarette was created, specifically for that reason, but since has been abused by all age groups. The topic of e-cigarettes is a developing controversial topic, and there always has and will be supporters and critics who debate whether or not there should be stronger regulations on e-cigarettes. …show more content…
To start off, critics point out that e-cigarettes are a groundbreaking way to quit smoking. For example, Michael Marlow, California Polytechnic University professor stated, "If e-cigarettes help smokers reduce consumption of more harmful tobacco or maybe even allow them to quit cigarettes, even if e-cigarettes themselves are somewhat harmful, it would be an overall reduction of harm" (Clabough 1). Clearly, this statement proves that e-cigarettes are a much safer way to go about a smoking habit. Furthering this, opponents argue that e-cigarettes are an alternative to the deadly tobacco cigarette. To prove this, David Abrams, executive of the Schroder Institute of Tobacco Research and Policy Studies argues that the conventional cigarette still remains the number one enemy to the public (E-cigarettes: should"). It is made obvious that regular tobacco cigarettes are far more dangerous, and that e-cigarettes are a much safer alternative. Finally, those who disagree make the argument that implementing regulations on e-cigarettes would force newly emerging companies out of business. For example, Greg Conly of the American Vaping Association explains how many of the new independent companies that are popping up everywhere around the United States support their employees, then stick any profits earned back into their business (E-cigarettes: should"). From this, it is quite clear that new companies would lose customers, thereby forcing them to go out of business because they cannot make enough money to support it. Given the fact that e-cigarettes are a safer alternative and that regulations would drive companies out of business, critics feel that they have made a strong case against e-cigarette

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