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E-Mail Ethics


Submitted By harshadasun
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Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that I will be out of office on 17th of December 2012 and will have limited access to e-mails. I will reply to your mail on the 18th upon my return to work. Sincerely regret the inconvenience caused.

Thank You & Best Regards,
Harsha Amarasinghe


Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that I will be out of office on 17th of December 2012 and will have limited access to e-mails. I will reply to your mail on the 18th upon my return to work. Sincerely regret the inconvenience caused.

Thank You & Best Regards,
Harsha Amarasinghe

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that I will be out of office on 17th of December 2012 and will have limited access to e-mails. I will reply to your mail on the 18th upon my return to work. Sincerely regret the inconvenience caused.

Thank You & Best Regards,
Harsha Amarasinghe

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that I will be out of office on 17th of December 2012 and will have limited access to e-mails. I will reply to your mail on the 18th upon my return to work. Sincerely regret the inconvenience caused.

Thank You & Best Regards,
Harsha Amarasinghe

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that I will be out of office on 17th of December 2012 and will have limited access to e-mails. I will reply to your mail on the 18th upon my return to work. Sincerely regret the inconvenience caused.

Thank You & Best Regards,
Harsha Amarasinghe

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that I will be out of office on 17th of December 2012 and will have limited access to e-mails. I will reply to your mail on the 18th upon my return to work. Sincerely regret the inconvenience caused.

Thank You & Best Regards,
Harsha Amarasinghe

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that I will be out of office

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