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Early Childhood Chapter 6 Analysis

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they are, and all the quirks that come along with it, and not to compare your Chapter 6 is titled “Balancing fantasy and reality. Children have the most amazing imagination. They can imagine anything they want, from slaying a dragon to saving the child from the evil under lords. A child’s imagination can be quite entertaining at times, but also can be trying and rather embarrassing since the child might not have the abilities for self regulation yet. There might be some loud outburst of light saber battles at the local grocery store. However, keep in mind these are milestones in which your child is developing and how creative your child is becoming and how vivid their imagination has become. In the same hand, however the imagination can get carried away, your child might be expressing angry …show more content…
It’s really important to explain to your children about their bodies, what privacy means, and what respecting your body means, and what’s appropriate and what’s not. I think this portion is imperative because it explains in simple terms that your child will understand. The same chapter also goes into details about girls being “Tom boy” and boy’s who like to play with dolls. Or some girls want to be boys, and some boys want to be girls. This is a defense mechanism basically because there must be some sort of friction at home. Perhaps Dad pays more attention to his son’s more than his daughter, so his daughter wants to be a boy. Or a mother who bonds more with her daughters more so than his son, the son is feeling left out and wants to be loved too. This may occur in not a positive way, either. There might be some issues going on at home, where the child might feel more comfortable and safe being the opposite sex because the parent might be hard on the child of the certain sex or it might be

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