Early Dynastic Anubis In Ancient Egyptian's Religion
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Anubis is the god of Death and mummification in the Egyptian’s religion. The god Anubis is seen as having the head of a jackal and body of a human. Anubis played almost no role in egyptian myths. Anubis was depicted in black, a color that symbolized both rebirth and the discoloration of the corpse after embalming. In early dynastic Anubis was portrayed as a Jackal. Anubis was a tomb and grave protector. The ancient Egyptians believed that the preservation of the body and the use of sweet-smelling herbs and plants would help the deceased because Anubis would sniff the mummy and only let the pure move on to a grater place. Priest wore Anubis masks during mummification ceremonies. His parent’s weren’t known as a fact, and changed many times.