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Legalizing Medical Marijuana Benefits

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The Benefits of Legalizing Medical Marijuana

There has been much discussion recently regarding the use and legalization of medical marijuana. In the United states, the use of medical marijuana is regulated under federal law. As of April 2015, 23 states have legalized cannabis for medical and therapeutic uses. However, there are important legal differences between medical marijuana at the federal and state levels. At a federal level, marijuana is classified as a Scheduled 1 substance under the Controlled Substance Act. Prior to 2009 state laws did not supersede federal laws, meaning the criminalization of medical marijuana was still possible under federal prosecution (S. Davison, J. Davison, 2011, p. 773-774). In 2009 Attorney General Eric …show more content…
(CINV), muscle spasms caused by Multiple sclerosis (MS), Poor appetite and weight loss caused by chronic illness, such as nerve pain, and seizure disorders. Corresponding with the major shift in laws governing medical use of cannabis in the United states in the last 15 year, there has been an escalating interest in the role that cannabis, commonly referred to as marijuana, and cannabinoids play in the care of patients with cancer (Bowles O'Bryant, Camidge, Jimeno, 2011, p. 1). As early as the 1970's scientist began investigating purified and synthesized cannabinoids roles on the palliation of cancer symptoms (Bowles et all., 2011, p. 4) One of the earliest recognized indications for cannabinoids was chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). Studies show that conventional antithetic regiments are not always successful in treating symptoms of CINV. Research has been conducted sporadically during the past four decades regarding the efficiency of THC in controlling CINV (Cotter, 2009, p.2). A high quality systematic review of the published literature as of 2001 evaluated 30 trials and over 1,300 patients. It found that cannabinoids (nabilone, dronabinol, and levonantradol) were more effective than conventional antiemetics at the time in controlling acute CINV (Bowles et all., 2011, p. ). These results suggest that marijuana …show more content…
Muscle spasticity is defined as a disordered sensory motor control, resulting from an upper motor neuron lesion, presenting as intermittent or sustained involuntary activation of muscles (Syed, McKeage, 2014, p. 564). Muscle spasticity is often associated with decreased function ability, pain, inability to walk, overactive reflexes, abnormal posture, and painful spasms. There are current medications on the market that are recommended for spasticity. However, systematic reviews show evidence that the effectiveness of these medications are limited and provide only modest clinical benefits, with some patients not even responding to the treatment (Syed et. All., 2014, p.564) Clinical studies show that patients suffering from multiple sclerosis use cannabis to treat and relieve the symptoms of MS. In recent clinical trials, results showed that there was a beneficial effect of inhaled cannabis on spasticity and MD among patients receiving insufficient relief from traditional treatments. ( Bloom, Gamst, Marcotte & Goulax, 2012, p.

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