Return on assets = $9,663,000 / $83,550,000 Return on assets = 11.57%
Return on equity = $9,663,000 / $42,570,000 Return on equity = 22.70%
2. Regarding the liquidity ratios, East Coast Yachts current ratio is below the median industry ratio. This implies the company has less liquidity than the industry in general. However, the current ratio is above the lower quartile, so there are companies in the industry with lower liquidity than East Coast Yachts. The company may have more predictable cash flows, or more access to short-term borrowing.
The turnover ratios are all higher than the industry median; in fact, all three turnover ratios are above the upper quartile. This may mean that East Coast Yachts is more efficient than the industry in using its assets to generate sales.
The financial leverage ratios are all below the industry