...London School of Engineering and Materials Science Laboratory report writing instructions DEN101 - Fluid Mechanics 1 Flow Rate Measurement Experiment A. Student Student Number: 1234567 Version 2.0, 27 November 2010 Template for Word 97-2003 Abstract This document explains what is expected in your Fluids 1 lab report. The sections that should be covered are outlined and a structure you could follow is proposed. Detailed advice on how to edit the report is given. The document concludes with the marking criteria for this lab report. Table of Contents Abstract 2 1. Introduction 3 1.1. Writing 3 1.2. Editing and formatting 3 1.3. Content of the introduction 4 2. Background and theory 4 3. Apparatus 4 4. Test 4 5. Experimental procedure 4 6. Results 5 7. Discussion 5 8. Conclusions 5 9. References 5 10. Appendix A: Marking criteria 6 Introduction Before starting to write a report, you should think about what is your audience. Am I writing for colleagues who want a lot of detail how it is done, or am I writing for my boss who just wants an executive summary as he has no time for details? In general, there is not a single type of audience and we have to make our writing suitable for the detailed read, as well as the fast perusal. To understand what is required from you in this report, please have a look at the marking criteria in the Appendix. 1 Writing To limit...
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...ECEN 1400 - Introduction to Digital and Analog Electronics Peter Mathys, Spring 2013 Lab 5: Inductors and How to Light White LEDs from 1 Volt Quick Links * Goals of this Lab * Prelab * Lab Experiments Goals of this Lab * Wind a toroidal inductor. * Measure the inductance and the resistance of an inductor. * Use an inductor to step up the voltage of a battery. * Build a circuit for lighting up white LEDs from a 1 Volt battery. This lab is a group activity. The current group assignments are given here. One lab report per group needs to be turned in on D2L. The responsibilites for the successful completion of the lab consist of three parts: The prelab, the actual lab measurements, and the writing of the report. The report will be graded according to three criteria: Correctness, completion, and clarity. On the cover page you must clearly state which group member had the main responsibility for the prelab, for the lab measurements, and for the report writing. All group members need to be knowledgeable for all three parts, but each member has a specific role in the group. The responsibilities must be rotated for future labs so that each group member will have experienced all three roles. Prelab An inductor is a passive device that can store energy in its magnetic field. Two examples of inductors (solenoid on the left, toroid on the right) are shown in the figure below. The i-v relationship for an inductor is: Compare this to the i-v...
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