...Rae Antoinette Obelidhon Eco1/8:00-9:30/BA206 Sienna Abug Prof. Mark Anthony Baral Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program under the Corazon Aquino Administration Aside from restoring democracy in the Philippines in 1986, the administration of the late President Corazon Cojuanco-Aquino was noted in history for instituting a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) that aims to give land to the landless. But 28 years later, the Cojuanco-Aquino’s own 5,000-hectare sugarcane plantation in Tarlac is yet to be actually distributed to the beneficiaries of her own social reform program. The Cojuanco-Aquino’s Hacienda Luisita is one of the many vast parcels of agricultural lands that are under the mandatory coverage of CARP under Republic Act 6657. Each of the Hacienda’s 6,212 tenant-farmers is expecting to own at least 6,600 square meters of land from the 4,099-hectare distributable area of Hacienda Luisita. Despite government’s initial payment of at least P471 million as just compensation to Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI), the Department of Agrarian Reform is still struggling to install the beneficiaries in their CARP-awarded lands. In September, DAR Secretary Virgilo Delos Reyes said copies of Certificate of Land Ownership Awards are currently being distributed to the farmer-beneficiaries. But almost three years after the Supreme Court ordered the actual land distribution to Hacienda Luisita farmers in 2011, DAR is still in the process of surveying the boundaries...
Words: 2035 - Pages: 9
...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0007-070X.htm BFJ 104,8 670 Results from an experimental auction market Unidad de Economõa Agraria, Servicio de Investigacion   Agroalimentaria ± Gobierno de Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain, and  Dpto Gestion de Empresas ± Universidad Publica de Navarra,   Pamplona, Spain Keywords Organic food, Consumer behaviour, Spain Abstract Organic production and its consumption have grown tremendously in recent years. However, in the case of Spain demand still represents only 1 per cent of food expenditure. The main obstacle seems to be that organic food faces problems related to consumers' acceptability; lack of food availability and seasonality make it difficult to establish appropriate retailing outlets; also, higher costs of production and retailer margins jointly may result in higher prices than consumers are willing to pay for organic food attributes. Research studies have mostly elicited consumers' willingness-to-pay (WTP) for organic food through contingent valuation. Alternatively, explores, using an experimental second-price sealed-bid auction, the value that consumers place on organic food and the effect that information included on ecolabel and physical appearance have on their WTP. This methodological approach involves the use of real money and real products, which, in fact, may overcome the hypothetical bias detected in previous studies. Also discusses the effect on...
Words: 7816 - Pages: 32
...consumers have weaker incentives to learn the truth. These comparative statics suggest that bounded rationality will often increase the costs of government decisionmaking relative to private decisionmaking, because consumers have better incentives to overcome errors than government decisionmakers, consumers have stronger incentives to choose well when they are purchasing than when they are voting and it is more costly to change the beliefs of millions of consumers than a handful of bureaucrats. As such, recognizing the limits of human cognition may strengthen the case for limited government. INTRODUCTION An increasingly large body of evidence documenting bounded rationality and non-standard preferences has led many scholars to question eco1 nomics’ traditional hostility towards paternalism. After all, if individuals have so many cognitive difficulties then it is surely possible that government intervention can improve welfare. As Christine Jolls, Cass Sunstein, and Richard Thaler write: “bounded rationality pushes toward a sort of antiantipaternalism—a skepticism about antipaternalism, but not an affirmative 2 defense of paternalism.” Even if these authors stop short of endorsing traditional hard paternalism, such as sin taxes and prohibitions,...
Words: 9936 - Pages: 40
...COMMON PROSPECTUS Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Diplomas Certificates Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068, INDIA | www.ignou.ac.in Price: Rs. 100/- by cash at the counter | Rs. 150/- by Registered Post Electronic version of the prospectus is available for download at: http://www.ignou.ac.in Online Admission & Payment Gateway RECOGNITION IGNOU is a CENTRAL UNIVERSITY established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 (Act No. 50 of 1985). IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognised by all the member institutions of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates of all Indian Universities/Deemed Universities/Institutions. Prepared & vetted at: Student Registration Division © Indira Gandhi National Open University March 2012 Print Production Mr B. Natarajan, DR(P) Mr Arvind Kumar, AR(P) Mr Ajit Kumar, So(P) IGNOU Offers “Round the Year Admission” to its Programmes under the ‘Walk-in-Admission’ Scheme. Candidates can obtain admission application forms from Regional Centre, Student Registration Divisions (SRD), IGNOU Headquarters and also can download the Prospectus and application form from the university website at ww.ignou.ac.in. Candidates can submit the same only at the Regional Centres concerned either by post or in person. Application forms can be submitted online and programme fee can be paid online through the internet payment gateway. CUT OFF DATES FOR WALK-IN-ADMISSION: Please...
Words: 77378 - Pages: 310
...TRABAJAR JUNTOS Acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica Traducción, Lili Buj con la colaboración de Leticia Merino. Revisión técnica, Sofya Dolutskaya, Leticia Merino y Arturo Lara. Amy R. Poteete, Marco A. Janssen, Elinor Ostrom Trabajar Juntos Acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica Primera edicion en inglés, 2010 Working Together: Collective Action, the Commons, and Multiple Methods in Practice de Amy R. Poteete, Marco A. Janssen, Elinor Ostrom Princeton University Press HD1289 .P75 2012 Poteete, Amy R. Trabajar juntos: acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica / Amy R. Poteete, Marco A. Janssen, Elinor Ostrom; traducción Lili Buj Niles con la colaboración de Leticia Merino. --México: UNAM, CEIICH, CRIM, FCPS, FE, IIEc, IIS, PUMA; IASC, CIDE, Colsan, CONABIO, CCMSS, FCE, UAM, 2012. Incluye referencias bibliográficas 572 p.; Ilustraciones, graficas y cuadros Traducción de: Working Together: Collective Action, the Commons, and Multiple Methods in Practice. ISBN 978-607-02-3577-1 1. Recursos naturales comunes – Administración – Metodología. 2. Organización y métodos. I. Janssen, Marco A. II. Ostrom, Elinor. III. Buj Niles, Lili. IV. Merino, Leticia. V. Titulo. Este libro fue sometido a un proceso de dictaminación por académicos externos al Instituto, de acuerdo con las normas establecidas por el Consejo Editorial de las Colecciones de Libros del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales...
Words: 156334 - Pages: 626