Premium Essay

Ed Deepneau's Use Of Heroism In Oedipus

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Words 201
Pages 1
Ralph Roberts' wife has just died, and ever since he has been dealing with insomnia. Every night, he sleeps less and less. Along with barely getting any sleep, he begins to see the auras of his peers. He thinks he’s going crazy, until his friend Lois admits that she’s seeing them too. Soon enough, they both notice three small doctors roaming around Derry, Maine. They learn that two doctors, Clotho and Lachesis, are just preserving the circle of life and death. However, Atropos, the third doctor, is killing under the order of a villain named The Crimson King. On top of that, Ralph’s neighbor, Ed Deepneau has turned from an ordinary citizen into a crazy anti-abortionist who abuses his wife. Ed becomes obsessed over a pro-choice activist named

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