Read the following article: “How babies think” by Alison Gopnik: Then, answer the following questions in your own words with no direct quotations (write your answer right below each question):
1. Provide a brief summary of the study (400-500 words) * The study examines how babies are far more sophisticated than you may think. The article shows how baby’s brains are unique and subject to learn. Based on new scientific techniques, studies have shown that even young infants are capable of understanding about objects, languages, and sounds. In previous years researchers belived that babies were incoherent and individualistic. Recent research has shown that Babies are able to gather intelligence through experinces and use the new intelligence to make a decision. Studies show young children grasp the world around them similarly to scientists. Babies are able to attempt exercises and analyze statistics forming hypothesis to report experiences. By the age of three or four children have a basic concept about biology, genetics, and illnesses. Scientists have discovered that babies have an exceptional capability to learn from statistical patterns. Babies have also found to be able to comprehend between a statistical sample and a population. Learning statistical patterns is the first step in scientific discovery. What scientists have found even more remarkable is that children are able to take this statistical data and make interpretations about the world around them. This discovery also shows how young children have the capability to make reasonable decisions based on statistical data. It is important to keep in mind that children are not aware that they are able to conduct experiments and statistical data, however, it is important that the child’s brain is able to