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Edema Research Paper

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Edema is a disease that makes an accumulation of fluid a particular tissue in the part of the body. Usually, a collection of the fluid can be in the under the skin, also can happen in the lung. The primary cause of edema is when the body retention get too much salt (sodium chloride), the salt able to retain water that will leak into the tissue space and cause edema. The other cause of edema is when the tiny of a blood vessel (capillaries) is leak the fluid into the surrounding tissue, the excess of the fluid able to cause tissue to swell. In another side, the force from the blood vessel and force from outside the blood vessel cause the liquid to be a drain or the blood vessel no more able to maintain equilibrium leading to a fluid …show more content…
This disease also called as an autoimmune disorder, where the specialised cell, beta cells in the pancreas is stopped to producing insulin, where insulin is used to control the sugar in the blood by converting the glucose into energy inside the cells. Lack of insulin will cause the inability for conversion of glucose to energy and cause sugar to circulate in the blood. There still unknown mutation that causes by gene, however, study shows that there are several genes was upregulated such as HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, and HLA-DRB1 genes; people who get it called as haplotype.This three genes are categorised as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex that needs for our immune system. A hypothesis shows that these haplotypes may increase the risk of an inappropriate immune response to beta …show more content…
The first development in type 2 diabetes is they will have insulin reistance, where body and fat cell use less efficiency of insulin than normal cell, so it need more insulin as the time flow to keep the blood sugar level. In order to fullfil the insulin need the beta cell in pancreas will make high amount of insulin. If this happen over the time, it will cause the beta cell will less response to blood sugar change that able to lead the shortage of insulin that will inhibit the body to reduce blood sugar. Howevee, the gene that able cause this disease still unknown, but several study has been shown that unhealthy diet and lifestyle able to induce this disease. Futhermore, both type of diabetes has the same characteristic, where both of them has an abnormal of high blood glucose

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