Both the archaic and classical Greece paved the Athenian way of life. In 594 BC the alarmed aristocrats appointed Solon as sole archon with the power to reform the state. His reforms prepared the way for the introduction of democracy in Athens. Wealth rather than birth was made the criterion for participation in political life. While the government changed the mindset of focusing on the good, the polis did not. During these times, the texts “The Life of Solon” written by Pluratch and “Apology” written by Plato accounting the trials of Socrates show the unjust nature of Athenian government. I will argue that the polis was a community whose authority governed every aspect of life, giving Athenians no individuality outside government. Freedom…show more content… The early philosophers and sophists' rhetorical techniques were extremely useful for any young nobleman looking for public office. The societal roles the Sophists filled had important ramifications for the Athenian political system at large. They were educated and had power which did not settle with the government. Socrates is the example of this. Socrates was charged with refuting the gods and corrupting the youth when in reality the polis feared a rebellion. Socrates made people question the world they lived in and the government did not like that. Socrates states, “they say; this villainous misleader of youth!, and then if somebody asks them, Why, what evil does he practice or teach?, they do not know, and can't tell; but in order that they may not appear to be at a loss, they repeat the ready-made charges which are used against all philosophers about teaching things up in the clouds and under the earth, and making the worse appear the better cause;…” The government feared Socrates and thought he was becoming to powerful, so the only way to shut him up was to charge him with death and have him face a court. Socrates gave the people the knowledge to question everything around them, which in return rattled the government who were happy with the power they