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Childhood Obesity Research Paper

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We all know that fast food is not healthy for us, but we still choose to eat it because it’s tasty and cheap. Just thinking about eating pizza on every friday night while sitting on a comfy sofa while watching a movie brings a smile on everyone’s face. Nowadays, because of advanced technologies, adults and children would rather shut themselves into individualist activities, such as watching television or using a laptop, and at the same time reduces their physical activities. This leads to obesity among all individuals. In addition, commercials of junk foods have influenced us and our physiological status of being obese. According to the article, “In less than 40 years, the prevalence of obesity in the U.S. has increased by over 50%, so that …show more content…
As it has been mention in the book, “The diagnostic criteria for other diseases such as hypertension or hyperlipidaemia similarly vary between genders and racial groups, or between children and adults, so different diagnostic criteria are used at different ages to initiate and assess treatment” (Hankey, Catherine). Furthermore, there are different ways to assess the stages of obesity. The most common is direct measure of body fat with the help of “computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, bioelectrical impedance analysis or dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry scan. These tools are primarily used in obesity research, whereas in routine clinical practice other anthropometric measures are used as a proxy measure of body fat” (Hankey, Catherine). The another one is body mass index (BMI) by monitoring base on height and weight. If the body mass index is 30 or higher it is considered for obese. Also waist circumference is used. According to Catherine, “waist circumference is the simplest and most robust criterion: >80 cm (women) or >94 cm (men) marks a need for self determined action to avoid further gain; >88 cm (women) or >102 cm (men) indicates high health risks and a need for professional support for sustained weight loss” (Hankey, Catherine). There are different ways to solve the obesity problem. One of the solutions is to get bariatric surgery. It has been considered one of the most effective solutions, …show more content…
Due to increased in new technologies our individual lifestyles have changed its involves new household gadgets, television, computers and video games. At the same time, increased in quantity and service of fast food restaurants. In addition, some statistics show that about 44% of Americans go to fast food places at least once a week. This has a big impact on day to day lifestyles and some choose to lose their weight with the help of fad diet. Fad diet is a diet which helps to lose weight quickly with unbalanced and unhealthy diet and effective for short term. As Catherine mentions, “most fad diets and fasting regimes, it is clear that, unfortunately, a ‘no effort, quick fix’ does not exist for those in pursuit of sustainable healthy weight loss and management” (Hankey, Catherine). Some people trends to intake a high protein or liquid diet to burn calories faster. It has a short term effect with other side effects such as reduce performance in athletics, increase risk of chronic diseases and causing kidney stones. Furthermore, it’s not helpful for obese people. In 2014, First Lady Michelle Obama proposed change to the nutrition labels on the food packages to emphasize the exact nutritional values. So, people can make healthy choices (Johnson, Michelle). In addition, dietitians plays an important role, who can help an individual to make their diet plans according to their particular situation or follow a pharmacological weight

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