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Tanzimat Individualism

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1. Was tanzimat decree compatible with the Islamic law, sharia (şeriat)?
I Believe that the two laws are compatible the tanzimat decree and Islamic law have many of the same themes with in their laws, though they have some different they generally try to constitute between right and wrong. If one is to commit a crime to a certain magnitude, typically both laws will see it as unmoral and carry out consequences for those persons actions. Their different would be that the tanzimat dgree try to change themes such as taxes and gain numbers while the Shira cares more about stuff that disrupts the peace as far as crime. Overall they trrying to do the same thing by doing what is right.
2. What did tanzimat introduce about individualism and individual …show more content…
They thought that everyone should live in peace and harmony. Honor was a big thing amongst the people. People carried honor in their name and their family name. it was a crime for someone to throw negativity upon people honor because it was a price attribute of a family. When a person committed a crime, they would be stripped of all honor they had and even more so bring shame to their family’s honor. The way the tanzimat view individualism was unique and interesting. It proved itself to work as well, Because people feared losing their honor.
3. What ideas seem to be taken from the Enlightenment ideas?
Enlighten is when laws and policies are reformed to better suit people who live with these laws. They can better people’s way of life and have proven to make society’s more prosperous. The reason behind people be more prosperous is due to them allowed to have more freedom. One of the ideas is that as a society gains more knowledge on the people living within it should evolve to better suit their inhabitants. A society allows their people more freedom to do as they please the society they themselves well gain from this freedom they have bestowed upon their people.
4. What new religious freedoms did Islahat Fermani

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