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Early Childhood Obesity Research Paper

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Lakyn Mullins
Ed 310 Final

Obesity is a growing and ongoing problem that people in the United States face every single day. The rate of overweight children has been rising over the past three decades. There’s obviously a number of things that could correlate with the increase of the weight of children. Children’s lifestyle behaviors are continuously being effected by things like; their sleep patterns, their dietary and physical habits, and stress caused by several factors. Another thing that could be a reason for obesity in children is how experienced their parents are on a healthy lifestyle. In many studies, there is an association between short sleep duration and obesity during early childhood. When kids go to bed later, they have a higher …show more content…
One specific part of the dietary intake is the time the child eats. Snacking outside of mealtimes has increased in recent years and is a contributor to excessive weight gain. Young children will wake in the middle of the night and eat to soothe themselves back to sleep. Kids also do this thing where they seek ways to delay their bedtimes by asking for food. My sister is a prime example of this. Because she knew that my mom would not let her go to bed hungry, she always told my mom she was hungry and asked for food so she could stay up past her …show more content…
There are a few early life stressors that can cause obesity, like early life poverty or bad childhood experiences (abuse or exposure to domestic violence. When the brain is overstimulated by stress, there are negative effects on the brain. These stressors can affect children’s dietary and physical activity, which can lead to a higher risk of obesity. Low-income households can be an early life stress children face. When a child comes from a low-income household, they could be facing the problem of food insecurity. Food insecurity could be a problem because the only food they have access to could be non-nutritional which could lead to a higher chance of obesity. I think the biggest correlation between stress and obesity is stress-eating. When people become stressed out, they began to crave things like comfort foods. Most comfort foods are usually sugary and high in fat and can cause an excessive amount of weight gain if the stress doesn’t end. This part is really relatable to anyone who has ever experienced any type of stress. When a family is enduring the pain of losing a loved one, others bring sweets to them to comfort them. This is a type of stress eating. Another type that is really relatable to any student of any grade is when a stressful test is coming up. It causes stress which then causes a desire to eat in unhealthy

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