...America is the land of the free. What happens when you take away that freedom? America has lost it’s purpose to protect the people from being suppressed. If freedom is what America is all about then why do schools insist on restricting our free speech? The value I will be upholding is freedom. I believe that public colleges and universities ought not restrict any constitutionally protected speech, because we are speaking for the publicity of our school, and because everyone has their 1st amendment rights. Contention 1: Censorship and limitations take away the meaning of the word public in public schools. Public means the community, that anyone can attend. If you take the term public speaking for example, if you’re not speaking for the people...
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...A society without censorship is better than a society that is over-censored. For example, in an over-censored society, like the society in Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451, the people do not understand how to live or have survival skills. Although some argue that censorship can promote social cohesion by regulating harmful content, censorship can be detrimental to a society because it can prohibit people from exercising their right to free speech and limit the general public's access to knowledge. Censorship can prohibit people from their right to free speech. In a court ruling 1988, the judge ruled that the Hazelwood school district could heavily censor the school newspaper. Other school districts quickly followed, but then KSU tried to do the same, and KSU was quickly met with a lawsuit. “A full panel of...
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...The Censorship of Public School Books The imagination of children across the United States rests inside the hands of not only books within public schools, but books within the hands of the government controlling these public schools. Censorship of books in public schools has been a controversial issue for decades; in fact, governments have already gone so far as to ban certain books in public schools. While some believe that censorship is necessary to keep students from being exposed to explicit content, others believe that any content of any book is acceptable for students. However, the content provided within books should be considered with grade level. Even though there may be books that contain explicit or mature content, applying censorship...
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...Nabeel Ellahi MYP-5 16/04/2012 History Can Censorship Be Justified? Censorship of information was a very important element in periods of time where propaganda was at its fullest and of course during the time of war, it was a great way to make people think how you wanted them to and to control them like a herd of sheep. From past studies we can see that censorship has been used for many purposes and the act of censorship has been practiced by many leaders. When used in situations like a war or when a leader is trying to bring reforms to a country, the use of censorship becomes understandable. To support this stance, lets take a look at past events which used censorship as a successful tool. Firstly censorship can be justified because back in the days of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini, in their totalitarian governments authority was a very important thing to have; authority helped them keep control over the country and to enforce their will, they achieved this by censoring various materials to win the loyalty of their people. Secondly, during the government of Stalin censorship was used a lot and it helped him spread his ideas and commands to ensure him success in his goals which were to make Russia the best. And lastly during the great war when nationalism was at its peak, discouraging news such as casualties and battle loses were censored along with other news in order to make the public just know one side of the story, if these efforts would not have...
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...Paul Lee Professor Askren English 100 March 7, 2012 Censorship Suppression of information and ideas by anyone, whether it be government officials, writers, or artists, censorship is what blankets the world from seeing what the truth really is. Media and ads in various forms are forced to be careful what they air to the public. With the growth of technology and the expansion of resources available via the Internet: Email, World Wide Web, and Video-Chatting, the amount of censorship throughout the world has increased drastically over the years. Every nation on Earth has a certain form of censorship that ranges from the extreme to the not so extreme. The United States and most European nation’s censorship level is the least compared to that of other countries. Nations where foundations are shaky and don’t have a strong central government is where censorship really takes it tolls. Countries like DPRK (North Korea), Pakistan, Burma, Syria, Cuba, Iran, and China must abide by what the dictator wants the people to see and not, by the use of extreme bias. Along with the international community and its government using censorship, the decision of censoring something can also be made by an individual aside from the government. Individuals that might be biased with is or her own thoughts. Censorship decisions might be illogical, unfair, unconstitutional, or in some cases just immoral. People tend to want to censor everything that they personally don’t tend to agree with. Corporations...
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...religion, censorship has been a controversial topic. By definition of Ms. Collingwood, censorship is the suppression of speech or the destruction of communications that are deemed harmful or inappropriate. This suppression of speech and destruction of communications violates the first amendment right granted to American citizens by the Constitution because it restricts what we can read, write, hear, and say. For example, China has huge restrictions on every little thing they can do and they’re completely oblivious to the world outside of their country. Common people have no communication with anyone outside of China because of the restrictions on phones and internet usage, which makes citizens unexposed and vulnerable to be hurt. “Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” (William O. Douglas, Supreme Court Justice). In this quote, Mr, Douglas is clearly on the side against censorship because it violates free speech. Without freedom of speech and press, in the sense that censorship is taking these rights away, people will be uneducated about what goes on in the world around them. Just because some people can not handle certain content, that does not mean...
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...Censorship is a big deal in modern society. Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions. There is many different types of censorship. There is Media Censorship, and there is censorship in books. There is also censorship in school, with filters and limits of what websites you are allowed to be on. In The United States the first amendment states that every American has a right to the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. In elementary school, censorship is only really common in the school library. Many books can...
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...literary censorship, which is “the act of changing or suppressing speech or writing that is considered subversive of the common good,” (Merriam-Webster, 2012) has been more prevalent in the past 100 years than ever before. People all around the country have been affected by the parameters of censorship. Author Judy Blume once said when asked her opinion about it the topic, “It’s not just the books under fire now that worry me. It is the books that will never be written. The books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always, young readers will be the real losers.” (NMSU Library, n.d.). Blume, herself, is no stranger to censorship. Several of her writings have made ALA’s list of 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books. Her 1975 novel Forever was both challenged and banned in over 10 different states because of its descriptively sexual content, disobedience to parents, “lack of moral tone,” and use of profanity (Censorship & Judy Blume, n.d.). Forever is the story of two high school seniors, Katherine and Michael, and their journey throughout their relationship. The teens meet at a party and fall in love from there. Eventually, Katherine loses her virginity to Michael and they promise each other that they will last “forever.” They managed to keep this promise for a while until they were forced apart for a summer because Katherine’s parents made her get an out of town job. Judy Blume created a typical teenage love story. In 1983, schools in Akron...
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...Banned Books: A History and Examination One of the most prolific issues in American education has been censorship in the classroom. This issue has manifested itself in several ways throughout history; however, censorship most often manifests itself in the classroom as book banning. Book banning can be any form of textual censorship from the exclusion of novels from a school library, to the censoring of textbooks by a school board, to the full banning of books by a government. This paper will examine book banning and textual censorship and its impact on education. It will first look at the history of book banning including several modern occurrences of it in the classroom. It will then seek to explain the significance of book banning on education in general with particular attention paid to the American educational system. Banning books has been used as a system for controlling what students learn for ages where those in power use it force the views of the few on the next generation of learners. The banning of books has its origins as far back as 450 B.C., when Anaxagoras wrote that he thought the sun was a “white hot stone and that the moon reflected the sun's rays.” His writings were deemed “derogatory” to the gods, forcing his departure from Athens and the burning of all of his writings. Since that time, decisions about book bannings often have turned on the definition of what is derogatory. As society has grown and changed, so have its tastes, and the fine...
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...Dec. 03, 2013 Censorship of Poetry There are many debates and arguments on the topic of Censorship. However, in this essay, I will focus on only one; Censorship's importance in books and, more specifically, poetry. Some say, to protect our children, censorship is needed; cutting out overly violent and gory scenes and or sexual content, along with other inappropriate types of media, is very important in the lives of parents and children alike. Others, however, wish that censorship was not so strict. Censorship has removed content from schools that are considered necessary; classics like Tom Sawyer are in a dangerous spot, as is the works of DH Lawrence, because of this law that has control of what we see, hear, and expose ourselves to. In some cases, this law is useful; however, there are limits to what it can do. Censorship can go from simply trying to keep our media and content clean for our children, to full censorship and banning of books because of one simple word. Even though censorship is needed in most parts of the media to control the inappropriate content, it should not be used when it comes to scholastic content, especially books and poetry. Poets, especially, few this law as a ball and chain of sorts; not just poets, but artists, musicians, creators; all do not like it when one wrongly put word would mean the destruction of their whole work. But, when it comes to books, knowledge, and poetry, censorship should never be used. Censorship has been around...
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...Censorship a Contravention to Freedom of Speech During the 21st century, one of the most important concepts known to people around the world is the freedom of speech. People coming from different countries, having diverse religions and living in dissimilar backgrounds talk about it every day. In some countries people do solicit for it as their right. But the question is, “Is there something called freedom of speech in the first place? Or is it just a fantasy that can never be accomplished? Or are we even talked into thinking that we do possess it?” In the midst of all this bewilderment, the notion of censorship pops up to clarify the image. The word censorship is familiar to people, for everybody has heard about the governmental censorship...
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...some form of censorship over the conduct and opinions of its members… Good morning teachers and students. Censorship by the government infringes upon the rights of the individual and inhibits freedom of expression. Now, censorship is a broadly used term so what exactly IS censorship? Well, censorship is defined by the Australian Macquarie Dictionary as ‘the actions of a censor – that is, an official who examines books, plays, news reports, films, radio programs (and more recently the internet), for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military or other grounds’. Censorship has been around since the beginning of time. It has been used as a tool to control what others have access to. In Australia today, we are supposedly guaranteed the rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press by our constitution. Yet censorship still exists. We are told censorship is necessary, but at what cost? National security and public interest, are these valid reasons? Why must the government decide what is best for me to read or watch in a cinema or in the privacy of my own home? Sure, we must protect our youth, but that is a parent's responsibility, not the government's. I can understand censorship based upon national security; we can't go around selling all of our secrets without a major threat to our government and our way of life. Censorship is a way of controlling the population. This is exactly why we have laws that forbid random censorship. Some censorship...
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...School of Social Sciences ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET (Please complete in FULL using BLOCK CAPITALS) ANTHROPOLOGY (Please tick correct discipline) | ARCHAEOLOGY (Please tick correct discipline) | ASIAN STUDIES (Please tick correct discipline) | COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES (Please tick correct discipline) | LINGUISTICS (Please tick correct discipline) | POLITICAL SCIENCE (Please tick correct discipline) | ALL SECTIONS BELOW MUST BE COMPLETED: | UNIT CODE:COMM1001 | UNIT NAME:COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA STUDIES | STUDENT NO: 21330476 | FAMILY NAME: BAUTISTA | GIVEN NAME: RAUL FRANCISCO | TUTOR’S NAME: KEVIN CHIAT | TUTORIAL TIME & DAY 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM ON WEDNESDAYS | DUE DATE: MAY 31st 2013 | OFFICE USE ONLY: | ALL STUDENTS MUST READ AND SIGN THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT BEFORE AN ESSAY WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR SUBMISSION: “I am aware of the Faculty policy relating to academic misconduct (http://www.arts.uwa.edu.au/students/policies/dishonesty) I certify that this work is my own, complies with the relevant guidelines, and uses an approved form of referencing throughout. I acknowledge that the work may be electronically scanned for detection of plagiarism. I have taken a backup copy / computer copy / photocopy of this assessment prior to submission.” Signed Date : June 1st 2013 ------------------------------------------------- Marker’s Comments: PROMT #7: Is media censorship by the government justifiable? ...
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...ENGLISH ESSAY WRITING UU114 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of censorship in the society. Merewalesi Liwaiono S11096060 Tuesday & Thursday group 20 Alice Rore 30th August 2013 Plan Title: Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of censorship in the society. C- Censorship L- Benefits, Drawbacks, society D- Evaluate Type: Discussion Essay Intro: Context- Policies Subject- Censorship Limitation subject- Benefits and Disadvantages of Censorship…/. Issue: What are the pros and cons of censorship for the society? Thesis: This essay will discuss the pros and cons of censorship for a society. Body: Disadvantages Disadvantage one: Resists questioning of conventional idea and it is costly. Detail: Convectional ideas are not questioned such as healthy oppositions based on sound valid premises and it is costly as it takes a lot of time and resources to implement the censorship activity in place. e.g.: when people compare the old times with the current era they find a lot of changes and have resources as to why it is happening thus do not question its existence. Disadvantage two: works against human rights Detail: teachers being banned to punish students. e.g.: empowering student, Lack of respect, As a result, exam result a bad….. Disadvantage three: Freedom of speech is compromised. Detail: Limitation on freedom of speech. When people put limits on what is not okay to express it. This sets up a slight slope where...
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...indicates that video games are a part of that problem. Indeed, playing video games may be linked to antisocial behavior and permissiveness about violent behavior. For this paper I highlight the importance of that issue - that violence and video gaming may be linked, and censoring gaming to reduce that link is politically problematic - but turn to a lesser know issue. Educational gaming, a form of gaming assumed to be without controversial content, can also be the subject of public censorship. ------------------------------------------------- Video Game Industry ------------------------------------------------- With over $18 billion in total sales and a workforce of more than 213,000 the video game industry has grown from a somewhat small portion of American entertainment to an industry that influences the leisure and livelihood of many people (O’Holleran, 2010). There is power in having that standing, an any attempt to curtail that power would likely encounter a great deal of resistance. That means censorship of the video game industry would pit the real and perceived First Amendment rights of commercial interests and their consumers against the rights of government and...
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