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Personal Narrative: My Life After High School

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After graduating high school, I was always told to go to college. But no one really gets into the details of all the paperwork before college, the reality check of cost of tuition, books, fees, the competition for programs, hours spent during homework, etc. All I knew was that college cost money, that I didn’t have, so I figure getting a job, working, and save up some money. As a young adult with no real responsibility, no car bills, cheap rent, no credit card or loan debt, a decent day to day job would seem like some real money for a just graduated, first job young adult. Well that’s what I thought at least. Sounds simple enough but now I know that without the right support and guidance, my life would’ve remained the same. Day to day job, just barely getting by.

That’s what turned into “my after high school plans.” Work and save a little money here and there for college. That work turned into waiting tables at restaurants. At any new place it can be intimidating, being the new person. But as everyone gets to know each other, you connect with people you share common interest with. The wife's talk about their kids or their husbands. The party goers plan the next …show more content…
Picking up coffee for each other, talking about things that happened throughout the day. Slowly but surely, a friendship started to grow. Casual conversation at work turned into coffee runs together, lunch dates here and there, carpooling to work together. Our usual coffee spot was the Starbucks Cafe we first interacted with one another. We would order our usual drinks and sit at any available table. We talked about our families, high school memories, plans for the future, work, how our day went. We could sit down for hours, listening to mellow music played over the speakers, the smell of coffee in the air, just talking and talking. These mostly coffee/ a little lunch date eventually evolved from once a week into a everyday

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