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Homeostasis: Thermoregulation To Equilibrium In Animals

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Pages 7
Homeostasis is the maintenance of the stable state of equilibrium in the internal environment of an animal or human. An animal or human needs to maintain a constant internal environment, despite fluctuations by internal or external influences, to ensure its survival and ability to reproduce. Thermoregulation is an example of homeostasis. The impact of temperature is a major factor in terms of a functioning human body. Thermoregulation is defined as the regulation of body temperature. Thermoregulation is the process that allows the human body to maintain its core internal temperature. The state of having an even internal temperature is called homeostasis. All thermoregulatory mechanisms are designed to return the body to homeostasis. The body’s core temperature should remain at ideally between 37°C and 37.8°C,this is when the body …show more content…
Heatstroke is the result of untreated heat exhaustion and extremely high temperatures internally. Athletes get heatstroke caused by strenuous activity for a prolonged period of time in high temperatures. Once the internal temperature of the body is well above the ideal range important enzymes stop working and start to destabilise and cell membranes start to dissolve as a result of this important organs in torso are unable to carry out important metabolic reactions. If temperature continues to rise tissue damage can occur which can be extremely severe which in turn can cause disabilities. This severely breaks down the control system of thermoregulation which means the body can no longer control the the core temperature and cooling systems have been shut down due to lack of water. Heatstroke is very intense and could lead to the person ending up in a coma or even dead. So athletes don't get heatstroke they need to make sure they are wearing clothing that is breathable, they need to keep hydrated and restore electrolytes

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