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Edu 671 Week 4 Dq 1 Data Analysis Practice


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EDU 671 Week 4 DQ 1 Data Analysis Practice

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Mills (2014) shares in Chapter 6, “the interpretation of qualitative data is the researcher’s attempt to find meaning, to answer the ‘So what?’ in terms of the implications of the study’s findings” (p. 133). He adds that data analysis and interpretation is “. . . a process of digesting the contents of your qualitative data and finding related threads in it” (133).
Analyze the middle school scenario, Flipped Math Class. Explain your process for coding and categorizing the qualitative data. What patterns and/or themes did you discover? Answer the “So What” for your team of teacher-researchers based on your findings. What steps does your team need to take to address these issues before implementing the innovation of a flipped classroom?
Pages 138-139 in Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher provide an example of coding from a transcript.
Guided Response: Consider the analysis and interpretation of at least two of your classmates. Did you find similar themes or patterns? Examine their interpretation of the data. Did they discover something you didn’t? Is there something you think is lacking in their interpretation? Provide specific feedback by asking a probing question and/or providing your interpretation of their analysis and next steps. *It is expected you follow-up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.
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