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Education After School Program

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On a general scale, one of the most significant outcomes of attending after school programs is the educational performance and achievements, which include increased student attendance, increased time spent on educational activities, greater parental involvement regarding children’s academic situation and better school performance. What is more, after school programs can lead the parties involved in the educational process (children, educators, families and communities) towards healthy development outcomes, such as improved social skills, increased self-esteem and self-confidence and stronger peer relationships (The Benefit of After School Programs, 2012).
At the school engagement level, ASPs have the means through which children can become …show more content…
Even though some studies support what we have shown before, there are others that suggest a more negative correlation between children’s social and emotional development and their participation in ASPs(Dynarski, et al. 2004).

2.3. After school programs: Challenges
The variety of needs and expectations of parents and schools have generated pressure within the after school evolution. Parents need after school programs to provide supervision for their children, while schools expect additional academic support. In order to function and fulfill the expectation of both, parents and school, after school programs must overcome two major misconceptions: that after school programs are childcare, and that after school programs are an extension of the school day.

2.3.1 After school programs are childcare
One of the advantages of after school programs is indeed the possibility to leave your child in a safe, supervised environment, but the same goes for school. It is often that parents view after school primarily as a safe place for their children to spend the time while they are working. Therefore, parents tend to use after school in a sporadic and inconsistent manner. Research shows that the one factor that most limits a program’s positive impact on youth is inconsistent attendance (Kane, T. …show more content…
Mixed models qualitative and/or quantitative methods may be employed, as I did both questionnaires and observation. Methods are matched to the specific questions and purpose of the research. It may include tools from both positivist and interpretivist paradigms, such as interviews, observations, testing or experiments. Following the principles of pragmatism and contextualism, the pragmatic paradigm focuses on getting projects and programs to “work” within a particular real-world

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