...Shopping bags. Condoms in Schools Safe sex Sexually transmitted diseases Abstinence till marriage Condoms Teen pregnancy is high Sexual Behavior Religious communities do not favor condom distribution in high schools. Risk avoidance Comprehensive sexuality education Youth National School Condom Availability Clearinghouse School Faculty – Nurses, Teachers, Counselors Government funds Tax Payers Choices for young ladies Cost-effective True Love Waits Parents' choice 2- Group ideas from refined brainstorm you want to use in outline 3- No Sex Education---------------Abstinence--------------Comprehensive sexuality education Government Funds Religious Groups Safe Sex Tax Payers Sex until marriage Risk Avoidance Inappropriate True Love Waits Choices for young ladies Parents' choice No cost School Faculty Sexually Transmitted Diseases 4- General Purpose: Persuasive Speech of Conviction – 5-9 minutes 5- Specific Purpose Statement: I want my audience to believe the only way to ensure every teen can prevent Sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy through comprehensive sexuality education. WILL USE PICTURES OF STDS, CONDOMS AND PICTURES OF TEEN MOTHERS FOR VISUAL...
Words: 1570 - Pages: 7
...this country 70 teenagers become pregnant, 1,100 teenagers attain an STD, and one young person contracts HIV (Carmona, Elders, & Satcher, 2015). At some point in history, presumably the decade of the 1980s, I too became part of a similar data set. I am the offspring of teenage mother. No matter if it is some thirty-three years ago or 2015, teenage pregnancy is occurring. The only exception between the two different decades is the magnitude of such adverse side effects that not only impacts the teenage mother, but others as well. In a majority of instances some sort of family member, or social worker, need to intervene and care for the child (since the mother can still be called one herself). As for my situation, I was very grateful to have both sets of my grandparent’s take over the responsibilities and duties that an adult mother and father typically account for. Granted, there was sufficient assistance to aid my teenage parents, but their irresponsibility, immaturity, and lack of knowledge for the future, divided both families forever. Which brings me to this; should the teenagers be blamed for the high pregnancy rates, or should the blame be laid at the feet of sex education programs and society around them, or rather a culmination of both? I believe we can’t just blame the individuals themselves. I feel it is the utmost responsibility and collective effort from the government, programs, parents, and role models around them to lay down the knowledge they need in order to make...
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...One can argue that the best method of prevention is induced by education. What better place to demonstrate this theory than school? There is an uprising issue in America that needs to be addressed in schools. “In 2012, there were 29.4 births for every 1,000 adolescent females ages 15-19, or 305,420 babies born to females in this age group. Nearly eighty-nine percent of these births occurred outside of marriage.” Teen pregnancy in America is constantly on the rise, and the current approach of abstinence in schools is not effective. ("The Truth of Abstinence") The issue will never go away. It is important to inform teens of their contraceptive options. Abstinence – only education technique in schools do not lower the teen pregnancy rates, they are not always accurate, and abstinence makes teenagers feel guilty for obtaining a form of contraceptive. With the downward spiral of our economy, many teenagers cannot even afford a child. This leads to many other issues in our country. Many teen parents were simply ignorant when it came to their pregnancy. Education is key. The main cause of teen pregnancy is obviously lack of contraceptive. In fact, any slight decrease in teenage pregnancy is due to some sort of a contraceptive. “A new study showed that improved contraceptive use is responsible for 86 percent of the decline in the U.S. adolescent pregnancy rate between 1995 and 2002.” ("The Truth of Abstinence") Everyone deserves to be aware of his or her options. If a parent is not...
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...With education on STD’s our youth will be better equipped to protect themselves from lifelong ailments and unplanned pregnancies. In the articles I read for this assignment I found a fascinating article regarding how many teens are learning about sex from magazines because they have no one else to ask questions to. “Awareness of organizations such as Planned Parenthood was also crucial for STD prevention and detection. The editors were cognizant of the prevalence of STDs in their reading audience, stating in January 1998 that there were three million new cases of STDs among teenagers every year, and that one in four sexually active teenagers would have a STD by the time they were 21. In November 1997, they also made the connection between contraception...
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...Sex Education in Schools Anquavese Jones ENG/102 06/26/2011 Becky Wilfahrt Abstract Teenage sex education is a topic of much debate in America’s schools because sex and its health related issues are prevalent in the lives of so many adolescents. Teenagers’ engagement in sexual activities has led to an increase in sexually transmitted diseases, emotional and psychological injuries, and out-of-wedlock childbearing (Rector, 2002, para. 1). Therefore, schools across the nation have been charged with implementing programs that will educate the young about the risks of engaging in sexual activities before marriage. America’s schools use one of the two commonly known approaches in hopes to deter premarital sex. These approaches are abstinence education and comprehensive sex education. Abstinence education is a type of sex education that places strict emphasis on abstaining from sex until marriage. Comprehensive sex education examines abstinence along with sexual reproductive health education and contraceptives. This paper will examine both approaches and show that comprehensive sex education is the most effective method. Introduction Sex is a hot topic that reaches many children through the different mediums to include school, internet, radio, and television. An effective way to arm our children with important data concerning sex education is by providing abstinence education in our schools. According to Powezek, in the United States, maturation classes are usually implemented...
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...OB/Peds March 11, 2014 Community Resources Paper The Risks and Education of Teenage Pregnancy The at-risk group that I chose to research is teenage pregnancy, and the education and risks associated with it. I selected this topic because I feel like it is essential to teach our children all the risk and responsibilities that come with the decision to become sexually active, before they become sexually active. If teens are taught the essentials about pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and are educated on the resources available, they will be able to make an informed decision before making a crucial decision. I feel that when abstinence is all that is taught by parents, our children are too scared to ask about sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy, and don’t know about the resources available to them to prevent both. Teenagers who are sexually active have no idea all of the different resources available to help them to prevent pregnancy and spreading sexually transmitted infections. When they become sexually active they are afraid that they are going to get in trouble for not being abstinent which further increases their chance of getting pregnant or spreading infections because they are too scared to ask about it before they put themselves in the situation. Among the most conservative states I found the following. “Mississippi continues to have the highest teeth birth rate, with 55 births per 1,000 girls. New Hampshire...
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...Reducing Teenage Pregnancies and STDs through Education An Investigation into the increasing number of teenage pregnancies and STDs in the United States Christene M. Staley Western Governor’s University WGU Student ID# 000259544 Why do we need sexual education? In recent years there has been a large debate on how to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies and STDs in the United States. Although many agree that some form of sexual education is needed there are many opinions on what should be taught in schools and at what age. One approach is teaching abstinence only programs compared with teaching young adolescence about sex and contraceptives use and the risks associated with being sexually active. We compare the United States that currently has both the highest teenage pregnancies and STDs among young adolescence compared to other industrialized countries. This examination will show what methods of sexual education has been proven to work and why. Additionally we will examine why other countries have greatly reduced teenage pregnancies and what they are doing that has been effective. There is a significant impact on society and its costing our nation as well as the children of the teenager mothers. (Manlove et al., 2002). The first thing we need to look at is educating teenagers in order to reduce teen pregnancies and STDs. Second we will look at the need to being the discussion of sex at home and educate our children starting as the...
Words: 1661 - Pages: 7
...Paper Sex Education: Truth or Taboo? Each and every year the government spends over forty million dollars to support families that have resulted from teenage pregnancies (“Statistics on Teen Pregnancy” Question 1). However, the government chooses to only fund abstinence programs in schools. If a school chooses to have an abstinence plus birth control program, the government will not present them with any federal funds to help cover the costs of the program (Lindberg, Laura, Duberstein, and Isaac Maddow-Zimet 332). Not only will the government refuse to fund the program, but the parents are also scared such courses will negatively influence their children and churches say it goes against moral conduct. The church argument should be invalid if our country wants to live up to the separation of church and state. The church should not be able to dictate what students learn. However, that is beside the point. Until schools have the backing of the community and parents, this will not be changed. The media also plays a big role in negative influences on teen pregnancy. In my opinion, this is something that classes could change. Deciding on who should receive this education is another debate. Everyone should receive this education. The information is very helpful and useful. When asked about sex education, Helen B. Shaffer had this to say, “while sex education in the schools has become fairly prevalent, much of it still skirts around the very questions on which young people need more knowledge...
Words: 5410 - Pages: 22
...Rebeca Molina Case Study #1 1. I think that abstinence-only sex education is probably the best option. However, I think it has a lot of aspects that it needs to fix. It is understandable that the point is it get people to stop having premarital sex. There has to be a better way to get people to follow this. What makes it hard is that it is backed up by religious beliefs. I think that this is what makes people turn away. They feel like they are following religious law. They would be to a certain extent. Be that as it may, there is a reason laws are in place. There can be a lot of ramification to having premarital sex. I can understand why people think it can increase pregnancy and disease. It can be seen as doing something just because you are told not to do it. However, I do not think that is the case. At the end of the day it is still the individuals choice. 2....
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...persuade my audience into being in favor of distributing contraceptives (condoms, birth control pills, spermicides, etc.) in high schools. Thesis statement: In order to explain why contraceptives are becoming such a necessity in schools today, I will share how teen parenthood is being glorified, reasons for such an increase in teenage pregnancies, and how effective distributing contraceptives would be. INTRODUCTION I. Attention getter: (show slide of pregnant girls) How many of you have ever seen television shows like “16 and Pregnant”, “Teen Mom”, or “The Secret Life of an American Teenager”? II. Credibility statement: I am not a teen parent, but I have several friends who are and went to school with several teenage parents. Once I chose this topic, I did a lot of research online about the rising problem of teen pregnancy and the unfortunate consequences of contraceptives not being available to teenagers. III. Relating to the Audience: While most of you are probably not teenage parents, I bet many of you know either a couple girls who got pregnant at a young age or a few guys who got girls pregnant at a young age. Teenage pregnancy is something that affects all of us in some way, either in our homes and neighborhoods or on our televisions and computer screens. IV. Thesis statement: In order to explain why contraceptives are becoming such a necessity in schools today, I will share how teen parenthood is being glorified, reasons for such an increase in teenage pregnancies, and...
Words: 1246 - Pages: 5
...Why is sex such an unmentionable topic in American culture? In the media and society, students and young adults are constantly bombarded with mentions of sex, but schools are reluctant to talk about it. Though this might not seem like a big deal, this stigma putting sex off-limits from discussion and the disconnection between what kids see in and outside of school has done harm to sex-ed programs in the United States. Many programs throughout the country since the 1970s-80s push for abstinence-only sex education, which promotes the idea that because students are told to wait, they do not need to discuss how to have safe sex. Because of the largely negative effects of abstinence-only sex education on students and the inefficacy of the current...
Words: 1958 - Pages: 8
...that teenagers are having sex, he further states that turning a blind eye is not a rational approach and sufficient information and encouragement is needed. There were over 400,000 pregnant American teenagers recorded in 2007. Although the sex rate amongst girls in the United States is not the highest, the teenage birthrate and abortion is still leading in numbers. Blow expresses that many states and parents are backing out of the “abstinence-only education” approach. By moving away from the norm of society, daring actions must be taken to generate a sex education foundation that recognizes the truth and aid to safeguard our children from unsolicited pregnancies or other harmful outcomes. The author concludes that sex education at an early age may be drastic however Americans themselves are unable to approach the sex topic without being awkward, withdrawn or chuckling. As an experiment, Blow implies that parents initiate the sex talk conversation stern with assurance, “I’d prefer you waited to have sex. That said, whenever you choose to do it, make sure you use one of these condoms.” Ultimately, regarding the importance of sex education, I strongly agree with Blow that comprehensive sex education is needed within high schools so that teenagers can avoid the harsh outcomes of sexual activity. Teenage pregnancy is very rampant in today’s society as children are becoming more sexually active at an earlier age. Why does it seem as though the attitude about pregnant teenagers is more...
Words: 2175 - Pages: 9
...Abstinence only versus Sex education in preventing teen pregnancy Anamika Laddha Chamberlain University Abstinence only versus Sex education in preventing teen pregnancy Introduction United States has the highest level of teenage pregnancy amongst the industrialized nations – nine times as high as Netherlands or Japan, twice as high as England and Wales or Canada. Over eight hundred thousand teenage girls get pregnant each year, most unintentionally (The Alan Guttmacher Institue, 2000). Four out of ten young women become pregnant at least once before age 20. Moe than 80% of these pregnancies are to unmarried teens (National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2004). Teenage pregnancy usually refers to girls who have not reached legal adulthood. World Health Organization defines Teenage Pregnancy as “any pregnancy from a girl who is 10-19 years of age,” the age being defined as her age at the time the baby is born. It is not limited to any social, economic, racial or ethnic groups. It is a serious issue that has effect on all of us and should be a concern from obstetric and socio-economical point of views. Factors Contributing to Teen Pregnancy The reasons behind teen pregnancy are complex, varied, and typically interconnected. As Sisson (2012) points out that teen pregnancy should not be looked as isolated issue and it must be understood within context of social complexities and inequities all of which needs to be effectively addressed in order to be one step closer...
Words: 2845 - Pages: 12
...c. Promotes Self Respect d. Promotes Safe Sex e. Reduces STDS f. Educates on how to properly use birth control 2. Provides another source for teens to go to discuss safe sex a. Nurses b. Coach 3. It will tell teens it’s okay to have sex 4. Safe Sex still starts at home this is not a replacement a. Education is power b. Providing a feeling of respect not shame c. A place to speak openly Let’s Talk about Condoms in High School Statistics has shown that 70% of teen girls that have given birth drop out of school (Mangel, ACLU). Within two years 25% of these young women will give birth again and only one third of them will receive a high school diploma (Stanley J. Swierzewski). Will offering condoms in schools help reduce this epidemic? Yes it will; teen pregnancy rates in southern schools are much higher in Southern States compared to Northern states by about 30% (Steenhuysen). Providing birth control to teenagers will allow them another source to get protection. Teen pregnancy will cost North Carolinas over one billion dollars a year, also North Carolina has the 9th highest teen pregnancy rate (ACLU). Boys would be allowed to get condoms from their coaches and in a lot of cases boys would feel more comfortable going to his coach then his parents. This will also help bring down the STD rate as well. Half of all new STD including...
Words: 1245 - Pages: 5
...investigate sexual education because it is a policy area that hits close to home. Sexual Education is an issue with many facets, but it falls under the larger umbrella of reproductive freedom. Many people would consider themselves either pro-life or pro-choice, but there is also a middle section that is less defined. This section is present because of cases like rape, health difficulties, or future health of the baby. With education, it is less black and white in the eyes of the general populace. Further, sides are frequently taken due to religious beliefs. Education is typically a more local issue, but it has a large impact on the rate of pregnant teens, which ultimately funnels into the debate over abortion. More specifically, the federal government has to take action on both abortion and sexual education because of their inter-connectedness. With that said, the focus of my policy is primarily the need for comprehensive sexual education. I work for the American Civil Liberties Union, and within this I am a part of TACL. The point of this group is to focus on civil liberties for students. With the passage of the abstinence only bill in Tennessee, I feel as though my liberties have been taken. I believe that you cannot stop students from doing what is natural by not teaching them about it or teaching them about protection. Studies show that in states with abstinence only education laws, the pregnancy rate is much higher. I want to focus my research on education about safety...
Words: 5851 - Pages: 24