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Education Prep.


Submitted By studentvar
Words 958
Pages 4
Education is must for every individual in this world; it’s the step stone of knowledge and learning. Education can make difference in one’s life by providing the respect and well career advancement for their future. People often call uneducated person illiterate; without an education a person waste his whole life. Education is a form of learning, usually transferred from one generation to other. It is provided through teaching, training, or research. One chooses his or her career to earn what they want. Every career is different, and they are different in their competencies. Nursing education is another career people choose to go for; they also have different competencies. Licensed vocational nurse has different competencies than associate degree nursing; and Baccalaureate degree different than associate degree nursing. In this paper, we are going to discuss the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureate-degree level in nursing.
Competencies Differences
The associate program is usually 2-3 years long and it is usually offered at the community colleges. The associate degree nursing students usually learn the knowledge, and skills. These skills are required to care for individuals and families during illness and recovery after medical treatment. ADN nurses practice a more restricted level of nursing care such as skilled nursing and long term care facilities, corrections and clinics. The associate nurse teaching is more focused on direct hands such as hospitals and community care. “The associate degree nursing programs have fewer such as 72-80 units of classes mostly and teach students basics of leadership needed for RN supervision of other health providers” (West coast, 2009). On the other hand, baccalaureate degree level nursing is usually 4 yearlong or shorter if it’s a bridge program,

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