...Educational Preparation Grand Canyon University; NRS 430V July 8, 2014 Educational Preparation In the world of nursing that’s constantly evolving, a workforce of well-educated nurses is in high in demand. It can arguably be said that Associate Degree Nurses (ADN) aren’t as qualified to take care of patients as Bachelors of Science Degree Nurses (BSN) are. As stated in the American Association of Colleges Of Nursing (AACN), “Research has shown that lower mortality rates, fewer medication errors, and positive outcomes are all linked to nurses prepared at the baccalaureate and graduate degree levels” (2013). The future of nursing is reliant on ADN nurses realizing a BSN degree is imperative to be a successful nurse. Having a BSN degree will allow nurses to become better at their practices, which will involve patient care, teaching and leading. Providing exceptional patient care is the primary focus in Nursing. This care is best provided with well-educated nurses so the changing needs of patients can be met. (Wood, 2010). Ensuring that patient’s are receiving the upmost care is vital in patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. In a field that is contently changing, it’s imperative that nurses continue their education, and skill practices. Having an ADN degree is the minimum qualification a nurse needs to work as a RN. Nurses need to strive for more than the bare minimum when it comes to patient care. Medicine is always evolving, and nurses themselves have to continue...
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...EDUCATIONAL PREPARATION Valsa Mathai Grand canyon University: NRS 430 11/ 23/ 2014 Competencies between Associate degree level Nurse and Baccalaureate level Nurse Licensed health care professional who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health and practices can be independently or under the supervision of a physician, surgeon or dentist is called a Nurse. And Nursing is a health care profession providing physical and emotional care to sick and disabled and promoting health in all individuals through activities. It can be research, health education or patient care. (Merriam Webster dictionary, 2014). From 1993, American organization Nurse executors divided nursing in to two categories that is Associate Degree Nursing and Bacularate degree Nursing.Both has to take the licensure exam, bedside patient care including Aassessments, Venipuncture, administering medications, starting intravenous infusion , health teaching and assisting doctors in surgical procedures .Most of the hospital the pay is same for RN and BSN . But some hospitals they prefer BSN instead of Associate degree nurse. Associate Degree Level Nurse Diploma programs are only 2 years in length in and it consists the study of general education and clinical nursing Programs. Graduates will be able to take RN licensure examination. ADN programs prepared as bedside nurses would work under the direction and supervision of BSN. Associate degree usually focus...
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...The Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate-degree Level. Amanda J. Perez Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V-0105 NRS-430V Professional Dynamics March 10, 2013 The Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate-degree Level. Although both an associate-degree level and baccalaureate-degree level prepared nurses may sit for the same NCLEX-RN exam, “nurses prepared at the baccalaureate-level are linked to lower mortality and failure to rescue rates” (AACN, 2012). This is simply one difference between the competencies of a nurse prepared at an associate-degree level versus one prepared at a baccalaureate-degree level. In the mid 1900’s an associate-degree level nurse was thought of as a “technical nurse”, closer to the role of a limited vocational nurse; created to assist the professional baccalaureate-degree level nurses during nursing shortages (GCU, 2013). Since then associate-degree level prepared nurses can very much function and practice on their own, once passing the state board licensing examination. However differences in patient care and nursing approach are evident between associate-degree level and baccalaureate-degree level prepared nurses. According to Table 2-1 “Comparison of Nursing Education Programs” in Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, the purpose of an associate- degree level program is to “prepare...
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...Educational Preparation An associate’s degree in nursing can be an attractive alternative due to condensed program time and a decrease in tuition rates and I, use to believe becoming an RN would be the end of my college education. During the past eight months of my registered nurse (RN) career I have come to know that there are so many more opportunities to having a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN). A nurse who has completed the BSN program is capable of assessing a situation and using critical thinking skills to give the patient a better outcome verses an RN assessment. Nurses with a BSN are able to adjust the plan of care in situations when the patient’s condition changes and this significantly shows fewer mortality rates even after a patient is discharged from the hospital. Many nursing jobs usually require a BSN degree at the least, such as pediatric nursing, an OR nurse, and nurse practitioners. Having a higher level of education in nursing allows a nurse to educate patients or the public on disease processes as well as becoming a school nurse. With a BSN degree, doors will open to many more exciting and demanding roles. In the BSN program, nurses are taught through theory to enhance critical thinking skills through connections with instructors and professionals. Throughout a nurse’s career, they continue to develop critical thinking skills in the type of job selected. Having a BSN, you are more qualified to watch over a patients hospital stay, whether is...
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...1.93% of higher education faculty believe critical thinking is an essential learning outcome. A 2005 report by the Association of American Colleges and Universities demonstrated the need for efforts to promote critical thinking by highlighting the disparity between the 93% of higher education faculty that perceive critical thinking to be an essential learning outcome and the 6% of undergraduate seniors that actually demonstrated critical thinking proficiency. Source: Ian J. Quitadamo and Martha J. Kurts, "Learning to Improve: Using Writing to Increase Critical Thinking Performance in General Education Biology,” CBE Life Sciences Education, Feb. 2007. 2.Critical thinking is considered the second most important life skill after interpersonal skill. In a 1994 survey of over 11,000 college graduates, the "ability to think critically” ranked as the second most important skill out of 16 in their daily life (#1 was interpersonal skills). Source: Cooperative Institutional Research Program, "1994 Nine Year Follow-Up Survey (of 1985 Freshmen),” Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, 1995. 3.Learning and discussing controversial issues in school helps students become more informed and more active citizens. A 2007 survey of 5,400 secondary students found that: "Students who regularly take part in classroom discussion are more likely to: •Vote in later life •Support basic democratic values •Take part in political discussions •Follow political news...
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...Kristal Charles November 11, 2013 EDU 225 Christy Faux Software to Support Assessment Using assessments can be very a very difficult part of teaching. Evaluating a child’s performance in school can be very hard, but a necessary part of the educational process. For many, assessments mean test. Students and parents view these assessments as a way to out-do their classmates and compete to see who is able to get the highest grade. They don’t view these assessments as a way to know if they understand the things being taught. Assessments are created to serve a purpose. They help diagnose learning disabilities, identify a student in need, and help the district meet their yearly goals Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning Teachers are able to use technology in many different ways. Teachers us observation, making adjustments when needed in a lesson, communication, written assignments, and giving tests to help each student know their strengths, and weaknesses. To make sure no child is left behind a teacher needs to evaluate the child’s daily, monthly, and quarterly progress. This will help the teacher understand what is each child still needs help on. By modifying the curriculum for some of the children this will help each one individually. Students should have the opportunity to use assessments in their class to help understand all the tasks that are being assigned during. The software being used can include many things. Including presentation...
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...Predictors of Reading Literacy in the Netherlands Drs. Andrea Netten, National Language Center, The Netherlands Prof. dr. Ludo Verhoeven, National Language Center, The Netherlands Dr. Mienke Droop, National Language Center, The Netherlands Abstract The purpose of this study was to construct a longitudinal model that predicts reading literacy at the end of primary school. The data of 822 students who participated on a combined PRIMA and PIRLS 2001 study and PRIMA 2003 study were analyzed. The following student variables were considered for the model predicting Reading Literacy in grade 6: Nonverbal Intelligence, Home Reading Resources, Decoding, Language Comprehension, Mathematics, Reading Motivation, Academic Self-confidence and Reading Literacy in grade 4. The fit of the model was found to be good. The model explained 62% of the variance in Reading Literacy in Grade 6. The three school-learned skills that were entered in the model; Language, Decoding and Mathematics have proven to be important predictors for reading literacy. With respect to the two variables measuring attitudes, Reading Motivation and Academic Self-Confidence, it can be concluded that they contributed, either direct or indirect, to the prediction of reading literacy in grade 6, although they explained only a small part of the variance. Introduction For a student to become a successful and productive adult in society, good reading skills are essential. To refer to the demands for literacy in today’s society...
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...Meanings of Intelligence and Adaptive Behavior Until several years ago, many students who were classified as having ID or assigned into an inclusion classroom were not expected to participate in standardized testing, however as late, everyone in public schools is expected to participate in standardized assessments. Some educators are happy with the change while others are concerned the assessments are not an accurate assessment of what students actually know. For many students with learning disabilities, standardized assessments often don’t accurately indicate what the student truly knows and where they have deficits. One problem with assessing students with ID is the identification and classification of ID is that they differ greatly between states and is often inconsistent. According to Kortez, students with specific learning disabilities are served under the IDEA, however we use the word “classification” when referring to the category of and indentified student’s specific disability or disabilities (Kortez). The major problem that arises is the fact that identification is being highly inconsistent which is raising the concern students being mislabeled. It seems as though some educators are either over identifying or under indentifying students. However, this is not just a problem on the educator’s level; it is also showing up on the state level. It seems as though when the combined across the nation, identification is inconsistent. More than half of all students being...
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...Literature Review Investigating the relationship between self-efficacy and academic success Cheng Zhang PSY 301 LAB Jason Wallin 23/10/2013 Literature Review: Investigating the relationship between self-efficacy and academic success During the past decades, the importance of self-efficacy has been receiving much attention from many scholars from a variety of research fields such as psychology and education. Scholars want to find the relationship of self-efficacy and the outcome of academic performance. According to the self-efficacy theory proposed by Bandura in the late 1970s, self-efficacy is the individual’s perceived capability to perform a given duty successfully (Bandura, 1977). As Bandura stated in a more recent article, the belief that a person possesses the power to generate expected effects by his or her actions is the fundamental basis of any factors that serve as guides and motivators. Without such a belief, it is quite hard for a person to find sufficient incentive to take actions or overcome difficulties (Bandura, 2002, p. 2). Pajaresand Schunk(2001) summarized that Bandura’s social cognitive theory emphasizes the important role of self-efficacy belief in the process where individuals make decisions and ultimately take actions to pursue their goals. Alternatively speaking, it is more likely for people to engage in activities when they feel confident and have competence than those that they do not. Meanwhile, according to Hackett and Betz (1981), expectations...
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...LEARNING STYLE Edith R. Drebot iNTRODUCTION: How does one define the word learning? Is it through a response to others or is it a response to one's own thoughts? Personally, learning comes in all forms from visual to written to experienced or even by reaction. A look at the word defines a processing of data and acceptance of data for usage. From a standpoint of how I personally reviewed Learning Style, my thoughts are incorporated below. When one pursues further education, one must review the possibilities before entering into the process. On reviewing the pursuit, knew to excel in my field of choice required me to accept and become responsible for more knowledge and training. As the topic took form, I reflected on how best to substantiate and portray the definition of Learning brought a Visual/Graphic with secondary Read/Write Learning Styles. As thoughts became a picture it was one of a wheel. A wheel offered the suggestion of movement, but how does a wheel move and what components make the detail. The primary detail surprised me, but as reflected--when as a child… i.e., the shape of the truck was a rectangle or the shape was a box, brought the memory of a picture. Although I didn’t think I was a Visual/Graphic learner, in truth, I have always been this style. My secondary style Read/Write would help to diversify the Visual/Graphic Learning Style by providing the written form to be visualized as a picture. As the wheel took form, I saw the spokes designed...
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...character, social and economical improvements as well. I would have gain the knowledge needed to communicate effectively, think critically, and be discipline in my profession. There is no greater feeling of satisfaction for me than knowing that I have sacrificed and committed to working hard and receiving my degree. It is essential that before and even after entering the workplace that you take advantage of every opportunity for social and academic growth. The vast number of tools and assessments from this course can be very useful for me in other courses and preparing for my career. The two exceptional tools that stand out for me are the Library and the Center for Writing Excellence. In the Library there is a wide selection of educational material for effective research on every area and topic imaginable. The Center for Writing Excellence is an outstanding tool for use in effective written communication, this tool is essential in assisting you with developing your writing skills, by helping you to formulate your thoughts, correctly cite and format your papers, as well as correct any grammatical errors by way of use of the WritePoint checker. The assessments in the Ethical Lens Inventory and Career Plan Building has given me a better understanding...
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...What is the lecture method of teaching? In: Educational Methods and Theories, Learning Theories, General Educational Development (GED) [Edit categories] Answer: It is the practice of having the teacher, or lecturer, at the front of the classroom talking to students. This is seen as one-way communication, since the lecturer is the only one speaking. An effective use of this is a short talk to provide students with the background information they need to do the work. What are the steps in lecture method? In: Uncategorized [Edit categories] Answer: student analysis lesson planning formulation of the lesson guide prepration for presenting the lecture presentation of the lecture testing follow-up What is lecture method? In: Learning Theories [Edit categories] Answer: The lecture method is a teaching method, in fact the teaching method most often found in universities today. It bases itself upon the transmissive teaching model, in brief terms that knowledge is an object that can be transferred from the teacher to the learner. Practically it implies a lecturer holding a lecture for a group of people. A strength is that it is possible to educate large number of people at once, thereby lowering costs. A limitation is that it yields less deep knowledge compared to other teaching methods such as case-based learning. (Chaplin 2009, White et al. 2009, Grunwald & Hartman 2010). Advantages of lecture method in teaching? Answer: The lecture method of teaching...
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...The Pill Ever since Mr. Mac in first grade told my parents that I should be tested for ADHD, my life had completely changed. I had been diagnosed at the age of seven. I had ADHD. I felt different, yet I was the same person. The doctors experimented with different types of medicines on me to figure out which one suited me best. I started off on simple Methylphenidate, which is commonly known as Ritalin. Then I moved to Adderall, which at the time was brand new and was not fully developed as a drug yet. Then along came The Pill. I did not know it yet but Concerta was soon to be personified and my nemesis. I have never liked my medication; in fact it was always a struggle for me to take my pill. It made me feel different, zombie like, like I was running on autopilot and The Pill was in control. It was always down to my parents forcing me to take it. The Pill became a dreaded daily task. My parents would always remind me and pester me about it as if it was a solution to my life. I however liked to think I could do it on my own without my medicine. The Pill became a person to me, it became my enemy. After first grade, my Dad got a new job in Michigan and we moved during the summer. It was there on a mild summer day in June of 2001, in the Town of Brighton where I met my first best friend. Shelby was special; she had some kind of charm to her that could make anyone happy. From second grade to fifth grade, Shelby taught me that I was a normal kid, that I wasn’t different because...
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...Introduction Learning styles can vary greatly among all individuals as we are unique in how we process and interpret information. Neil D. Fleming, who published, VARK a guide to learning styles expanded on these different styles and in fact, created a questionnaire to further reinforce the different types of learners. Summary of my learning style The results of performing the VARK questionnaire revealed that my predominant learning style was that of a kinesthetic learner. This was not surprising, as the descriptive characteristics of a kinesthetic learner were accurate with how I process information. As described by Ann Marie Dinkel, kinesthetic learners can easily be identified by a few obvious traits; they remember what was done, but not always what was said or seen, they find reasons to tinker or move around when bored, they communicate by touching, and they rely on what they can directly experience (Dinkel, M., 2011). Often times these same behaviors are displayed in children who are mistakenly mislabeled, as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Dinkel, M., 2011) Kinesthetic learners often have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time, demonstrate “hyperactivity”, and enjoyed tactile stimulation when learning. (Hutton, S., 2013). Preferred learning strategies Even though I was unaware of my formal learning style growing up, I had unknowing adapted strategies through the years that had allowed me to be an effective learner. In order to learn effectively...
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...Vark Analysis Paper: Learning Style Grand Canyon University:NRS-429V Family Centered Health Promotion December 12th, 2013 Vark Analysis Paper: Learning Styles Neil Fleming designed the VARK (visual, aural, read and kinesthetic) whose main aim was to help people in understanding the various learning styles. Fleming designed a questionnaire of sixteen questions that when answered are supposed to grade a person in relation to the nearest learning style (Walter, 2009). The questions determine ones line of thought and directly grades the person hence allowing them to know their learning style which in turn helps them to plan on how to allocate their study time according to the results from the questionnaire. The paper is an indication of the VARK questionnaire results and an explanation of the results. For the different styles of learning the level of study intake differs with every style having a different level of output. The research has often shown that for every student the results are different and do not indicate the most preferrent method of learning for a group for example in the case of a class environment. There are different learning reactions for the different learning styles. For visual learners the most preferred form of learning is the use of pictures in which they mostly find it more comfortable when they take a general look at their situations instead of a more detailed look that divides the case study into smaller...
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