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Edward R. Murrow Summary

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Edward Roscoe Murrow was a renegade in the American broadcasting and reporting business. Not only by the nature of his values, but by his seemingly innate -ambition- to give every story and every individual the right to fair and honest disclosure, did Murrow disrupt and reshape the way the world wants to receive, and does report its news.
There are no expiration dates on values, and the values so firmly defended by Murrow are still inspiring to this day. It is past the point of opinion to say that today’s mass media has become bloated, with alarming headlines, theatrical graphics and backgrounds, and shallow substance. They say history repeats itself, and at first thought it may seem that is the case in American broadcasting. Murrow devoted …show more content…
Murrow College of Communication. The platform for the Murrow college of communication is values and ethics which were inspired by the ‘Murrow way”. Through the programs offered in this college, we can learn to discern what is fairly and honestly reported and what is hyped, bloated, and biased. When Murrow said “we have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information..unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late” there was no way he could have known that we would find ourselves working to escape this reality over 60 years later. Today, we are aiming to mold efficacious individuals with the intentions of bettering communication through all forms of …show more content…
I very much admired the attitude which Murrow delivered Don Hollenbeck’s obituary on CBS. He did not let his feelings on the matter cloud his ability to deliver brief and truthful information to the public. “.. he died this morning. The police said it was suicide. Gas.” What a refreshing change it is to hear the truth before you even have to ask it. I envision this ideal being lived out today through the work of committed and invested reporters and journalists who also believe that the world deserves honesty. All political affiliations aside, I anticipate there being stupendous amounts of questions, conflicts, and situations occurring over the next four years for which the entire world will want answers. We all crave the truth, even when we know it is unpleasant. Just as we would all like to know what happened in Area 51, who was the assailant in a particular crime, etc., we all crave facts in our media. I hope to see bold journalists putting themselves in the uncomfortable situations the rest of us won’t get into for answers. I hope to see blunt news reporters and I hope to see less theatrics in the nightly news. I hope that at the least, the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication inspires someone to take a career outside the

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