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Edward Weston Research Paper

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Utilizing the smallest aperture opening came from Edward Weston, a photographer in the 1900’s, who had a big vision of what photography could be. It was Weston’s vision for photography to be considered an art form and not just something that imitated great paintings. Weston’s focus was centered on landscapes, nudes, and natural forms. The way that Weston captured the intricate details of every subject are breathtaking and an inspiration to others.
Weston was born in Highland Park, Illinois. His mother died when he was a young boy and was then raised by his father and older sister. When he was sixteen years old Weston’s father gave him his first box camera. Weston discovered his natural, artistic ability to capture wonderful images. Weston never finished high school and followed his sister to California in the early 1900’s. While in California he would go door to door taking family portraits as a freelance photographer. Weston decided to return home in hopes of getting more formal photography training. In 1908, Weston enrolled in Illinois College of Photography. The photography program was a 12-month program which Weston completed in six …show more content…
The photograph titled, Tree, appears to be the perfect weeping willow, nestled in, down by the lake. The focus of the photograph is the tree itself and it is centered in the middle of the picture. It is perfectly balanced within the photograph. This goes against the rule of thirds, but it works well. The lighting appears to be on a sunny day due to the brightness coming through the leaves on the willow tree, as well as, casting the shadows on the darker trees across the lake. The photograph is not too contrasty. There are no distracting elements in the photograph. This image does not appear to be as sharp in detail as some of Weston’s other work. Weston’s landscape photographs usually have broader scenes that have greater contrast between brightness and

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