product Muffins cookies loaves of bread
price 5.5 4.75 5.25
quantity 45000 65000 85000
IV quarter
247500 308750 446250 1002500
price 6 5.25 5.75
quantity 36000 52000 68000
I quarter
216000 273000 391000 880000
price 6 5.25 5.75
quantity 37800 54600 71400
II quarter
226800 286650 410550 924000
price 6 5.25 5.75
quntity 39690 57330 74970
III quarter
238140 300982.5 431077.5 970200
price 6 5.25 5.75
quantity 47628 68796 89964
IV quarter
285768 361179 517293 1164240
price 6 5.25 5.75 3938440
I quarter
41675 250047 0 60197 316031.625 0 78719 452631.375 1018710
product Muffins Cookies loaves of Bread
I quarter inventory sales estimation need of production 800 1156 1511 36000 52000 68000 36040 52058 68076
II quarter inventory sales estimation need of production 840 1213 1587 37800 54600 71400 37842 54661 71479
III quarter inventory sales estimation need of production 882 1274 1666 39690 57330 74970 39866 57585 75303
IV quarter inventory sales estimation need of production 1058 1529 1999 47628 68796 89964 47496 68605 89714
I quarter inventory sales estimation of production need 926 1338 1749 41675 60197 78719 41721 60263 78806
inventory 972 1405 1837
II quarter sales estimation 43758 63206 82654 6 5.26 5.75 5557 0 7036 0 10058 22651
muffins usage flour Margarine Sugar Eggs Milk Cocoa Peanut butter chips Mini Chocolate chips Shortening Baking packet 1 0.25 1 0.5 0.75 1 2
cookies usage 0.5 0.25 0.5 2 0.1
loves of bread usage 3
I quarter muffins cookies loves of bread 36040 52058 68076 used in I quarter 18020 27030 26029 13014 26029 104116 5206 9010 36040 17019 17019 204227 248276 40044 79088