...Effective Teamwork Tiffany Cooper February 2, 2016 SOC-110 Stephen Eckstone What are the characteristics of effective teams? 1. Goals: The team must understand their purpose and vision. Understanding this upfront helps the team to work hard at achievement. 2. Established Roles: Setting and understanding each member’s role helps to discover talents and skills of the team members. 3. Communication: Open and clear communication is very important to be a high functioning team. Effective communication helps each member to stay informed. 4. Participation: All team members should have full involvement. Each member should value the others opinion. 5. Managed Conflict: The team will have to find ways to communicate with differences. The team must learn to look at all points of view. Disagreements among team members helps to encourage solutions that meet everyone’s objective. 6. Diversity: Teams with diversity have better changes of working effectively. Having different ideas brings a great benefit to any team. 7. Leadership Participation: An effective team shares leadership among the team at various times. 8. Positive atmosphere: An effective team has an atmosphere where the team members feel comfortable. The environment has to make members feel that they don’t have to be afraid to express their opinions or be themselves. Constructive feedback helps ease the tension in a group. Celebrate success with the team. How do roles...
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...The two points I found to be most impactful from the article written by Leonard & Frankel on the roles of effective teamwork and communication was the idea of “Effective teamwork requires not only the teaching and practice of specific teamwork tools and behaviors, but also effective leadership and an acute understanding of safety culture”( Leonard, M. & Frankel, A. (2011), p.820).The second idea from this article that I found to be impactful was the implementation of the “Surgical Patient Safety System (SURPASS) that incorporated 11 checklists across the patient’s continuum of surgical care within 5 hospitals”. These two concepts were most impactful for me because I feel like they have a structure that is proven to have effective quality...
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...Teams Alexandria Aguirre Dr. Nate CotePrinciples of Supervision 1 (D50)Dona Ana Community College | What are teams? Why are they important? When you think about teamwork, you may recognize effective, productive teams. You may also recognize groups of individuals who have been put together to work on a task who just don't seem to make the same progress. Your answer as to what a team is may be working together with other people to figure out a problem; and you are exactly correct. Teams are better in some situations, but not necessary needed in all. In fact, they may have some disadvantages that are inappropriate for the work place. Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being done require multiple skills, judgment, and experience, but when the individual isn’t a team player, teams are just about as good as the individual himself. (Robbins and DeCenzo 275-84) Many times, teams are often confused with groups. Teams and groups are similar, but not completely. What differentiates both is that in a team, the members are committed to a common purpose, have a set of specific performance goals, and hold themselves equally responsible for the team’s results. A group is individuals working interdependent who come together to reach a particular objective. There are four types of teams that carry different level of effectiveness. They are: a working group, a pseudo team, a potential team, and a real team. In a working group, there is no work or opportunity to engage...
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...SAT2 Leadership - Team Evaluation 1.Identify your team’s goals. Creating a leadership; handbook was a very large and detail oriented undertaking. To complete the task at hand our team needed to be very organized and stick to a very strict plan. Our first step was to clearly define the goals for our team and delegate roles for each member. We identified the following four goals that we would accomplish by the end of our project: 1. To evaluate how essential teamwork is to be effective in successfully completing a task. 2. To apply the process of team development throughout this task and decide as a team on the best recommended means of communication to utilize and the best decision-making technique to practice. 3. To utilize techniques on conflict resolution, influence strategies and motivation strategies within the team when the need arises. 4. To create a comprehensive leadership handbook as a team. a. Discuss how your team achieved or did not achieve its goals. Our team worked together to assure that all goals that we set out were in the end accomplished. The first, and most important task at hand was to create a leadership handbook, which we completed within 2 short weeks. The bi-products of working together to accomplish this feat, were the other goals mentioned. From the first meeting we constantly worked to apply the process of team development throughout the task. We decided early on via a general consensus how we would communicate and...
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...Running Head: OB in Action: Google’s “Three-Thirds” HR Team BUS311: M5A1 Case Analysis: OB in Action: Google’s “Three-Thirds” HR Team BUS 311: Organizational Behavior Summary Google, the first popular search engine in world was founded in 1995 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They created this search engine so that users can find any website or document on the web based on keyword or exact searches. Google provides free services for their users. Introduction What is a team? A team is defined as a group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project. Teams members (1) operate with a high degree of interdependence, (2) share authority and responsibilities for self-management, (3) are accountable for the collective performance, and (4) work toward a common goal and shared rewards(s). Team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members (Business Dictionary.com, 2014). It is equally important for us to know that a team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performing goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p. 300). Similarly, an excerpt by Franklin Covey “4 Disciplines of Execution” is of the view that the four discipline of...
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...it can be utilized as such. High Performing Work Team Team performance is what contributes to a team success of failure. According to Thompson (2014), team performance analysis consists of productivity, cohesion, learning, and integration. This analysis identifies the factors on how team performance effectiveness should be evaluated. Productivity measure whether the team achieve their goals. It requires the team to have a clear goal and adapt accordingly as new information arrives, if the goals changes, and if the organizational priorities has shifted. Productivity is what evaluates the team’s output meets the standards of those who have to use it. It is imperative that each members of the team accept the identified goals to be effective. Another important factor in evaluating team performance is cohesion and integration of all team members. Every team members should work together as a whole. It is vital for everyone involved to behave accordingly with respect while working through any differences among them. When all members integrate themselves in achieving the same goals...
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...ork Subject : Organization Behavior Section : EAR Teamwork Designed by : Hala wael alsayeh 1102320 Jumanah Badahdah 1132443 Hadiya Gadiri 1102329 Halima Mohamed 1102310 Shorooq Ba- Saiwar 1102365 Teamwork There are certain jobs that require individual focus and attention, but a vast majority of projects require teamwork to be done . Nowadays being able to work productively with a team is one of the most essential aspects of achieving success in a business setting. It’s important for increasing creativity in the workplace and improving the quality of work. Also, employees that have the ability to work together are usually better able to serve their company needs, so teamwork is very important for all kind of organizations and it is used in all aspects of life . This essay will explain what is the meaning of a teamwork , the differences between teamwork and group work , characteristics of effective team and benefits of teamwork .Also , we will displayed the key roles of the team and teamwork skills. Finally we will see how organizations care about the teamwork in real life . As a beginning , we should know the definition of teamwork and the differences between teamwork and group work . First, teamwork is a group of people work together as a team by using their individual skills in order to achieve a common goal , despite any personal conflict between individuals , that means the team work...
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...Abstract Teamwork is about several people doing different parts of a project and having it come together effectively and on time, like a puzzle of sorts. Directed by a motivated leader who guides the team by training and developing his or her team to perform at the highest level possible to reach the goals that were set to achieve. By setting clear roles and responsibilities for the team, having a team dynamic that works and is organized, as well as open communication, teamwork in the workplace can be an effective means of reaching desired goals. In order for a team to work best together they must forgo the four stages of team development. These four stages are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Some of the best teams in the workplace are the more diverse. Diversity in teams is also an important concept in challenging collaboration for more diverse “out-of-the-box” thinking. Although these teams may be hard to come together in the beginning, these are the teams that usually end up thriving in the end. In some cases, teamwork can be infective in the workplace. Depending on the team dynamic, not all teams are going to get along. Change also happens which in some cases pushes teams apart. Having a strong leader is most important in making sure you team will function properly. Also, rewarding members of the team for successes is a good way to keep morale up and keep team members positive. Keywords: communication, motivation, leadership, change management, diversity, team...
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...Characteristics of effective teams: a literature review Characteristics of effective teams: a literature review SHARON MICKAN AND SYLVIA RODGER Sharon Mickan is a PhD student and Sylvia Rodger is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Occupational Therapy at The University of Queensland. Sharon holds a NH&MRC Public Health Postgraduate Research Scholarship. Abstract Effective healthcare teams often elude consistent definition because of the complexity of teamwork. Systems theory offers a dynamic view of teamwork, in which input conditions are transformed via optimum throughput processes into maximal output. This article describes eighteen characteristics of effective teams across input conditions and teamwork processes, which have been identified from the literature. Background Research into team effectiveness has traditionally searched for characteristics of effective teams. Quantitative evaluations of specific interventions have largely been inconclusive and emphasised the need for further research (Schwartzmann 1986). The complexity of team functioning precludes reducing teams to their least number of components. Rather, a systems theory approach recognises the relationships and interdependence between and within teams. Given the importance of teamwork to delivering healthcare, a better understanding of how teams function effectively will be invaluable for educating and developing teams. This article will summarise and evaluate characteristics that create and maintain teams...
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...TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Comparison of Approaches to Teamwork and Team-Working Comparison of Organizational Structure and Design Comparison of Cultures Conclusion Bibliography Introduction The business organizations in today’s modern world are considered as significant and important sub-groups which are present in our society and they function with their own organizational structure differently, concerning business, healthcare, political, economic and social conditions. (Deal, 1990) They have some specific missions, problems, duties, market, and the services provided in a society, and distinction in their problems and duties makes their unique subgroups. The organizations are constituted with various teams allocated with specific functions to increase productivity in their organization. Thus, it becomes necessary for effective teamwork work to increase and improve all organization. Speaking, “that total of parts is more than whole" is applied to any organization, because if part of team or whole team is collapsed then whole organization suffers. As such it becomes important for an assessment of collective work and organizational structure of the company or the business organization. (Cox, 2000) This article considers estimates and compares organizational structures and characteristics of two given companies. This article will compare and estimate organizational structure, culture and design of the organizations, concerning...
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...Team and Teamwork really is. I have worked in different situations with different people and I strongly believe that Teamwork is basis for successful results. Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM) In today’s world TEAM and Team work plays an increasingly important role be it in any given situation. Chuck Page once said “A single leaf working alone provides no shade.” To succeed at the task in hand everyone involved needs to combine their efforts. If everyone does their job well, then team accomplishes more. One should realize the fact that great achievement can be made if individuals master the fundamentals and work together as one unit. Everyone has a unique role, but each person's individual role must be recognised and appreciated. Every team member is important and need to understand how important it is for him/her to work smoothly together for the benefit of both team and team member. Each player must be dedicated to the whole team and be willing to act unselfishly. When challenges arise (as they always do), the team needs to have the resources, accountability and commitment to deal with them in a constructive and positive manner. A sense of teamwork will play an integral part in this. When team members work together for the good of all, everyone achieves more, keeping in mind that the development of an effective team requires a positive attitude and dedication towards the teamwork, along with an understanding of what teamwork involves. To summarize Teamwork: * Creates...
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...Reflective writing of teamwork Effective teamwork is regard as essentialfactors that are a broader collaboration and fostering production, which contributeto the whole process of the group project. Apositiverelationship is based on effectivecommunication and equal distribution between group members. However, there also exist problems that need to identified and eliminated. In order to build a successful project, firstly, we have to choose the most feasible topic from many options. Just like Gurak and Lannon (2009) say, topic is the first step to access successful team work. However, According to O'Leary (2004), different views and opinions among team members are inevitable and bringing these different points together is one of the strengths of a team approach. Indeed, after two times’ discussions, we roughly decided on two aspects fashion and food. Based on the interests of these two different areas, we divided into two groups to do the research. Firstly, the opinion of fashion group is that they want to set up an independent designer clothing store. These independent designers come from students who study in fashion department. However, through research, the fashion group found that we do not have the basic knowledge and understanding of fashion industry. Moreover, the root problem is that clothing shops need a larger store which means we need more rentals. What is more, considering the issues of the cost of foundry, location of store, and the salary of these independent...
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...Organizational Behavior Chapter 12 Discussion questions 12.1 Before reading this chapter, how did you did you define teamwork? How did this definition correspond to the definition outlined is this book? Teamwork is the process of individuals working together to achieve a goal. I would not really change my definition of teamwork. I believe that it is closely matched with the definition the book and that it is a very good definition. 12.2 Think of a team you’ve worked in that performed poorly. Were any of the causes of the poor performance related to the forces that tend to create process loss? If so, which force was most problematic? What steps, if any, did your team take to deal with the problem? I have worked as a part of many different teams in many different circumstances. Many have been dysfunctional. fI believe that the biggest reason a team to fail is poor leadership. The leadership is the head of a team and should organize the team in order to make sure they succeed. If the team fails the leader needs to be held responsible. 12.3 Think of a team you’ve worked in that performed exceptionally well. What type of task work process did the team engage in? Which teamwork process did the team engage is? Which teamwork process did the team seem to depend on most to produce the exceptional results? I believe that successful teams can and should use a combination of all process types. I believe that they should utilize each type of process depending on the situation...
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...are evolving that rely on numerous interdependent groups with decisions made by teams consisting of members of these various groups. Even without these forces, others have found that harnessing the potential power of the group can have a dramatic effect on productivity and job satisfaction. Today, most organizations embrace the notion of teams. Teams have become the core unit in many organizations. Part of this is based on the fact (and supported by research) that teams are more effective in solving problems and learn more rapidly than individuals. When it is working well, groups or teams can enhance problem solving and creativity, generate understanding, acceptance, support, and commitment. It can also enhance morale, provide an outlet for affiliation, enhance self-esteem, and create consensus and security. A team is defined as a small number of people with complementary skills committed to a common purpose, specific performance goals, a common working approach, and mutual accountability Teamwork is important when problems and decisions involve very uncertain,...
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...DESIGNING EFFECTIVE WORK TEAMS Types of Work Teams Most commonly, types of teams can be grouped into self-managed work teams, cross-functional teams, and virtual teams. As mentioned in part one, the authors of Organizational Behaviour define a group as “two or more people interacting interdependently to achieve a common goal” (Saks & Johns, 2014). In other words, a team is a collection of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, who share responsibility for outcomes, who see themselves and who are seen by others as an intact social entity embedded in one or more larger social systems (for example, business unit or corporation), and who manage their relationships across organizational boundaries. (Sundstrom, De Meuse, & Futrell, 1990). Self-managed work teams are work groups that have the opportunity to do challenging work under reduced supervision. Cross-functional teams are work groups that bring people with different functional specialties together to better invent, design, or deliver a product or service; and virtual teams are work groups that use technology to communicate and collaborate across time, space, and organizational boundaries. (Saks & Johns, 2014). Designing Effective Work Teams According to Johns & Saks, there are three fundamental dimensions to teams functioning effectively: the task, team composition, and management support. (Saks & Johns, 2014). The task is what the team is required to carry out; a task is viewed by team members as a challenge...
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