...ones. Yesterday it was the 1970’s and the hippies, today its 2013 and homosexuals trying to fit in to mostly straight society. Homosexuals such as lesbian, bisexuals, gays, and transvestites have been singled out and labeled as “wrong” or in a religious viewpoint a “sin.” People are abusing their homosexual counterparts any way they can. There are four main types of harassment; verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and digital abuse. As I grew up I was told to ignore the mean things people said to me, told that I was perfect, that I was going to change the world one day. I was once told a small saying that I believe everyone is familiar with, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Looking back it made sense at the time, they’re only words...right? Wrong among almost 120 million Americans who label themselves as homosexuals (LGBT) 66% of them have been verbally abused, that’s 78 million Americans. 16% or 19 million have been physically abused. And 8% or 10 million have been brutally and physically assaulted. This has become a major issue causing life threatening situations for those that are at the receiving end of these attacks. Homosexual students enrolled in school and adults in the work place are no longer feeling safe in their environment. Causing the homosexual students to perform subpar, whether it be in the classroom or in the office. In some places being a homosexual is more acceptable to the...
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...Development of Sexual Identity Development of Sexual Identity This paper will discus the following things about sexual identity: development factors, such as biological sex, gender identity and roles, sexual orientation, and the relationship between these factors. One would have never assumed that sexuality would be a topic of great conversation and questions. Over time we have became a society made up from a melting pot not only of different ethnic groups but of sexual orientation. Sexual Identity Development Factors There are several factors that influence a person’s sexual identity. The first factor that affects sexual orientation is biological sex. Biological sex is determined by a person’s chromosomal make up along with hormones. Females are typically born with XX chromosomes and males are born with XY chromosomes. Although in some situations there can be a mutation of the Y chromosome, the SRY gene which is the sex determining portion of the Y chromosome can be missing in XY girls’ Y and is present in the XX boys’ X (Offner, 2010). Chromosomes alone cannot determine gender identity hormones also help in determining gender identity. The SRY gene codes on the Y chromosome cause the indifferent gonads to become testicle which then secrete testosterone which then causes the Wolffian duct system to develop which is the male structures (Offner, 2010). So as you can see together with the SRY gene and specific level of testosterone within an embryo...
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...Homosexuality Ann Landers used to proclaim that the statement “Homosexuals are more inclined to molest children sexually than heterosexuals” is false.1 The American Psychological Association sponsored a work asserting: “Recognized researchers in the field on child abuse,… almost unanimously concur that homosexual people are actually less likely to approach children sexually.”2 Why is it, then, that we read about sex between boys and men in every newspaper? Does it merely reflect sensationalist journalism? We know that heterosexual molestation also occurs. But since there are so many more heterosexuals than homosexuals, which kind of child molestation — homosexual or heterosexual — is proportionately more common? The Scientific Evidence Three kinds of scientific evidence point to the proportion of homosexual molestation: 1) survey reports of molestation in the general population, 2) surveys of those caught and convicted of molestation, and 3) what homosexuals themselves have reported. These three lines of evidence suggest that the 1%-to-3% of adults who practice homosexuality3account for between a fifth and a third of all child molestation. Reports of Molestation by the General Population In 1983, a probability survey of the sexual experiences of 4,340 adults in five U.S. cities found that about 3% of men and 7% of women reported sexual involvement with a man before the age of 13 (i.e., 30% was homosexual).4 In 1983-84, a random survey of 3,132 adults in Los Angeles found...
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...Hair Length as an Acceptance Factor of a Homosexual Male in College Students Patrice A. Hammond Coastal Carolina University Abstract The study was designed to examine the effect that hair length has on the acceptance of a homosexual male. The hypothesis stated that the homosexual male with the short hair would be more accepted than the homosexual male with long hair. Males were hypothesized to be more accepting of the homosexual with short hair; and females were hypothesized to be more accepting overall. Undergraduates (n=52, 35 females and 17 males) participated in this study by completing a questionnaire designed by the researcher to determine how likeable, respectable, and sociable the candidate was. Participants also completed the Homosexuality Attitude Scale. Data analysis from this study yielded significant results. Using a 2 X2 ANOVA, results concluded that women were more accepting overall in both conditions, when compared with males. Results also concluded that male participants were more accepting of the short hair male versus the homosexual male with long hair. A correlation between the likeable questionnaire and the Homosexual Attitude Scale was also conducted. Results yielded a negative correlation between assessments. Applications of the findings and future research suggestions are discussed. Keywords: Homosexuality, Hair length, Acceptance, Male Hair Length as an Acceptance Factor of a Homosexual male in College Students Sex and gender are terms that...
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...question that there were not that many male teachers in elementary school. I did not think too much of it. But as I considered a career in teaching, I wondered why our education classes had more females than males, if not completely without a male student wanting to teach in the elementary level. My own ideas and questions began to bother me: were men just scared of teaching such a young group of students? Did men think that they were too good to teach in elementary? What was their reason for not wanting to teach at elementary level? Were women just better candidates to teach at this level? I knew that there had to be specific reasons why the populations of men in elementary school have been and continue to be low. In fact, I had to think about my own biases as to why men were not teaching in elementary. When I started this research paper and read the various articles about why men choose not to teach, I found that more often than not, it was because of other people thinking that men were not the best candidates for teaching in elementary than men simply choosing not to work. Society’s ideas about men teaching in elementary, then, are the big reasons why men are not teaching in elementary school. Society’s thinking that male teachers are not real men, parents’ suspicion of male teachers, and society insistence to men that secondary school is a more acceptable area for men to teach are the main reasons that there are not many male teachers in elementary school. Historically, society...
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...marriage, let alone gay civil unions or gay employment rights, is a middle-age issue. Young people just can’t see the problem. At worst, gays are going to win this one just by waiting until the opposition dies off.” To me this quote means they got what they wanted and time has changed over the years. It is 2015 and our generation is acceptable in a way. Some people believe that people of the same sex can’t be together and others believe differently. The homosexuals have been tortured throughout their lives. People should have the right to love anyone they choose. About the rainbow law I will discuss my experience, the effects, and the similarities and differences....
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...able to adopt a child of their own without any restrictions. There are many people who are for this, but who are equally countered by many people against the issue. So the real question is, should gay couples be able to adopt children? Same sex adoption should not be allowed considering the effects, both physically and psychologically, that it will have on the child adopted. It is often believed that opposite sex relatives and friends can stand in as role models for the children so they can have both a mother and father. However, this is not an affective way of raising a child. According to “The Week” in their article about gay adoption rights, a child must have both a father and mother to have proper role models. An outside role model such as a family friend or relative is not the same as having a mother and father at home. This article also says that fewer male teachers are available as role models, so children of lesbian couples may find it more difficult to find this role model they need, resulting in under- achievement. According to the website “You Debate,” in their article, they cite that without having both role models in the household, a child will be more prone to model the homosexual behavior of the parents. Even with opposite sex role models outside the household, the child will be most influenced by the parents within his home. A child is best suited to have a mother...
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...Running head: Name of class Name of class Your name University Course number Abstract In this paper, this learner will outline a qualitative focus group research proposal for this final assignment. This paper will outline the problem as well as the research question and proposed research methodology to accomplish the research. At this conclusion of this paper, this learner will analyze and present justification of the research proposal this learner chose to answer the research question. Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….7 Statement of the problem……………………………………..……………………...7 Theoretical Perspective…………………….……………………………………….. 8 Independent Variables……………………………………………………….10 Dependent Variables…………………………………………………………10 Peer Relations…..………………………………………….…………11 Developmental Process of Children.…………………….….………..12 Social Supports…………………….…………………………………13 Gaps in Research……………………………………………………………..14 Research Question……………………………………………………………….......15 Hypothesis……………………………………………………………………………15 Selected Methodology—Qualitative Focus Group………………..….………………..........15 Sample criteria………………………………………………………………………16 Sample size………………..….……………………………..………………………17 Sampling procedure…………………………………………………………………17 Focal Elements…….………………….…………………..…………………………19 Definition...
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...the results in the prior year. Based upon the report approximately half of all the reported hate crimes were racially motivated, with 22 percent anti-white and 66 percent deemed anti-black; which is also a decreased from the prior year. Nineteen percent of the reported hate crimes were motivated base upon a bias against sexual orientation, 28 percent as anti-homosexual, 12 percent as anti-female homosexual, 53 percent were anti-male homosexual. Dahl, Julia (2013) Hate crimes delivers much of a broader impact within the community because the crime is motivated by bias, the point of hate crimes is to send a message of violent intolerance towards someone of a particular group. Victims of the crime are based upon the characteristics such as their religion or race can cause those in the community who have the same characteristics to share feelings of being the victim and vulnerable. The violent message of intolerance that is delivered from a hate crime can lead to disruptive social effects and can also lead to problems amongst religious or racial communities, and distrust of law enforcement. Wagner, Benjamin (N.D) The effects of hate crime: * Anger and fear of repeat attacks * Depression and a worsening of existing health conditions, including mental health issues *...
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...Effects of Bullying Introduction Having been recognized as an expected yet serious problem in the society, bullying is no longer considered as new problem in the society. Bullying can come in various forms and it can happen to both children and adults. There is a high likelihood that most adults and children each have stories to share which relates to each of their personal experiences either of bullying, or victimization, or witnessing acts of aggression toward others. As perennial as it can get, becoming a victim of bullies has often received the notion of being viewed as a normal part of growing up, or as some have put it, a rite of passage for children and adolescents. In the late 1970s, perspectives began to change as this outlook was looked into by the different researches. It sheds new light on the damaging effects on youths’ growth and development with respect to bullying and victimization. An increase in the awareness of bullying and victimization as well as how it resulted to be a widespread societal problem has been the initial outcome of the innovative research which has encouraged other research on this phenomenon. The beginnings of research on this social issue have been primarily conducted in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries for a number of years. As the research has been shared with other experts the world over, it resulted to the spawning of the exploration on this topic and has reached other countries, including Japan, England, Netherlands,...
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...The Negative Effects of Bullying in Adolescents & Teens Bullying has become a national problem that has been put in the spotlight in recent years. Each week on the news, we are constantly reminded of tragedies that have struck children, teens, and young adults. The most common result we hear about are suicides resulting from bullying that goes on in schools all over the country. The main stream media often portrays these tragedies as just homosexual students who are bullied, or outted by their peers. All too often bullying is misunderstood. Bullying is often thought of as a bigger person picking on a much smaller person. Bullying is much more than just that. Bullying can come in the form of verbal abuse, such as name calling, belittling or threatening. It can be physical, such as hitting, punching or any form of fighting and physical abuse. Social bullying has also taken form in recent years with the advent of texting and such social media forums as facebook, myspace, twitter, ect. Use of these methods to bully has become more instantaneous than some of the more traditional forms such as physical or verbal. Someone spreading a rumor or facebook can often reach their intended audience much quicker than the first few methods. Another form can be cyber bullying. This can be done through social mediums such as instant messenger and the sending of threating messages via that avenue. (Bullying Statistics) A common misconception about bullying is that it is usually...
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...9th grade to 12th grade. Some of the most noticeable demographics of this school is, homosexuality, teen pregnancy, and the dropout rate. A1. Local Demographics Staff and faculty members treat homosexual students differently than they do heterosexual students. Some educators don’t agree with their sexuality, and tend to favor the heterosexual student more. Student homosexuality is an uncomfortable subject to handle in a classroom setting. Some teachers feel LGBT students disrupt the learning experience with their outburst and flamboyant behavior. There are also educators who take pride in maintaining respect for all students in the classroom no matter what their sexual orientation is. (Duncan) curtails that “Just because you’re intervening on a homophobic comment doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily trying to be an activist. You are just trying to make sure each child has a safe and supportive learning environment.” Teen pregnancy seems to be an epidemic this day in age. Mississippi is currently ranked # 2 in the U.S. for teen pregnancy. (Lewis, 2013). Lisa Silliman is the Teen Pregnancy Director for the Meridian Public School District. This program serves as the Teen Parent Academic Liaison. Mrs. Silliman sends out monthly progress reports on attendance, grades, and teacher comments about the teen parents. There is a three member support team within the Meridian School District, including 1) the school nurse who works with the teen mother with prenatal care. 2) The academic...
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...provide these two minority groups equal rights as established by Federal and State laws, but let us look at the history of these movements within the United States. The traditional role of women, as maintained by archaic and patriarchal views is that of a housewife. Her duty is to be subordinate to her husband in all things, providing him with offspring, raising them, and generally be a homemaker, supporting him emotionally, but making no decisions without his say so. If she were blessed enough to have a husband who respected her, she might be able to find a part-time job outside of the home, in order to supplement his paycheck. Most employment opportunities, until recently was that of a supporting role, such as a seamstress, schoolhouse teacher, or during World War II as a riveter. Within the first hundred years of the United States as a nation in its own right, women were not allowed to vote. The first State to grant women the ability to vote was Colorado in 1893 (Imbornoni, 2007, p. 2). Eventually, women had...
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...were pregnant, which had effects on the child and their learning abilities. The effect on the crack epidemic in the 80s helped the youth of today, to make better choices in life concerning this addictive drug. Crack, was highly-addictive and swept through plenty areas of cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Miami. In the end it caused devastating effects for black and Latino Americans. As crack cocaine was becoming popular and rising epidemic, hip hop was evolving alongside it. It was in the 1980s that crack cocaine and hip hop became the two leading fundamentals of urban street culture. It is not suggested that hip hop caused the crack epidemic, or vice versa. But, it can be argued that both fed off each other, particularly hip hop off the crack culture itself. Crack cocaine quickly gained popularity among users in the 1980s due to its cheap cost, and the quick, intense high it left. Compared to freebase cocaine, which involved a complicated ritual involving Ether, crack cocaine had become simplistic and easier to manage. The drug was “made from powder cocaine, it was safer to make than freebase cocaine”. As crack and dope became parts of our neighborhoods, they started to have an impression on our culture through music and television. Epidemics are always a great time to remind America that racism still exists. For example, epidemics happen to everybody but white people. The holocaust happened to the Jews, HIV happened to homosexuals (although white, they must...
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...Introduction In America, socialization is used as a method of instruction. It can not only assist in teaching a person life lessons of etiquette that will ensure an easy insertion or reception into society, but will also discipline a growing individual in customs, education, and culture necessary for survival. Here, however, we will focus on the socialization of gender roles and the expectations which constitute gender roles, including methods and agents of socialization, as well as some of the effects it has on certain individuals. By being conscious of these details, one will be better equipped to understand societal expectations, and be versed to make informed decisions of how to rear your children, especially if your child or children self-identify as being homosexual because the socialization of gender roles in the United States causes confusion amongst or conflict within homosexuals as a result of gender role expectations and the gender roles they assume and find to be natural. Defining Gender To begin with, gender is defined as a social structure that is culturally or socially engineered and was devised in the early hunter-gatherer age (Connell). It emphasizes the distinctions between “females and males found in the meanings, beliefs, and practices associated with ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’” (Kendall 2012). Informally, says the World English Dictionary, “it is the state of being male, female, or neuter” or “any of the categories, such as masculine, feminine...
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