...------------------------------------------------- Lehman Brothers Collapse ------------------------------------------------- Lehman Brothers Collapse Executive Summary The following report discusses and analyzes the events leading up to the failure of Lehman Brothers as well as outcomes and repercussions of one of the largest bankruptcy cases to date. The first part of this paper describes the primary factors that contributed to the ultimate demise of Lehman Brothers. The main factors that lead to the crisis include, but are not limited to; the misrepresentation of financial statements, a complete lack of internal control, accounting as well as management collusion, managerial fraud, increased moral hazard, and the overpayment of executives within the firm. Misrepresentation of the financial statements and the misuse of accounting practices was the main reason for the Collapse of Lehman Brothers. It was said that upper management violated the Sarbanes-Oxley Act through the use of questionable and unethical accounting practices, more specifically through the use of Repo 105 transactions. The second part of this paper addresses the underlying causes and issues relative to the study of financial ethics. This paper also addresses those who were involved as well as affected by the events that took place in the Lehman Brothers scandal. After evaluating the reasons for Lehman Brothers failure, the report discusses possible courses of action to take in order...
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...Mini-case 2 Letting Go of Lehman Brothers Question 1: Do you believe that the U.S. government treated some financial institutions differently during the crisis? Was that appropriate? To assure the financial stability and viability of the U.S. financial system, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC) have the responsibility to support, protect and buffer financial institutions whose failures, they believe, might have a significant effect on the market as a whole. Before making a decision about whether an institution should be poured capital into, the Federal Reserve will consider the institution`s collateral and the ability to repay loans. The Federal Reserve said that the companies that did receive bailouts, such as AIG, Fannie Mae and, Freddie Mac, clearly had the collateral and showed great promise of paying them back in the future, while Lehman Brothers did not. When Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was asked how the Lehman case differed from that of American International Group Inc., which received $182 billion in taxpayer aid, Bernanke said there was a fundamental difference. They believed AIG, as the biggest insurance company in the U.S., had valuable assets which could back up the Fed's emergency loan. So the Federal Reserve will absolutely be paid back by AIG. However, Richard S. Fuld Jr., the former chairman and chief executive officer of Lehman Brother, said that they did have the collateral...
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...Sandra Griffin Learning Team Reflection Stephanie Ledford - Introduction Henry Lehman, a German immigrant, founded a small grocery store in Montgomery, Alabama in 1844. Then in 1850 along with his two brothers they founded Lehman Brothers. Lehman Brothers started as a general merchandising business and evolved into a commodities broker (Investopdeia Staff, 2009). The American Civil War would prove to be an early challenge, followed by the Great Depression in the early part of the 20th Century. The swift development of railroads across the United States was an advantage the Lehman Brothers were able to utilize and led the company to serve as financial advisors and underwriters for the railroad companies. In 1920, Robert Lehman became a partner and moved into a leadership role. He centered his leadership role on the belief that consumption was the key versus production. Because of this firm belief, Lehman Brothers prospered with financing for airline and motion picture companies. The age of electric in the 1950’s, capital market growth in the 1960’s, the rise of international business in the 1970’s, and the focus of mergers and acquisitions in the 1980’s helped Lehman Brothers grow as a company. From the outside, it appeared that Lehman Brothers was performing well as a company. The bubble burst for the company in 2008 when the subprime mortgage lending crises hit the United States. Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy on September 15, 2008, and is the largest company to file for...
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...Lehman Brothers and the Impact to the Great Recession The question before me is if Lehman Brothers had been bailed out and not allowed to fail and declare bankruptcy, would it have prevented the Great Recession. My answer based upon my reading and research would lead me to the conclusion of no it would not have prevented the Great Recession. However, their failure did have an impact on the Great Recession. Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy in September of 2008. It was the largest bankruptcy in the history of the United States (MacEwan and Miller, p.110). They were the fourth largest investment bank in the nation and had been in existence since 1850. Their collapse was the result of being heavily invested in the subprime mortgage market that was a major factor in the US housing bubble. Prior to Lehman Brothers failure, there had already been a bailout by the US government of another large financial institution, Bear Stearns. The bailout involved the Federal Reserve insuring J.P. Morgan Chase against loses of up to $29 billion on the “ill liquid” assets it was obtaining in the purchase of Bear Stearns. This was the beginning of the bailout of the financial sector by the federal government and would reach unprecedented levels by the end of 2008. Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, justified these actions to Congress with an argument that had Bear Stearns been allowed to fail, the result would have been chaos and would not have been limited to...
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...relevancy of innovation in mitigating the impact of the crisis and how the managers can foster innovation * Identification and description of relevant motivation theory that the managers can usefully apply to motivate the employees during the crisis * Feedback & Advices Page 12 * Referencing Guide Page 13 dfsfjn Introduction The organization in crisis that we chose to report on is the “Lehman brothers”. On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers declared the largest bankruptcy in history and changed the American and global economy. The company’s investment banking and trading divisions were acquired by Barclays the next day. They were the fourth largest investment bank in the United States and they played an important role in the financial and commercial industries. The company begun in 1844 when Henry Lehman immigrated to the United States from Rimpar, Bavaria and settled in Montgomery, Alabama...
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...The Effect of US Financial Crisis on India Lehman Brothers is no more. Merrill Lynch has gone down the Bank of America maw. AIG too could go belly up. With a doubt, these developments in America are the most shocking events to have hit global financial markets. So where did it all begin? And what does it mean for the Indian stock markets? Find out. . . What is (or was) Lehman Brothers? America's fourth-largest investment bank Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc has filed the biggest bankruptcy petition known to mankind. The 158-year-old firm was founded by brothers Henry, Emanuel and Mayer Lehman, Jewish immigrants to the US from Germany, in 1850. Henry set up a general store in Alabama in 1844 and was later joined by his brothers. In 1850 they set up the merchant bank in New York after having made money in railway bonds. So what went wrong? Compiled by Rediff Business Desk Lehman Bros, which till June 2008 had not reported a quarterly loss even once, had earlier survived many an economic crises, like railroad bankruptcies of the 1800s, the Great Depression in the 1930s, and the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management in the 1990s. Thus the collapse of the giant investment bank came as a major shock for the entire world markets that plunged after Lehman filed a Chapter 11 petition with US Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan. The $613 billion (some estimates put the size at $639 billion) bankruptcy thus throws up the question: why did the Wall Street giant go bust? Here's...
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...Background: On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers Holding, Inc. filed a petition in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York seeking relief under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. With total debt close to $800 billion, Lehman was the largest US bankruptcy in the history. Lehman’s share lost over 90% of its value on the announcement date and the Dow Jones Industrial index closed over 500 points down from the previous day, one of the single largest one-day point drops since September 11, 2001. Immediately in the aftermath of Lehman’s bankruptcy, over a hundred firms disclosed their financial exposure to Lehman. Lehman’s collapse, soon became the international economic crisis which affects the different aspects of the regional economic worldwide. The seeds of the crisis can be traced to the low interest rate policies adopted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks after the collapse of the technology stock bubble. In addition, the appetite of Asian central banks for (debt) securities contributed to lax credit. These factors helped fuel a dramatic increase in house prices in the United States and several other countries such as Spain and Ireland. In 2006, this bubble reached its peak in the United States and house prices here and elsewhere started to fall. The fall in house prices led to a fall in the prices of securitized subprime mortgage, affecting financial markets worldwide. In August 2007 the interbank markets, particularly for terms longer...
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...The revaluation of Chinese Yuan The Chinese national economy is probably the most powerful nowadays. At least, it is the main antagonist to the American economy. A lot of experts tend to call it as the main driver of renewal of the world’s economy after the global financial crisis. A reasonable question is what the preconditions of such powerful status are. In our opinion, these preconditions are the following. First of all, it is cheap labor force. Moreover, the country has a lot of labor force, more than any other country in the world. Because of the cheap labor force the country’s products are quite cheap on the international market. That is why it is not surprising that export plays a great role in the country’s economy. Cheap labor force is not the only reason for the competitiveness of the Chinese products. Cheap Yuan is another reason, but about it we are going to talk below. Some additional information about the national economy of China can be got from the following quote. “China's economy is huge and expanding rapidly. In the last 30 years, the rate of Chinese economic growth has been almost miraculous, averaging 8 percent growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per annum. The economy has grown more than 10 times during that period, with Chinese GDP reaching 3.42 trillion US dollars in 2007. China already has the biggest economy after the United States and most analysts predict China will become the largest economy in the world this century” (The Chinese Economy). ...
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..."Lessons from Lehman Brothers: Will We Ever Learn?" Maria Diana Lazaro, Freda Macaisa, and Patricia Molina MGTP/521 February 20, 2013 Richard Dettling "Lessons from Lehman Brothers: Will We Ever Learn?" #2.Discussion Question: What was the culture at Lehman Brothers like? How did this culture contribute to the company’s downfall? Discussion: The unethical culture by the top executives in the Lehman Brothers company was one of the major contributions to the downfall of this organization. According to the legal expert Anton R. Salukis, Lehman Brothers excessively used accounting manipulations. The negligence or the willful blindness of Lehman’s CEO, Richard Fuld, promoted the practice of filing misleading financial reports by abusing an accounting device, Repo 105. Through this accounting manipulation, they could remove fifty billion of unwanted assets off the balance sheets on 2008 [ (Robbins, 2012, p. 147) ]. Looking into the culture of this corporation, it can be said that this company was corrupted and the only purpose of its leaders was the appetite for money. Because of the company’s success, the leadership became greedy. This greediness motivated them to falsify information that covered up the true company’s financial health. They engaged into bigger and riskier deals just to maintain their image to the stakeholders. The Lehman Brothers executives used a corrupted strategic plan to create a picture of a respectful status and an excellent financial statement. The...
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... |Financial Management | |[2007 Financial Collapse] | |This report will inform you of how the lack of oversight and management caused the financial collapse and the housing market to plummet. | [pic] TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction………………………………………………..………… The History…………………………………………………………… Causes………………………………………………………………. The Run Up………………………………………………………… Lehman Brothers………………………………………………… Bank of America…………………………………………………… Fallout……………………………………………………………… Conclusion………………………………………………………… INTRODUCTION In 2007, the United States was in the midst of the largest mortgage and financial crisis since the Great Depression. The impact of the financial collapse caused many Americans to lose their homes and their jobs. Across the country, mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures have hit an all-time recorded high, with 11% of loans currently two or more payments behind. Complicating matters, 24% of borrowers are “underwater,” having mortgage balances greater than the values of their homes. The lack of financial management caused two large investment banks and the largest insurance firm in the world to cripple the Dow Jones Industrial Average by nearly 30% within 2-3 weeks. The financial collapse did not just affect home owners, but many financial firms were now facing imminent...
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...LEHMAN BROTHERS: TOO BIG TO FAIL? WILLIAM RYBACK LEHMAN BROTHERS: TOO BIG TO FAIL? Copyright by the Toronto Leadership Centre. This case was prepared exclusively for a class discussion at a Banking, Insurance or Securities session offered by the Toronto Centre. Information has been summarized and should not be regarded as complete or accurate in every detail. The text should be considered as class exercise material and in no way be used to reach conclusions about the nature or behaviour of any of the persons or institutions mentioned.. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form without the permission of the Toronto Leadership Centre for Financial Sector Supervision. Sources: This document is based on information that was in the public domain at the times mentioned or which became public after the resolution of the issues. It does not include information confidential to the financial institution involved. 1 LEHMAN BROTHERS: TOO BIG TO FAIL? WILLIAM RYBACK This case study is written and presented by William Ryback, former special advisor to the Financial Supervisory Service in Seoul, Korea; Deputy Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority; and career bank supervisor in the United States. The material presented is derived from public media sources. INTRODUCTION In this case study an example of a large bank failure and its after effects on the financial markets is presented...
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...it’. The economic situation and financial behaviour are always affected by political realm, so it is also necessary to consider political factors in evaluation of the crisis. General causes of this crisis are still being debated in the academic literature, and this paper aims to provide a relatively comprehensive outlook on the most common and empirically successful accounts of factors that contributed to the crisis. This report is organised as follows: part 1 provides a brief introduction to the current financial crisis; part 2 briefly evaluates the possible causes; part 3 examines whether insufficient regulation was the primary reason to all other listed causes of the crises and thus can be regarded as the primary cause of the recent collapse; part 4 concludes. Even though lax regulation has contributed significantly to the origination and development of the crisis, by examining other possible causes I explicitly argue that it is the interplay of different factors that shaped...
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...Abstract Lehman collapse was the largest bank bankruptcy in the United States history. Complex causes combination lead to this tragedy. This paper is going to illustrate primary causes that result in its failure, and also discuss impacts on financial systems supervision and regulations. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 4 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1 3.1 Data collection 2 3.2 Methodology x 3.3 Limitations 3 4. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4 4.1 5 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.2 4.3 6 5. CONCLUSION 1 6. REFERENCES 4 7. APPENDICES 1 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 1. INTRODUCTION The credit crunch occurred in 2008 has been arguably recognised as an extreme phenomenon during the financial crisis, which generated to the longest recession in the U.S. history since ‘the Great Depression’ in1929. Over 600,000 jobs lost in during 2008, and unemployment rate went up to 6.1% which was the highest point in 5-year time (Isidore, 2008). According to the Turner Review (2009), faultiness of regulation and supervision underpinned financial problems’ increase. Therefore, to illustrate the causes of Lehman Bother’s crash in 2008, events occurred during crisis progress are listed in Appendix 1. Among those serious cases, bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was concerned to be the most typical...
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...The U.S. government's decision to allow Lehman Brothers to fail is a double-edged sword. The implications behind allowing Lehman Brothers to fail include a massive domino effect on the U.S. market, the world markets and many large companies Lehman Brothers invested in and acquired over the years. During the first and second quarter of 2008 Lehman’s stock value decreased by 73% due to exorbitant losses which in turn led to 1,500 employees becoming unemployed. Lehman’s stock value decreased further when propositions for the Korean Development Bank to buy the struggling bank fell through. As a result of a steadily declining market value, “Swiss Re estimates its overall net exposure…as approximately CHF 50 million.” In addition to the foreign markets, U.S. investor confidence diminished causing the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones to plummet in September 2008. Due to the size of the bank, its collapse has been accused as the major force behind the downward spiral of economies, domestic and foreign. Had the U.S. government assisted Lehman Brothers as it did with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and AIG, investor confidence across the globe may not have faltered as it did which in turn would not have negatively impacted the world markets. On the other hand, if the government had assisted Lehman the question comes to mind as to who would foot the bill for such a massive bailout? The government already provided AIG alone $85 billion in federal assistance. This movement put a bad taste in the mouths...
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...THANH SON, LUONG Student ID: 116181927 MDC individual assignment Short-termism Introduction Short-termism or ‘myopia’ has long been a matter of great controversy. The effects led by this dysfunctional behavior are perceived negatively across all sectors of the economy. This report is going to define and analyze the problem in both theory and real world by the example of Lehman Brothers. Recommendations are also made to mitigate the issue. Overview of the issue In order to last, there is a need for firms to take appropriate actions to secure long-term sustainability. However, the short-term outcomes must not be precluded from consideration, if the firms at least want to survive. Therefore, both long-term and short-term goals need to be equally considered. The most important point is whether the firm can maintain the balance between long-term and short-term. The problem, so called ‘short-termism’ or ‘myopia’, arises when an organization acts in favor of short-term targets at the expense of the long-term (Marginson and Mcaulay, 2008). There are a number of reasons for the occurrence of short-termism. The first reason which causes the issue here is the frequency of financial reporting. More frequent financial reporting is considered as a solution for a more accountable and transparent accounting system. However, this solution leads to another problem for managerial accounting because it pressures companies’ executives to focus more on short-term results, which promotes...
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