...Broken Families CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In the Philippines, Family is defined as the small unit of society where students got their first learning about the world before they engage themselves in the real scenarios of life. It is believed that parents are the first advisers of their kids who will teach them everything about all aspects of life including education. Filipinos nurture the value of family and their importance to one’s life. Filipinos are well-known of having close family ties that love, respect, support and understand one another. An individual cannot achieve his or her goals without the necessary supports from the family. The family becomes the major inspiration of students to work hard and earn better grades so that one day they can help their family. Most of Filipino students believed that a perfect family can bring them hope, luck, success and a better life in the future. But if these things are not found in one student’s life, delay or halt and even absence of education might occur. There are many difficulties faced by students while they are studying such as financial constraints, drug addiction, suspension from school, involvement in different fraternities, attached in relationships, unwillingness to attend classes and many more. But one of the most crucial problems to be considered that disturb students from their education is having a broken family. There are many reasons why some families are experiencing this kind of problem but one thing is certain...
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...OF THE STUDY “Family is the foundation of the society which strengthens the human world.” This is from the research paper of Ms. Jesalyn Pastorfide. This inspires us to choose the topic “Broken Family Relationship: Affects the study habits of High School students of Saint Francis College – Allen”. In studying, having a complete family somehow inspires a student to study hard. Our family is the first environment in which we are exposed to. We can’t choose the family we want but what it will depends on us. A broken family can lead teenagers to Juvenile Delinquency. We are aware that there are some teenagers with broken family that are drug addicts or whatever. But there are also teenagers that are not involved in drug addictions. Marriage begins in Matrimony in which the couples are saying vows in front of the crowd and in front of the Almighty God. But there are some couples who were happy after their wedding but eventually separate without thinking what will happen to their child/children. Some parents are teaching the teenagers to always choose the right decision but are they choosing the right ones? Some will say no, some will say yes. There is no definite answer. In this research, we will be interviewing some students with or without broken family of Saint Francis College – Allen to know if having an incomplete or broken family can greatly affect study habits of students. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This research was made clear about the study on “Broken family...
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...THE EFFECTS OF BROKEN FAMILIES TO THE STUDENTS INTRODUCTION “Having someone to love is family. Having somewhere to go is home. Having both is a blessing.” – Unknown The family is a socially recognized unit of people related to each other by kinship or by marital and legal ties. It is characterized by having a common residence shared financial resource, cooperation among its members and its commitment to a common goal in life. Traditionally the father being the head of the family has to work and provide for all the needs of the family. The mother, on the other hand, has the outmost responsibility to manage direct and hold the family members together. However in today’s society, this no longer holds true all the time. (RAMIREZ,2011) Teenagers are greatly affected when their parents separate. According to Prof. Martin Herbert, a prominent psychologist and director of the Child Treatment Research Unit at the University of Leicester, “Children are more disturbed by parents who live together in bitterness and intense hatred than by those who can negotiate a sensible and amicable parting with reasonable arrangements for children to keep in close touch with both mother and father. Quarreling parents spend so much time and energy in mutual recrimination, jealousies and occasional reconciliation that there is little time left for the children.” (LEE,2002) Nowadays, only a few realize this matter. Parents tend to focus more...
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...healthy home life with a healthy family which includes parents with a healthy marriage produces children with sociable attitudes and independent mindsets. However, a dysfunctional family with unhealthy habits or broken families with single parent households help produce delinquent children with anti-social personalities and anti-social behaviors.-The Families influence on delinquency According to no- fault divorce the rate of violent crime and burglary is related to the number of single parent households with children aged 12-20. – 1993 Journal of legal studies 2, 19 citing Douglas A. Smith. This study also showed that over 53% of inmates in a state correctional facility had grown up in a household without both parents. Absence of both parents in a home creates a hostile and aggressive home life for children.-Effects of formal and informal social control. Children of divorce parents are more prone to behavioral problems and susceptible to peer pressure because they long to fit in. –Family influence on delinquency. According to a study conducted by Sara McLanahan she found that children without their fathers typically do less well than children whom grow up with both parents.-Families influence on Delinquency Children with no father in the household typically find great difficulty keeping a job, they are much less likely to graduate from high school, and in most instances never attend College, also are more likely to become teen parents.- Family Influence of Delinquency ...
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...Abstract: This essay will talk about the lack of family structure can be one of the biggest causes of delinquency. It touches on four objectives on how lack of family structure can be a cause to a child’s delinquency. One of the biggest causes of delinquency is the lack of stable family structure. For instance, a child could be hurt, if not receiving passionate love and care from their parents. Those not receiving love from their parents or their guardian as a child will probably act out for attention or start creating bad behavioral habits. I know every family is not a perfect and not every child is fortunate to have their parents in their lives. In this paper there are four objectives that I will talk about the lack of stable family structure can be a cause to a child’s delinquency. First objective, will talk about the single parents homes. Second objective, will handle about the role models and how they can have a major effect on child’s life. Third objective, will inform about the family conflicts in the homes. The last objective will touch on the lack of parenting skills. The first objective is the single parent homes in the lack of family structure. In single parent homes children tend to have less disciplinary or behavior problems. While there is a single parent at home there is not enough authority to give the child discipline. The child won’t feel or give that much respect to that single parent as they would in a double parent home. The lack of supervision of...
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...BROKEN FAMILY: PARENT FIGURES A research proposal Presented to The School Faculty Bethany Child Development Center In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject English By NEIL KWAN :P 2014 The faculty of Bethany Child Development Center accepts the research proposal with the title: Submitted by (name) and (name), in fulfillment of the requirements for the subject English. _______________________________ ______________________________ PANEL NAME PANEL NAME Member Member _______________________________ LOIS FELIZ C. MORRIS, MA, RGC Member _______________________________ JETHRO O. CRISTOBAL Subject Teacher _______________________________ DAVE M. SARAIL, MA Department Head High School CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The family is the people who allow each individual to feel and be complete. It is where the warmth of acceptance is present and the foundation of love is seen. When everything seems to be wrong, the family should be the one who makes it right. Nevertheless, families should be intact. Bonds are strongly held together and there is no sign of separation. Unfortunately, there are instances that a family is incomplete. The inseparable feeling is not felt. How come this happens? Are there any circumstances that a broken family can trigger for a child to be affected negatively? There are a lot of effects that could happen...
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...Composition 18 March 2015 The Affects Divorce Has on Children “But in the real world, you couldn’t really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child equally divided between. It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again. It was what you couldn't see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing, and their absence kept everything from being complete.” - Sarah Dessen Throughout the United States divorce has increasingly risen in the past years. “In 2000, 49% of US marriages ended in divorce” (Gianoulis). Children everywhere are becoming the products of broken families; caught in between a mommy and daddy, when before, there was no choice. Before, all there was was comfort, familiarity and stability. Although divorce may seem like the best option in an unhappy situation, the affects on the children’s emotional state can be harmful. These effects are emotionally, psychological, academically, socially, and economically damaging. To begin, in a study by Laumann-Billings and Emery they found that children of divorce suffer emotionally. This allows for new generations of broken families to be made. The saying “the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” would apply. In the article, Divorce by Brackett and Woolly, the authors say approximately 400,000 of the estimated million cases of divorce a year result in children being “emotionally disturbed.” Research shows...
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...Running Head: RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS 1 Divorce John Smith SOC/100 – Introduction to Sociology April 21st, 2011 Professor Deidra Powell-Wallace DIVORCE 2 Divorce In today’s society, the most important matter is family. For most people, family is the primary reason people strive to do well. Family is the most instrumental and influential aspect in many people’s lives. But similar to how every hero has a villain, there is something that can dismantle a family’s bond or relationship so easily, and that is divorce. Divorce is something that some people have no problem with, but for most people it can have such a great effect and after it happens people are never the same. In today’s society divorce can happen for many reasons, but how can we fix it? In some cases divorce is necessary, for example if the relationship between the couple is unhealthy and one or neither person can stay committed, then divorce would be the appropriate action, but when neither person can stay committed to the other then those people should not have gotten married in the first place. According to a blog writer that goes by the name land mammal from writing.com says, “If there is a physically or emotionally abusive spouse belonging to the marriage it may be pertinent to resolve such an issue through means of divorce for example...
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...The Negative Effects of Video Games on Young Children The adoption of video games into modern culture has increased dramatically as technology has advanced over time. Early video games began as text based adventures often with few crude graphics but still had a cult like following of the few who had access to them. As technology improved video games began to be mass marketed to users of new video game console and personal computer systems. Thus began the integration of gaming into the everyday lives of people around the globe in what would become a multibillion dollar industry. Numerous companies, such as Nintendo and Sony, began creating video games that would capture the minds and imagination of millions with the hopes of becoming a major part in the everyday lives of their customers. Unfortunately for the end consumer the costs have not always outweighed the benefits. As industry titans compete for consumer attention the science of improving gaming and technology to support it has become so skilled that the end users can become victims of their own fixations of alternate realities and antisocial social gaming. This essay seeks to identify the problems associated with video game use and its impact on consumers - particularly children. The affects of video games on consumers has been studied from many different perspectives over the years as the industry has grown. Most have leaned towards the psychological impact of more violent games or the impact of video games...
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...Comm Sci, 2(2): 121-124 (2008) The Effects of Family Structure and Parenthood on the Academic Performance of Nigerian University Students V. O. Uwaifo Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria Telephone: (234) 08035472684, E-mail: vuwaifo@yahoo.com KEYWORDS Parent Education. Academic Performance. Family Structures ABSTRACT This paper examines the effects of family structure and parenthood on the academic performance of Nigerian university students. The sample for the study consisted of 240 students drawn from the six randomly selected faculties in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State. The adapted form of “Guidance and Counseling Achievement Grade Form” was used for data collection and the data collected were subjected to statistical analysis using the t-test statistical method. The three null hypotheses formulated were tested at .05 level of significance. The results showed that significant differences existed between the academic performance of students from singleparent family and those from two-parent family structures. The results also indicated significant differences in academic performance of male and female students compared on two types of family structures. On the basis of these findings, it was recommended that school counsellors should be employed in all schools and that they should provide necessary assistance to students especially those from single-parent family to enable them overcome their emotional...
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...EFFECT OF BROKEN HOMES ON THE LEARNING PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS OF JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS (A CASE STUDY IN LAGELU L.G.A OF OYO STATE) ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of broken homes on the learning performance/academic achievement in mathematics of Junior Secondary School students in Lagelu L.G.A. in Oyo state. According to the U.S census Bureau, half of all first marriages end in divorce, while 60% of divorcing couples have children. 36.3% of children live with their mothers. This study therefore sought to analyse the contribution of broken homes whether positively or negatively on the academic performance of the students in mathematics, the socio- economic status of the parents and how it affects the students’ performance, the interest of the parent toward child’s education and how it affects the child’s performance, relationship between students performance and their home situation and also to make recommendation towards the means of safe guarding the academic performance of children from broken homes. To achieve these objectives, the researcher employed a survey research design. A random sampling technique was used to select one hundred and fifty (150) students in five (5) selected secondary schools in Lagelu L.G.A. Out of 150 respondents, only 109 respondents completed and returned the questionnaire for the purpose of the study...
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...Comm Sci, 2(2): 121-124 (2008) The Effects of Family Structure and Parenthood on the Academic Performance of Nigerian University Students V. O. Uwaifo Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria Telephone: (234) 08035472684, E-mail: vuwaifo@yahoo.com KEYWORDS Parent Education. Academic Performance. Family Structures ABSTRACT This paper examines the effects of family structure and parenthood on the academic performance of Nigerian university students. The sample for the study consisted of 240 students drawn from the six randomly selected faculties in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State. The adapted form of “Guidance and Counseling Achievement Grade Form” was used for data collection and the data collected were subjected to statistical analysis using the t-test statistical method. The three null hypotheses formulated were tested at .05 level of significance. The results showed that significant differences existed between the academic performance of students from singleparent family and those from two-parent family structures. The results also indicated significant differences in academic performance of male and female students compared on two types of family structures. On the basis of these findings, it was recommended that school counsellors should be employed in all schools and that they should provide necessary assistance to students especially those from single-parent family to enable them overcome their emotional...
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...CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING INTRODUCTION In today's society, there are many different types of families. Some include intact, non-intact, and a variety of others. Along with these different varieties of families there is one common incident that can cause the family structure to change. Divorce is an unexpected event in a family's life. It is something that affects each member of a family at different times and in different ways. This can change this attachment style and can make a child have feelings of anger, bitterness and confusion, which can alter the child's ability to form meaningful relationships. This is one impact that can take on adolescents, after a parental separation. When separation occurs, it’s very typical for adolescents to be unhappy and want their parents to remain together. That unhappiness can translate into low self-esteem, behavioral problems, and a sense of loss. That’s in the short term. There are also longer term effects that can result from separation or divorce. These, though, certainly don’t apply to all adolescents from separated families. There is a tendency to perform to a lower standard in school, which can eventually mean that as adults they won’t have good jobs. It has been shown in prior studies that family structure is one of the factors that influence an adolescent's success. Parental separation is a stressful period for adolescents and involves a lot of adjustment. Parents are the most important and valued source...
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...THE IMPACT OF FAMILY STRUCTURE ON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE By Eweniyi, G. D (Ph.D.) Olabisi Onabamijo University, Ago-lwoye. Abstract This paper is a report of the study that examined the impact of family structure on the academic performance of university students. The sample for the study consisted of 240 students drawn from the six randomly selected faculties in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-lwoye. The adapted form of "Guidance and Counselling Achievement Grade Form" was used for data collection and the data collected were subjected to statistical analysis using the t-test statistical method. The three null hypotheses formulated were tested at .05 level of significance. The results showed that significant differences existed between the academic performance of students from single-parent family and those from two-parent family structures. The results also indicated significant differences in academic performance of male and female students compared on two types of family structures. On the basis of these findings, it was recommended that school counsellors should be employed in all schools and that they should provide necessary assistance to students especially those from single-parent family to enable them overcome their emotional concerns. Introduction Over the years, the investigations of the factors that influence academic performance of students have attracted the interest and concern of teachers, counsellors, psychologists, researchers and...
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... | There are a number of similarities and contrasts in the nature of the two case studies that we are about to study. There is a need of the understanding of the situation, evaluation of various factors that would have an effect on the outcome so a risk assessment is generally performed. Thus a basis is formed on the basis of which solution to a problem is to be found. Colleen is a broken home about whom we will be studying in the first case study. There is a traversal of several hardships and negative effects for a child who is brought up in a broken home especially when they are entrant to the age of a juvenile. There are several physical and mental changes when a child goes through his stage of teens is the possible analyzed reason. There is a transformation from teens to adults and their mentors become there parents who diversify their efforts to the right path. Over the years a constant delinquency has been witnessed through Colleen. The classic delinquent action at this age is running away from home. Poverty, delinquency, passing away of the parents, abusive home, feeblemindedness, and poverty are several reasons why a child may run away from home (Brown, 1992). And when these children make their way out of home they land up mixing up with criminals or people who are shady. So these children are taken away by undesirable and activities that are harmful. By injecting opiates into the blood stream these peddler people...
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