...Diversified Jute Product: EFG Bag Environment Friendly Garbage Bag (EFG Bag) EFG Bag is a lowest cost one time use jute bag for transporting garbage to the designated place of City Corporations/ Pourshavas by the household garbage collectors/ large scale garbage generators. Application of EFG Bag: Garbage disposal system of Dhaka city is very special due to mainly high rise building and the systems of City Corporations garbage collection systems. In Dhaka city, community based organizations, NGOs, small business entrepreneurs are involved in collecting household garbage from door to door with a open van. After collecting household garbage these micro-enterprise desegregate the garbage into two: biodegradable and recyclable. After that they keep the garbage in the designated place of the City Corporation open for collecting Corporations Cleanliness worker to be collected by their open/ closed truck. Besides, some micro-enterprises dump garbage directly at the garbage disposal place and collect money from the City Corporation. Moreover, City Corporation has also a plan to establish an incineration plant through using biodegradable garbage collected in this way. In this above perspective, the number of enterprises/ business entity involved is known by the City Corporation. So, it is possible to introduce EFG Bag to them and implement the decision of using EFG Bag for keeping the garbage at the designated place by them. Besides these organizations, big supermarkets...
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...$ %& .,& ', > - '! 0 + 7 7 2AL ' & R ; 6'! ,& )& 6 14 AQ ! )8 6 C ; : '! 0 ' F8-7 45 S; 9 7 ., L& "#! &7 ! 7 $!X ,9 , & V A< )W '7 V A< , ) #Y- 7 , )8 6 $ >& ', + , $!X * ) & C- $!X ,8 7 \ . ' F8-7 @ : [ ! + 7 2AL Z 40 .77 6 ) - ) & H8& Y - 7 ., - , $ >& ) ' F8-7 + ! $!X IC 7 CW )2 < , , + , " # $ %& ! - '( # + ,: )A0 7 7 2AL ' 7 ! @A ! - )&X - 7 2AL @ A Y, )] '! 0 7 %& F L ^ 45 + B _6 C- - V A< $ %& .77 6 + , ! -C b . ) & + , a H& ! - H4 B H F8-7 $ 6 7 A ) H ) '( # + $ >& O , F 7 ! " # $ %& ; ) & + , B " # $ %& '! 0 7 Hc 0 ) "5 & ', 7 !- 0 7 .7 ' d 8 & 2 & 82; 7 7( , & + , ! ?# ):- => # ) & =:>?/ 5 # 1+ 1+ K J MD)+ 5 K K J MD)+ 5 K !L !L !)< !)< 5.7D/ EFG 5+ 5.7D/ EFG 5+ C< EFG 5+ F N 4 $ + 14 / D J $ ' 3/ D J $ ' 3/ $ %&' $ %&' $ [ G G ;G C< C< # / HD 4 HD 4 !)< K >2 % [ RDZ C< I 1G+ I 1G+ G3+ H&J H&J EFG 5+ C< @ A C< N:2O/ 6+ 0 1 " < -3 7 -2 -3 R -4 6+ B::./ -5 - ./ B::3/ -1 1G 563' 5P 701 1 B::./ MD2Q+ =:+ G R G N:2O/ R7 TK : \ 8 ! ;A7 [ * 1 I *A7 – TK U ' - 0 > N:2O/ - MD2Q+ :K R 1 W1+ D;X B 1/ -6 J R 7 Z ' B 1/ -7 " 5+ K " 5+ X + 5+ JR7 B 1/ -8 R B 1/ -9 D2 5:!/ -10 B 1/ -11 B 1/ -12 Z ' -13 (aG DA: + ^ G+ C:)*/ B:+ / 8 `3/ + [ G $ %&' ! C< G 7 :7 MD2Q+ [ ! +R – !)< D J >: A>X D3 / +16+ +D!?+ $ ' 3/ $ %&' 2< $&+ ./ Z ') D J $ ' 3/ # J + Hc " R: D+ X + ^ G+ B:+ / 1d . D R 52Z + .1 1 D< 5'D + " < 1 "H ......................H 9:+ 5 1 ?A7 # Hc # ; A + + F+ 7 AJ ` + # .1 R -4 2: >/ $&:)O/ H DF 7 5.7D/ – A + 1:e /...
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...Τόμος ΙV, Τεύχος 8, ∆εκέμβριος 2009 ∆ιεύθυνση Οικονομικών Μελετών & Προβλέψεων Η κρίση του 2007-2009: τα αίτια, η αντιμετώπιση και οι προοπτικές Πρόλογος Τρύφων Κολλίντζας Καθηγητής Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών & Πρόεδρος & ∆ιευθύνων Σύμβουλος Attica Bank Μιχάλης Ψαλιδόπουλος Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών Νικόλαος Καραμούζης Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς & Αναπληρωτής ∆ιευθύνων Σύμβουλος Eurobank EFG Γκίκας Χαρδούβελης Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς, Chief Economist & Director of Research ghardouvelis@eurobank.gr Research@eurobank.gr Η διεθνής αλλά και η ελληνική οικονομία βρίσκονται σήμερα αντιμέτωπες με τη μεγαλύτερη ύφεση μετά το τέλος του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Η χρηματοοικονομική κρίση, που ξεκίνησε στην αγορά στεγαστικών δανείων χαμηλής εξασφάλισης (subprime mortgages) των ΗΠΑ το καλοκαίρι του 2007 μετατράπηκε ραγδαία σε κρίση του παγκόσμιου χρηματοπιστωτικού συστήματος και μεταφέρθηκε στην πραγματική οικονομία με ταχύ ρυθμό. Μια σειρά από γεγονότα, που μέχρι πριν από τρία χρόνια φάνταζαν απίθανο να συμβούν, οδήγησαν τους παγκόσμιους ρυθμούς ανάπτυξης σε απότομη πτώση και εκτόξευσαν την ανεργία και την ανασφάλεια στο σύνολο σχεδόν των χωρών. Καθώς η κρίση εκτυλίσσονταν, η ένταση και η έκτασή της αύξαναν συνεχώς, αναγκάζοντας κυβερνήσεις, κεντρικές τράπεζες, αναλυτές, επενδυτές, επιχειρηματίες και καταναλωτές να αναθεωρούν συνεχώς τις αντιλήψεις τους και τις προσδοκίες τους. Στην προσπάθεια άμεσης αντιμετώπισης...
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........................................... 3 Klassische Bauweisen ............................................................................................. 5 3.1 Reiterbauweise................................................................................................. 5 3.2 Monoblockguss ................................................................................................ 6 4 Aktuelle Entwicklungen ............................................................................................ 7 4.1 Der MicroGussTM Prozess ................................................................................ 7 4.2 Der HiweldTM Prozess ...................................................................................... 9 4.3 Die EFG-Formschlussbauweise..................................................................... 11 5 Weitere Bauweisen ................................................................................................ 13 5.1 Anschweißen der Becher ............................................................................... 13 5.2 Hooped Peltonrunner ..................................................................................... 15 5.3 Das FiberGussTM Konzept .............................................................................. 17 6 Literaturverzeichnis ................................................................................................ 18 2 305.011 SE...
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...the bank’s Credit committee and Management board. Exercising my own approval competences for approval of credit transactions. Mentoring junior professionals and trainees in the department. Raiffeisenbank AD, Bulgaria Corporate credit risk, Head of department Managed a credit risk department of 10 risk professionals responsible for the largest corporate credit risk exposures. Was a voting member of the bank’s credit committee with own approval authorities. Steering the credit committee meetings. Participated in risk related projects originated in head office improvement, Data Quality management, Regular risk reporting). Met National Supervisory in terms of IRB application status of the bank. (Rating model 06/2008 – 11/2008 EFG Eurobank AD, Bulgaria Credit risk management, Head of department Managed a department of 9 risk managers, Responsible for corporate and retail credit risk 08/2005 – 05/2008 Raiffeisenbank AD, Bulgaria Corporate credit risk, Risk manager/ Head of department Managing a team of 7 risk managers starting from 10/2007. Underwriting credit risk....
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...Explain the term “credit crunch” and how it has developed. Discuss the implications for UK Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This essay will look at explaining the term credit crunch, as to what it means and how it has been applied to within the global economy. More so the essay will cover how the credit crunch of 2007 has developed over time, with the key aspect of the US housing market developing to then impact other countries, such as the UK economy. The essay will discuss the implications on UK small and medium enterprises. One of the key issues which will be discussed as to the implication of the credit crunch, is the availability of finance to SMEs. More so other non direct aspects which have which act as implications will too be discussed. The credit crunch has been defined as a shortage of money or loans as well as other types of credit given by banks. In short the BBC defined the credit crunch as “a severe shortage of money or credit” BBC: Timeline: Credit crunch to downturn (2009) It describes the economic condition of an economy. In most situations, when an economy has been in a credit crunch, the economic condition of a country is unstable or also known as a financial crisis. As the Guardian states, “the current global financial crisis is commonly known as the credit crunch.” Kollewe (2008) Credit crunch’s can occur mostly when an economy is in a recession, a time when the economy is declining during which the there is fall in gross domestic product (GDP). ...
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...individual, partnership and corporate tax returns • Monthly bank reconciliations • Maintain individual, partnership and corporate financials • Prepare IRS forms 1099, 1096, 571-L and selected tax returns • Maintained company fixed assets, up to $100M and apply deprecation to assets • Close year end financials and open new year financials by reconciling retained earnings with tax returns • Efficient in inventory control, A/P, A/R, Loan Amortizations and payroll • Worked with controllers from various industries • Familiar with GAAP principles • Business Consulting • Trained my department on 571-L property taxes • Assist in annual worker’s comp and yearend inventory audits EFG, LLC CA October 2012-September 2014 My knowledge of the fundamentals of a business increase heavily through the tasks that were required to form this business, they are; • Business structure, trademark, company funding, insurance, contracts, employing, strategizing and accounting. HIJ, LLC, CA May 2001- May...
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...the original purpose of banks was to offer customers safe keeping for their money. By keeping physical cash at home or in a wallet, there are risks of loss due to theft and accidents, not to mention the loss of possible income from interest. With banks, consumers no longer need to keep large amounts of currency on hand; transactions can be handled with checks, debit cards or credit cards, instead. Commercial banks also make loans that individuals and businesses use to buy goods or expand business operations, which in turn leads to more deposited funds that make their way to banks. If banks can lend money at a higher interest rate than they have to pay for funds and operating costs, they make money. 2- Investment banks like ( Rasmala -EFG Hermes –EIB -….etc.) Investment bank is a financial intermediary that performs a variety of services for businesses and some governments. These services include underwriting debt and equity offerings, acting as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public, making markets, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations, and acting as a broker for institutional clients. They may also provide research and financial advisory services to companies. As a general rule,...
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...and check each functionality of the system according to approved plans. • Redesigning the club house and altering it into a favorable social hub. • Introduce benefits and facilities for the club members. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Name Role Position Contact Information George Matthews Sponser Chairman geomatt@gagc.com Daniel Project Manager Manager daniel21@gagc.com abc Manages accounts Finance Director daniel21@gagc.com And finance team Efg Marketing & Communications Marketing Manager daniel21@gagc.com Hij Responsible for Clubhouse House Manager daniel21@gagc.com Lmn Responsible for golf operations Golf Operation Coordinator lmn@gagc.com opq Managing Development Team Technical Director opq@gagc.com Ccccxz Gather requirements for Business Analyst ccxz@gagc.com Product enhancement hvjhhj Manages support Team System Administrator...
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...Ivvre edfwf wefew de wef wef wf wf wef weef efg efgg erf erf erf sf wf ef 3f wd wdw edew The Hotel and Restaurant Management Academy prepares students for ... While no specific courses are required as prerequisites, students should seek hospitality work... Take Year One and Year Two Hospitality and Tourism Management ... Center forHospitality and Culinary Studies, seniors enrolled in Management and The Hotel and Restaurant Management Academy prepares students for ... While no specific courses are required as prerequisites, students should seek hospitality work... Take Year One and Year Two Hospitality and Tourism Management ... Center forHospitality and Culinary Studies, seniors enrolled in Management and The Hotel and Restaurant Management Academy prepares students for ... While no specific courses are required as prerequisites, students should seek hospitality work... Take Year One and Year Two Hospitality and Tourism Management ... Center forHospitality and Culinary Studies, seniors enrolled in Management and The Hotel and Restaurant Management Academy prepares students for ... While no specific courses are required as prerequisites, students should seek hospitality work... Take Year One and Year Two Hospitality and Tourism Management ... Center forHospitality and Culinary Studies, seniors enrolled in Management and The Hotel and Restaurant Management Academy prepares students for ... While no specific courses are required as prerequisites, students should seek hospitality...
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...On the first day she was alone, not knowing that the others were meeting up beforehand so they would have the police protecting them through the mob.(HIJ) She tried to enter the school several times, but was blocked off by the Arkansas National Guard, ordered by Governor Orval Faubus.(IJK) She thought that the Arkansas National Guard were for her protection and states, “I thought that he had done this to insure the protection of all the students.”(EFG) She was alone in the angry mob, that included student, men, and women, screaming, “Two, four, six, eight, we ain’t gonna integrate.”(CDE) She stopped trying to reach the school, and went to the other side of the bus stop to her mother's’...
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...Skype asil1712 Sex Male | Date of birth 17 June 1991 | Nationality WORK EXPERIENCE 01 June 2013–01 November 2013 Global Partnership Associate Mezun Group A.Ş., İstanbul (Turkey) Sales Client Success Pre-Sales Marketing Preparationn 01 October 2012–01 June 2013 Business Development Associate Warrington Education Consultancy Services, İstanbul (Turkey) Active Role on establishing the company Market Research for exportation Negotiations with producer company and delivering price offers Consultancy to the both importer and exporter companies 01 July 2012–10 October 2012 Global Network Banking Intern Deutsche Bank, İstanbul (Turkey) Company Researches Preparing Credibility Reports 01 June 2012–01 August 2012 Finance Intern EFG Leasing, İstanbul (Turkey) Sales Support Insurance support for leased goods Preparing Payment Schedule Treasure Planning Support 01 October 2011–01 June 2012 Part time Bluechip Incentive Travel, İstanbul (Turkey) Hosting VIP and foreign guests Organization preparation 10 January 2012–10 March 2012 Intern İstanbul Chamber of Commerce-Economic and Social Researches Department Tax Research(Advertisement Taxes,Municipal Taxes) Sector Commitee Meetings Documentation EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01 September 2009–Present University Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul (Turkey) Economical and Administrative Sciences Faculty Management 01 October 2011–Present Open University Anadolu Üniversitesi, Economics Faculty Economics 01...
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...moment. That bond is more precious than anything in the world, which is why every mother tries to have her children as close to her as she can. Every mother loves her child. They can argue, discuss intensely, the can even fight, but at the end of the day, a mother will always love her child. Because of the love, a mother has for her child; it is hard for her to let go. Some will tell their children how they feel, and some will just what do they think is the right thing for the child and hope that the child will understand. Motherly love is a topic we find in the short story “Where the Gods Fly”, written in 2012 by Jean Kwok. The short story is from the anthology “The Shortlist” which was one of the short stories that won The Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award in 2012. Briefly, the short story is about a mother: fearful that she may be losing touch with her, and that she may be losing all that is inherent in her culture. A Chinese mother takes the drastic step of removing her daughter from ballet school. This paper contains an analysis and interpretation where part of the paper focuses on the structure of the story and the use of contrasts. The mother in the short story narrates the story, which means, the point of view in the short story is a limited omniscient first person point of view, because the narrator participates in the action of the story and is one of the characters in the short story, and limited omniscient because the narrator is limited to one characters...
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...Structured Finance RMBS/Greece Performance Report Analysts Aksel Etingü +44 20 7682 7135 aksel.etingu@fitchratings.com Peter Dossett +44 20 7862 4027 peter.dossett@fitcharatings.com Spyros Michas +44 20 7070 5801 spyros.michas@fitchratings.com Greek RMBS Performance Bulletin 2008 n Summary In this performance report, Fitch Ratings present an overview of the performance of Greek RMBS transactions. To date, Fitch Ratings has provided a rating to all Greek RMBS transactions that have been issued. In 2007, the number of new issuances was half of 2006; nevertheless the issuance volume was still high due to larger transaction sizes. In February 2008, EFG Eurobank launched the fifth transaction of the Themeleion series. Overall, the outstanding size of the Greek RMBS market has grown steadily, with new transactions coming to the market and no transactions having yet redeemed. Contents Summary ..........................................1 Performance Overview......................2 Greece – Market Overview................5 Appendix 1: Comparison Charts......10 Appendix 2: Credit Cover Methodology...................................11 Appendix 3: Transaction Details......12 Issuance Volume of Greek RMBS Issuance amount (LHS) Number (RHS) (EURbn) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 (No.) 5 4 3 2 1 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Related Research The following ...
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...IDEA ON PAPER Smart Village Cairo, conceived by smart minds, followed by extensive studies and research that took place from 1999 to 2001 turned this idea to a real life successful project, the first phase was inaugurated by President Mubarak in September 2003. Benefiting from Egypt’s unique geo-strategic location, located in the northeast corner of the African continent, Egypt shares its boundary with the Mediterranean Sea in the North and the Red Sea in the East, acting as a point of intersection between Africa, Europe and Asia. Egypt is a major Economic player in the Middle East and Africa. The Egyptian Government together with the Private Sector initiated an ambitious modernization plan where its capital of human competencies is set as a first priority. Smart Villages Company is one of the major successful Egyptian Private Public Partnership (PPP) projects, in Egypt. Since its founding in 2001, the Smart Villages Company had a major plan to position Smart Village Cairo among the world’s most competent Business Parks A PRIME PARK IN A PRIME LOCATION Smart Village Cairo is located in Cairo’s west suburb and stands as Egypt’s prime Communication and Information Technology (CIT) Cluster and Business Park. Spread over 3 million square meters, the business park is hosting Multinational and Local Companies sharing the ground with Governmental Authorities and Organizations, Financial Authorities and Institutions, Educational Institutions and Research & Development Centers that share...
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