Demographic Changes The united states is a rapidly growing "melting pot" of cultures and diversity, but over the past decade it has exploded into a nation with ever changing diversity, a widening wealth gap, and a ever increasing age gap. Immigration has always been a part of America's history, but the consistency of incoming cultures and the diversity they offer is always changing. In the 1950's Europeans made up half of the immigrant coming into the United States, while Asians brought in only 6%. Only forty years later immigration shifted the diversity of the land with more Asian immigrants than Europeans, as well as 4.3 million Mexican immigrants, and 1.4 Philippines, just to name a few ( Immigration has affected the diversity of our church in the same way it has America. Today the church has welcomed people from all over the world, Madrid, California, New Zeeland and so on. Only fifteen years ago ninety-five percent of followers were Missouri residence but, with all the new additions, residence have become the minority in this Missouri based church. Not only has the diversity of the land changed but, a widening wealth gap has hit every age group, striking the 65 and older age group the hardest. Over the past twenty years the wealth gap between the 35-44 age group has steadily grown by 21% and will soon take the lead among all age group gaps (Martel, 2013). Judy Martel from describes contributors to wealth as gains in the stock market and home equity (2013). Since our resent recession a lot of people have lost their stock market and home equity gains and have had a very hard time earning them back, especially in the housing market. A lot of our Missouri residents were affected by the recession and do not make much more than minimum wage, but there has been many new members who have come from all over the world, most of