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Eggs Sperm and Hormones


Submitted By albieg4
Words 577
Pages 3
Sperm is produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes and are stored in the epididymis. (t From the epididymis the sperm travel along the vas deferens. Sperm then continue along the vas deferens and pass by the seminal vesicle and prostate where fluids are added. Eventually this mixture reaches the urethra, passing by Cowper's gland where more fluids are added, to be ejaculated out of the penis as semen. The fluids come from the prostate gland, and the seminal vesicle. Its purpose is to act as a transported for the sperm. It provides the sperm a way to move throughout the vagina.
The Ovarian cycle takes place in the ovaries. It is the normal cycle that includes development of an ovarian follicle, rupture of the follicle, discharge of the ovum, and formation and regression of a corpus luteum. The uterine cycle is the building up and breaking down of the uterine lining or menstruation. The ovarian cycle happens first about a week or so before uterine cycle. The ovarian cycle happens first and if the egg is not fertilized by a sperm, then a week or so later the ovarian cycle, or menstruation happens. LH causes secretion of testosterone and other androgens by the interstitial cells. FSH stimulates the production of sperm. Testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues like the testis and prostate. It also promotes secondary sexual characteristics like increased muscle, bone mass, and the growth of body hair. LH levels rise during ovulation. This causes the egg in the ovary to complete Meiosis I. About two weeks later, LH levels rise; this sudden rise in LH triggers ovulation. FSH stimulates the follicle to secrete the hormone estrogen. It also helps regulate the menstrual cycle. Estrogen causes the uterine lining to thicken during the menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy. It stimulates the growth of breast tissue and helps maintains blood flow to the vagina. The main function of progesterone is to stimulate the growth of a cushion lining in the uterus where the fertilized egg can grow into a baby and help the breasts produce milk.
The placenta is vital in the nutrition of the fetus. It mediates the active transport of nutrients and metabolic wastes across the barrier separating maternal and fetal compartments. The function of the placenta is necessary for the growth of a healthy fetus. The umbilical cord is the connection between baby and mother. The placenta is the area in a pregnant woman's uterus that is the site of exchange of wastes and nutrients between mother and child.
If you have two dominant alleles, the dominant allele will be expressed. If you have one dominant allele and one recessive allele, then the dominant allele will still be expressed. If you have two recessive alleles, then the recessive will be expressed. sex-linked inheritance is the inheritance of genes located on gender-determinating chromosomes(X and Y). There are many other not sex related genes that are on the X chromosome but not on the Y. So if you are a male, any sex-linked trait you have must have been given to you by your mother, since your father can only give you a Y.



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