...2003). Experts estimate the number of older adults who are mistreated annually at more than two million (Swagerty, 1999, p.2804). A U.S. National Elder Abuse Incidence Study confirmed that reported elder abuse cases are only the "tip of the iceberg" (National Center on Elder Abuse, 2003). The study also shown that two-thirds of the offenders were adult children or spouses. Additionally, elders are being abused in nursing homes, hospitals, or other institutions; in one study, 36 percent of nursing home staff stated that they had witnessed at least one physical abuse incident with an elderly patient (Nelson, 2002). Clearly, elder mistreatment or abuse of the elderly is a growing social occurrence. Unfortunately, our elder population is considered to be easy targets because they are perceived to be fragile and defenseless. Elder abuse is defined as representing all types of abusive behavior or mistreatment toward an older adult; this includes acts that are intentional or unintentional. Abuse takes many forms ranging from financial exploitation, scams, physical acts of violence, along with neglect and psychological abuse. There is no common pattern of elder abuse, acts can be performed by random strangers, to...
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...against the elderly in socially organized and disorganized communities Table of Contents Introduction 4 Defining Elderly Abuse 7 Traditional Societies 8 The length of the problem 9 Institutional Settings 9 Risk factor for Elder Abuse 10 Individual factors 10 Factors of Relationship 11 Factors of Community and Society 12 The result of elder abuse 14 Domestic Settings 14 Treatment in institutions 14 Preventing Elder Abuse 15 Feedback from national level 16 Responses from local people 18 Social Service 19 Health Care 20 Legal Proceeding 21 Campaign to generate public awareness 22 Recommendations 23 Greater Knowledge 23 Causes of the abuse 24 Impact of abuse 24 Evaluating the process 24 Stringent laws 24 Basic Rights for Elders 25 Traditions 25 Other preventive measures 26 Conclusion 27 Reference 28 Introduction The history of elderly abuse is not a very new phenomenon. It can be traced back from a very early age if we flip through the sociological status of yesteryear. However with the passage of time and further defining a goal to reform child abuse and domestic violence, the objective of elderly abuse has also been considered in the agenda. Unlike other form violence, the elderly violence has come into limelight with the progress of public health and criminal justice. The issue of these two forms has paved a way to view, analyse and curb the issue on violence towards senior citizens of a society. This paper will focus...
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...Elder Abuse in Residential Care Facilities Elder abuse is a catch all term referring to any deliberate or negligent act by a care giver or any other individual that results in harm or a major risk of harm to a vulnerable adult over the age of 60 years (Stefanacci & Haimowitz, 2013, p. 68). Under the umbrella definition for elder abuse, more specific types of abuse can be identified such physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, exploitation, neglect and abandonment (Stefanacci & Haimowitz, 2013, p. 68). The physical abuse refers to the infliction, or threat to inflict, physical harm onto an elderly individual or the deprivation of their basic needs. Sexual abuse is defined as any form of nonconsensual sexual contact. Exploitation refers to the illegal misuse, theft, or concealment of an elderly individual’s funds, assets, or property. Neglect is the failure or refusal of a formal or informal caregiver to supply the vulnerable elder in their care with shelter, food, health care, or protection. Abandonment refers to the desertion of the vulnerable elder by either a legal custodian or anyone who has assumed responsibility for their care (Stefanacci & Haimowitz, 2013, p. 68). Residential care facilities (RCFs) have a multitude of different names across the Unites States but are most commonly referred to as assisted living facilities (ALFs), adult congregate living facilities, domiciliary care homes, and shelter care homes. Since the mid 1990’s, RCFs have made up one...
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...of research of how the families of the clients like the environment that their families live, but not a great deal on how the actual client feels about the environment. The key factor to this is that many of them no longer have the ability to communicate logically, and coherently with researchers/care...
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...Elderly Care Ethical issue Paper Oshein Robinson Abstract When we are talking about the word neglect or abuse it is usually associated with woman, children and or animals. We forget to think about elderly abuse, which is overlooked because there is plenty of elderly who can look after themselves and still be a valuable part of society, but we forget the ones who are not capable of that. This paper is about raising concern about the ethical issues of elderly being abused and mistreated. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Physical Abuse 5 PYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE 6 neglect & Financial ABUSE 6 Sexual abuse 6 scope of the problem 7 SOLUTION 8 Conclusion 8 Citations 10 Introduction Elder Abuse is any form of mistreatment that results in harm or loss to an older person, elder abuse can be divided into the categories of physical abuse which is physical force that results in any bodily injury or pain this can be assault battery, and inappropriate restraint. Psychological and or emotional abuse which is tearing down their self-esteem, and belittling them. Neglect which is just providing the necessities for everyday living such as food, shelter, health care or protection. Sexual abuse can also be elder abuse it is still non-consensual. Last there is exploitation which is illegal taking of senior benefits. Each year hundreds up to thousands of elders are abused, and neglected for many victims they cannot help themselves since they are older and frail. In...
Words: 1982 - Pages: 8
...Assignment 4, Part 1: Research Project Draft Submission Clarissa Ensley Instructor: Timothy P. Kelly CRJ 105: Crime & Criminal Behavior August 25, 2013 Elder abuse is a serious problem in this country and around the world. The National Center for Victims of Crime (2008) reports: “In the United States, there are presently about 39 million individuals over the age of 65; the U.S. Census Bureau projects that more than 62 million Americans will be 65 or older in 2025.” In a current report, the U. S. Census Bureau (2010) reports, “Between 2010 and 2050, the United States is projected to experience rapid growth in its older population. In 2050, the number of Americans aged 65 and older is projected to be 88.5 million, more than double its projected population of 40.2 million in 2010.” Harvey (2008) concurs, he advises that by the year 2030, persons over sixty-five will reach eighty-five million; eight million will be over the age of eighty-five. Harvey goes on to mention, “The minority elderly may face more serious problems than the white elderly because they are sometimes less able to advocate for themselves because of cultural, language, or education barriers.” This data suggests that as the population of elderly continues to grow, so will the possibility of incidents of abuse. In a domestic environment, abuse of the elderly comes at the hands of their caretakers; this is commonly a family member. Reports of elder abuse are often met with disbelief. People do not...
Words: 1919 - Pages: 8
...Literature Review: ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Elderly Care Introduction: Approximately 90% of people who take advantage of the elderly are their own family members. Elder abuse has a negative impact on the victimized elders worldwide. It is defined as intentional actions that cause harm or create a serious risk of harm (whether or not harm is intended) to a vulnerable elder by a caregiver or other person who stands in a trust relationship to the elder. This includes failure by a caregiver to satisfy the elder’s basic needs or to protect the elder from harm (Bonnie, R, & Wallace, R Eds., 2003). Although there is a lack of statistical information of elder abuse, there are sources that provide proof that elder abuse is a bigger issue than people perceive it to be. It can occur in many forms such as physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse. In this paper, the question being investigated is “How knowledgeable are Barbadians on the effects of elder abuse?” The following literature reviews attempts to answer this question. Review of Findings: Each literature piece that has been reviewed pointed out that elder abuse is a major issue and is a topic that is given little recognition or response. According to Penny Bain and Charmaine Spencer, 2014, about 80% of abuse or neglect of older adults is hidden or goes undetected in Canada. Only about one in five cases of abuse come to the attention...
Words: 1065 - Pages: 5
...Abstract E-government is increasingly becoming a fundamental tool for enhancing public administration. This paper discusses e-government’s implications on public policy formulation and implementation in Kenya. In addition, the challenges of adopting technology and organizational change are examined. Research conducted outside Sub-Saharan Africa showed that information and communication technologies (ICTs) have the potential to enhance efficiency, policy effectiveness, citizens’ participation, and democratic values. Based on the concept of democratic values, the paper explores how e-government impacts the political agenda, rule making, and public service delivery. The central argument is that e-government is not only a tool or platform that enhances delivery of public services but also has the potential to reform the way policies are formulated and implemented in terms of efficiency, accountability, transparency, and citizens’ participation. The Key findings show that the Kenyan government has failed in disseminating information about e-government, sensitizing Kenyans on how to make use of technology to access government services, and providing incentives to encourage use of technology. Hence despite the advantages touted globally for implementing e-government, literature showed no evidence that any of the Kenyan e-government’s objectives: enhancing delivery of public services, improving information flow to citizens, promoting productivity among public servants, and encouraging...
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...Social inequality has been existent in almost every civilization in some form or another. People tend to divide themselves into “us” versus “them,” the latter facing exclusion and discrimination. Social change comes in waves. In Judith Herman’s Trauma and Recovery, she describes three main movements that changed public perception: the emergence of research on hysteria, the study of combat neurosis, and the awareness of domestic and sexual violence. She describes the public enlightening process, “The systematic study psychological trauma therefore depends on the support of a political movement” (citation). Each generation brings pressing issues into the public consciousness; however, without the political backing, many forms of trauma go unnoticed...
Words: 887 - Pages: 4
...Abuse 4. Victims of domestic Violence 4.1 Women and Violence 4.1.1 Women as Victims 5. Men as Victims 6. Children as Victims 6.1 Major types of child Abuse and Neglect 6.1.1 Children Physical Abuse 6.1.2 Children Neglect 6.1.3 Children Sexual Abuse 6.1.4 Children emotional Abuse 7. Crime and the Elderly 8. Conclusion 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 2 9. Bibliography 9 3 1.Introduction The paper seeks provide an understanding into how members of the family can be violated by their own members ,how they can be affected by such violation in their different forms. It highlights members of the family that experience violence as both men and women, the elderly and children and how each of them are impacted by the violence. As Doerner and lab (2012:206) states, it is common for one to think of crime and criminals as people not related to the victim. In actuality ,however, one is more likely to be killed or beaten by a person they know than a total stranger. This renders domestic Violence a hidden problem(Daves:1994)as it often takes place in private, behind closed doors, where no one can see the physical affliction or hear the anguished pleas for help. This paper will seek definition of key concepts such as Domestic Violence, who the victims are and how they experience the various forms of violence. 2. Definition of Key concepts 2.1 Domestic Violence The term ‘domestic violence’ is...
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...take care of the elderly. The cost for care has gone up also, making more families opt to keep their loved ones at home instead of sending them to the nursing homes. The fear of elder abuse is higher now because of the cost rise in elder care. Nursing homes are being frowned upon because they do not have enough staff to properly take care of the patients they have. This presents a big problem for society because either choice, nursing homes or in home care can have a negative outcome for our elderly. Abuse is happening more often because we were not prepared in advance to take care of this jump in patients. This paper will look at this issue from a utilitarianism point of view as well as an emotivism point of view. From a utilitarianism point of view the best way to fix this problem would be for more people to pay attention to the elderly. Everyone working together to fix this issue would be the best route. Leaving it to only a few people is not going to work. Laws have been passed and yet we still have elder abuse going on. For the elderly that are being taken care of in their homes there should be more than one family member taking care of the person when at all possible. Each family member could take turns so that no one person gets over loaded and stressed out. That would keep them from taking it out on the elder family member. In a commentary in the Los Angeles Sentinel Meyer (2004) wrote "Elder Abuse is the mistreatment of an elderly person by someone...
Words: 2670 - Pages: 11
...University of West London 1 Theoretical Assessment Submission by TurnItin NOTE TO ALL STUDENTS: Please complete section 1 of this form as indicated. Please ensure that all relevant boxes are completed, otherwise assignments cannot be processed efficiently. Section 1 (Student to complete) Please type clearly in the boxes provided |Assignment Title | |Protection of Vulnerable people | | | |2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
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...Current Health Care Issues Paper Tiara Johnson HCS/545 September 17, 2012 Shawna Butler Current Health Care Issues Paper Introduction Know for its reputation in the field of research and medical technology, the United States give the impression that its health care system has some gold standards or status on the international scale. While thousand of Americans are medical issues that affects the health care arena. These issues have results in a gap in quality of care, allegations of fraud, cultural issues, patient abuse, or neglect. A recent research has show the number of patients victims in the health care arena is considerable such kinds of new laws should be contemplated. Heath system in many countries is influenced by social and economic structure that determines the quality of care provided to each individual. According to Lambert, almost every poll showed that a majority of American are insured and appear to be happy with their health insurance to a large extent, “The bill still passed”. This paper analyzes how quality of care is affected by organizational, culture, structure, governance, and social responsibility. Health news situation Brook Dale hospital, a hospital located in Brooklyn, New York, has been the subject of media scandal in November 2007. The scandal began when a hold man, black, 70 years old came to the emergency room alone for a pathology dominated by: dull pain near the navel or the upper abdomen (right ileac fossa), loss of appetite...
Words: 1414 - Pages: 6
...Investigating age differences effect on emotion detection for the over and under forties using Baron Cohen's “Eyes Test” (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright & Hill, 2001) Abstract: This research focuses on the area of emotion detection in psychology. Independent variables being tested is the participants’ age [over and under 40 years of age]. Dependent variables being tested is participants’ scores in the eyes test. Participants were picked from a convenience sample with a large sum selected from adults attending Buckingham University Previous research suggests that there is a steady decline in emotion detection from a young age into elderly age. The key prediction is that under 40s will score better on the eyes test revised for adults than the over 40s. Results yielded no difference in emotion detection via the eyes test revised for adults between the over and under 40s. Introduction: Theory of mind, which is the ability to relate independent mental states to self and others to predict and or explain behavior, has long been researched since 1983 by Wimmer and Perner (1983). Since then their methods have been improved and altered in order to better understand theory of mind. Initially Baron–Cohen and colleagues (1985) simplified the test procedure from Wimmer’s (1983) research, then once more in 2001 where issues with data collection, number of items and responses in the test were all addressed. The revised eyes test for adults consisted of each participant identifying the gender...
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...| Divided Cities | 5/18/2013 ‘Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a man’. -LEON TROTSKY Life cycle changes over time as a person grows old. He passes through different phases of life and gets opportunity to experience changing situations in life. There come situations when a person feels fortunate to have a great life whereas, all the same, situation arrives when a person is made to have worst experiences of life. He is made to feel alone, socially isolated or segregated in the society. Sometimes, there comes a situation, when the houses, which were typically considered to be large and spacious, motivate its residents to consider other housing options. My research, basically revolves around the people who choose to live in old homes. My research question is based upon their perspective about this residential segregation and the bonds they have developed within themselves in the old house. I also tend to disucuss the reasons behind choosing such an institutional living. Literature review. Old age segregation is highly debatable topic and a lot of literature is existing which highlights different perspectives of such segregation. TIME TO MOVE?A LITERATURE REVIEW OF HOUSING FOR OLDER PEOPLE by franceska Richard and Gill Walker, looks into the social context of housing for aged ones. It covers the demographic material, facts about social framework of housing for older people. This includes a review of demographic information, evidence...
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