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Electricity Generation by Hybrid Biomass Power Plant from Waste for Bangladesh


Submitted By king143
Words 4095
Pages 17
Electricity Generation by Hybrid Biomass Power Plant From Waste For Bangladesh

Md. Rakibul Islam Monshy Department of Electric Engineering & Computer Science North South University, Dhaka

Abstract- Hybrid renewable Biomass Power is becoming popular for remote area power generation applications due to advances in renewable energy technologies and subsequent rise in prices of petroleum products. A hybrid energy system usually consists of two or more renewable energy sources used together to provide increased system efficiency as well as greater balance in energy supply. Hybrid renewable energy systems is one of the most promising applications of renewable energy technologies in remote areas, where the cost of grid extension is prohibitive and the price of fossil fuels increase drastically with the remoteness of the location. It has been demonstrated that hybrid energy systems can significantly reduce the total life-cycle cost of stand-alone power supplies in many situations, while at the same time providing a more reliable supply of electricity through the combination of energy sources. Applications of hybrid systems range from small power supplies for remote households providing electricity for lighting or water pumping and water supply to village electrification for remote communities. Mixed combinations of renewable energy systems

are also possible, that is applications where different renewable energy technologies are applied in one location without the systems being necessarily interconnected in one electricity grid. Although a range of hybrid system configurations are possible what we have learned so far is that the choice must suit the community considered. Also the problem of energy storage could be addressed by the use of a hydrogen subsystem, which is an alternative to diesel generators as a backup and can help to reduce dramatically the size of the

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