We, the German IV students of West Bend East High School wish to apply for a $1,610.40 WBPSF Imagination Grant to fund the purchase of a new Elkay water bottle filling station for the West Bend High Schools. We have deemed this improvement necessary as an instrument to promote healthy habits while also providing convenience and efficiency. The locations of the current water bottle filling stations are on opposite sides of the school, exclusively on the first floor, which poses an inconvenience for students and faculty while on the second floor. A new water bottle filler will also promote sustainability and student health through a decreased use of plastic bottles, a filtering system to purify the drinking water, and a gauge to illustrate just how much plastic waste the West Bend High Schools will be avoiding. The benefit and necessity of this grant surrounds sustainability, convenience, and efficiency, all ideas that we hope to promote throughout our school.…show more content… For example, the preexisting water fountains within the school that lack the bottle-filling feature prove inefficient when used to fill water bottles.The bottle filling feature consequently requires less time to fill up, indirectly promoting more classroom immersion for both students and faculty. The filter present within the system also allows for cleaner drinking water, therefore healthier students, and better-tasting water, resulting in an increased consumption of water. According to BBC News, students who regularly stay hydrated score, on average, five percent higher than those who do not. In order for the brain to maintain its delicate homeostasis, a sufficient amount of water must be consumed. By providing the funds for a new Elkay water bottle filling station you could partake in promoting not only efficiency and sustainability but the increased productivity of students throughout the