Premium Essay



Submitted By avithosar07
Words 283
Pages 2
• You can carry a mobile phone with you so you don't miss important calls
• If you are lost, you can call for directions.
• If you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident.
• You can listen to music, text, play games when you're bored.
• Most mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book.
• You can use a mobile phone to call your customers or boss if you are running late to a meeting.
• You can surf Internet & Connect with the whole world by Mobile.
• You can chat & video conference.
• Keep in touch with friends and family
• Good for emergencies
• Employees can keep in touch at all times.
• Customers can contact staff 24/7
• Phones have internet connection
• More work available
• They have cameras
• You can check your emails
• Can be used worldwide
• It can fit in your pocket.

• Mobile phones can be expensive
• They can damage your ear
• Sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity (you can't talk underground or on planes).
• People use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems.
• They can limit your face to face time with friends and family
• They can get you in trouble at school
• Can be expensive
• Can be hard to find the right package
• Can ruin the connection to the computer.
• Staff can abuse their phones if they have internet connection
• Can be hard for older people to use.
• Because of their smaller size, they can be easy to lose.
Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the

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