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Embryonic Stem Cells In The Body

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Some may ask, what are stem cells? Stem cells have the remarkable ability to possibly develop into numerous different cell types in the body, not only during the early stages of life but throughout the growth of the body as well. Along with that, stem cells can serve as an internal repair system in certain body tissues. A unique factor of stem cells is that when they divide each newly formed cell can potentially reform into a new type of specialized cell such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, etc. By doing this, the body can become stronger or gain back important cells that it has lost. Another unique characteristic of stem cells is that under certain physiological conditions they can be induced a tissue or organ specified cell with special …show more content…
Embryonic stem cells are specifically acquired from eggs which have been fertilized through in vitro fertilization. Embryonic stem cells are grown in laboratories using a thorough procedure called cell culture. Through this system the human embryonic stem cells are initially secluded by removing the inner cell mass into a plastic culture dish, which contains a certain nutrient medium that is called the culture medium. While being kept at an appropriate temperature, as well as humidity, the stem cells are able to divide and spread throughout the surface of the dish. At random periods of the generation process the cells are tested to determine whether or not they display the fundamental characteristics which classify them embryonic stem cells This reoccurring system is called "characterization." When they are finally read, the undifferentiated embryonic stem cells are then distinguished into the desired type of cells. Mice embryonic stem cells are also used for research along with the human embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can develop into countless different cell types, totaling in over two hundred possible types. Under specified conditions embryonic stem cells are capable of propagating themselves indefinitely. Because of their limited capacity for self- renewal, embryonic stem cells can be used for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after and injury or …show more content…
Many people argue over the morals between the need for unique healing system of the stem cells versus the value of human life, being that in order to obtain embryonic stem cells the early embryo must be destroyed. Many people define the early exists of life in different ways, therefore the reason of arguments over ethics, and whether using embryonic stem cells if just. Those who believe it to be inhumane see that the embryo, yet tiny, is still a living human being. Many different countries have gone through with regulating the process of stem cell research, while others don't quite approve. Research by Lisa C. Ikemoto (2014) reveals, that controversy over the moral status of in vitro embryos, scientific misconduct by researcher Woo Suk Hwang, and the discovery that induced pluripotent stem cells could be produced from somatic cells shifted energy to research on somatic cells (Ikemoto, 2014). But with that being said, over time astonishing discoveries have been made by several states, possibly overturning the ethical argument. One particular breakthrough was in 2013 and 2014, in which the addition of individual's genes to the pluripotent stem cells may very well lead to the creation of individually personalized tissue repair replacement, rather than the same type of treatment for several

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